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Fri Jun 1st, 2012 @ 9:26pm

Captain qeraQ'

Name qeraQ'

Position Diplomatic Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Klingon
Age 48

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 10"
Weight 320 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Tall and powerfully Klingon male with touches of grey in hair and beard. A prominent scar runs down the left cheek – a result of an argument with a plasma conduit during battle. Lost his left arm during battle.


Spouse B'trana (deceased)
Father Durang – Son of Qorus – House of Durel
Mother Deqla'

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses A technically minded Klingon is an unusual being, but qeraQ' uses this to his advantage. His engineering background alongside his thirst for battle and honour gives him a cunning streak that he uses to his enemies disadvantage. His domineering personality often makes him naive to some of the subtleties of human relationships and this often leads to him treading roughly over a delicate situation. This same personality, however, means that he is the perfect leader in a crisis – he will take over the room and make sure that whatever needs to happen gets done.
Ambitions In his younger year’s qeraQ’ wanted only to live and understand how things worked. Living through two wars and the loss of his wife in tragic circumstances has made life far more complicated. He wants to find peace with himself again, and to find his place in the universe again. How that is achieved, however, is something that he is still trying to work out.
Hobbies & Interests Like most Klingons qeraQ’ enjoys studying armed and unarmed combat and putting his skills to practice. Since losing his arm he has focussed more on perfecting his mek’leth fighting and in discovering fun things to do with a dahk’tag. In his lighter days he had a great love of practical jokes, and on numerous occasions scared the fighter contingent at Marine Base Heywood with “surprises” in the engine compartment of their fighters. Recently he has begun a more spiritual journey, trying to find forgiveness through meditation - something that more often than not ends with flying furniture.

Personal History Coming from a small house with only minor influence on the high council, qeraQ’ always had to fight to achieve the things he dreamt of. As a child he was often ridiculed for enjoying playing with mechanical things instead of with weapons or going hunting with his peers. This focus, however, meant that he soon rose up the ranks of the Klingon Defence Force and gained the attention of some powerful allies – after all honour cannot be gained unless the engines are functioning and power is getting to the disrupters. Following officer training, where he quickly caught up on his combat skills, qeraQ’ joined the IKS HoSghaj.

This B’rel class bird of prey was a temperamental beast and was underpowered for the weapons it had on board. During a mission to locate a stolen Cloaking device a surprise and unannounced attack by Ferengi pilots, who had purchased the missing device, caused the engines to cut out and stall. While trying to restart them qeraQ’ was injured by a stray plasma conduit – giving him the distinctive scar down his left cheek that became his trademark in later years. Safe to say the engine was repaired and the Ferengi swiftly dispatched for the Glory of the Empire.

The HoS’ghaj was destroyed in 2372 during the invasion of Cardassia Prime, and after a year of waiting on Qo’noS the opportunity to serve on the newer, more powerful Vor’Cha class of ships could not be turned down. qeraQ’ joined the Qaw’wI’ as its engineering officer in 2373 and immediately saw action during the Dominion War, serving with distinction in numerous battles. It was during the conflict that he first met his mate B’Trana during a lull in fighting around the front lines. During a stay on a Federation outpost he met her while drinking with his crew. She challenged him to a head butting contest – which resulted in her receiving medical treatment for a broken nose and him waking up bruised in a holding cell. There was no time to follow up this obvious flirtation, however, and qeraQ’ returned to the Qaw’wI’.

Following the Dominion War it was felt that the close bonds that were created between Starfleet and the Klingon Defence force needed to be maintained and bolstered. An exchange programme was set up, and, given his background in engineering, it was felt that qeraQ’ would be ideal on board Marine Base Avenger. He joined the station – unique in its ability to achieve warp speeds using Krieger Wave generators and a lot of nerve, as Chief Engineer in 2376. Serving under another Klingon Kimleh Kagh, who had been brought in by Starfleet to help bolster the Marine Force on the station. The pioneering station was unfortunately lost in action during 2380. With both combat experience as a Starfleet Marine, and the knowledge of station operations from his role as Chief Engineer. He was assigned to the position of Operations Officer on Avenger’s replacement, the Heywood. He was later promoted to Executive Officer and given the rank of Brigadier General.

The Klingon Defence Force decided that it needed a quick response attack force to neutralise or delay attacking forces, and thus hopefully prevent a similar campaign in the future. qeraQ’ was recalled to duty to head up the Klingon Reaction Force in 2387, and set about creating a more blood-thirsty and secretive version of the Marine forces he had served with on the Heywood. Eventually commanding 5000 men with the rank of ‘Sa (General).

On returning to Qo’noS he met B’Trana again on a ceremonial parade for the Emperor. Soon the two had become lovers (or as close as Klingons ever come). The marriage ceremony had been held in his family home and the two had become inseparable. Soon B’Trana requested transfer to the Klingon Reaction Force, and in 2388 was made HoD (Captain) of the demolition platoon.

One philosophy that he ensured was implemented was that everyone fought. He had become disillusioned with some of the Starfleet and Federation attitudes to fighting and staying out of the battles because of their ranks. This attitude, however, marked the end of his career with the Klingon Defence Force. During a rebellion in one of the outer parts of the Klingon Empire, qeraQ’ was dispatched with his troop to “resolve” the situation. During a counterattack by the enemy the brigade withdrew across a wide ravine. B’Trana was tasked with destroying the bridge. Just before the explosives detonated a mad rush of rebels came flowing across the ravine decapitating B’Trana and her team before they had a chance to know what was happening.

Seeing his beloved so dishonourably mowed down, qeraQ’ lost control and sprang forth towards the bridge just as it exploded. The detonation took out 11 of the 20 or so warriors and his men – loyal as any can be – sprang forth with him. Nothing going to take his revenge from him, though, and he single handedly slew 8 of the 11. The final one stopped and proved more dangerous than his compatriots. A circle formed around them and they fought with Bat’leths. A glancing blow to the shoulder cut through qeraQ’s armour and cut deep into his arm. Empowered by the pain and the rage he stood and thrust his batleth into the leg of his assailant, drew his dahk’tag from his belt and plunged it into the enemy’s lungs, piercing one and then the other. As the rebel Klingon gasped for breath silence was the only sound. As the blood gurgled from his throat he fell to the ground. As the death howl sounded from his men, qeraQ’ collapsed beside the body of B’Trana.

The injury proved serious enough for the arm to require amputation. At this time questions were being asked about the nature of the Klingon Reaction Force. This combined with the lack of an arm led to qeraQ' being withdrawn from active duty. He was offered a desk job providing an overview of military situations or a role in the High Council. He took the latter option and took a seat on the Klingon High Council for a time as a military advisor and expert on the Federation and Starfleet, taking part in numerous democratic missions. Civilian service didn't suit the Warrior inside qeraQ' though, and when a request came to teach at the academy on Klingon Battle techniques he leapt at the offer.
Service Record 2370 – Junior Officer, B'rel Class IKS HoSghaj
2373 – Engineer, Vor'Cha Class IKS Qaw'wI'
2376 – Chief Engineer, SX-554, Marine Base Avenger
2380 – Chief of Operations, SX-554-A, Marine Base Heywood
2382 – Executive Officer, SX-554-A, Marine Base Heywood
2383 – Commander, Klingon Reaction Force
2385 - Lecturer, Starfleet Academy - Klingon Battle Tactics
2386 – Commander, Executive Officer - Starbase 900