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Thu Dec 29th, 2011 @ 9:08am

Major Maxim Kamarov

Name Maxim Iosefovich Kamarov

Position Instructor

Rank Major

Character Information

Gender Male
Species human
Age 39

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1
Weight 256 lbs
Hair Color brown
Eye Color green
Physical Description Major Kamarov is a Russian Bear of a man, and a Marine. He is always seen in Marine-issue uniforms or off-duty Marine attire. His hair is cropped into the traditional high and tight buzz cut with flecks of silver running through his brown hair


Spouse Natalya Kamarova
Children Feodr Kamarov, Nina Kamarova, Iosef Kamarov III, Piotr Kamarov, Irina Kamarova, Feliks Kamarov
Father Iosef Kamarov, Jr
Mother Polina Kamarova (deceased)
Brother(s) Pavel Kamarov, Yevgeny Kamarov
Sister(s) Rada Kamarova

Personality & Traits

General Overview Maxim is a Starfleet Marine, bold, agressive, and unafraid of anything. He is also a warm, loving family man who is devoted to his own branch of the Kamarov family when not no duty. He is a Satrfleet Marine officer that is liked by most of the people he meets.
Strengths & Weaknesses Kamarov's obvious strength is what is called situational awareness, or the ability know what is going on around you at all times. Maxim is a an officer who likes to see the elephant up close, not read about it in a safe command post. Maxim enjoys sharing danger with his subordinates, often inspiring them

Another of Maxim's strength's is his willingness to lead by example. He will not ask anyone to do anything he won't do himself.

If Maxim has a weakness, it could be described as being torn between his duty in the Starfleet Marines and his duty to his family. Maxim grew up in a traditional Russian home where he was instilled with strong family values by his grandmother and father. This has caused some friction in the past with his wife, but she now understands why he does what he does.

Maxim believes in having troops that can think independently for themselves. If a situation changes on the battlefiled, each Marine must be able to carry out the mission using th eskill sets he has and the ability to utilize the skill sets of their fellow Marines.
Ambitions Maxim's long ambition has been to design and implemet a rapid response Marine unit similar to those in the 21st Century's SOCOM in the United States military. Maxim ahs often voiced loud opinions about the need for a rapid-response unit within the Corps to deal with crises. This unit will be his chance to do just that.

Maxim also wants to be a good father and husband.

Kamarov knows that he has what it takes, but is low-key about it. He wants to be a general officer someday, but for the right reasons
Hobbies & Interests Russian History (the Great Patriotic War, the rise and fall of Communism, post Communist and post-mob Russian history), painting ( both realist and abstract styles a la Drachtenborgovski), Marine Corps history,

Maxim enjoys ice-skating, weight-lifting, sledding, hunting, camping, hiking, fishing, anything strenous.

Maxim is also an accomplished drummer, able to play classic Earth rock, fusion, Klingon opera drums, and electric jazz. He has sat in with several prominent musicians of the day, earning kudos from both the Corps and musicians across the Federation.

Personal History Maxim Kamarov, born March 23rd, 2341, was the second son of Iosef Kamarov, a noted Biochemical physicist and Polina Kamarova, a celebrated painter who died in the mysterious USS Churchill disaster. Young Kamarov grew up in St Petersburg, Russia where he was quiet, studious youth. He broke with family tradition and applied to the Starfleet Marine Academy and was accepted. He graduated 20th in his class.

His Marine career began on the USS Merrimack. He was a nervous, shy officer until the first sergeant took the young Maxim under his wing and taught him how to lead men that loved to eat officers for lunch. Kamarov became an officer that earned both the respect of his superiors and subordinates. He made a note to keep First Sergeant Hanley Woodard as his NCOIC for future assignments. Maxim led his men through many engagements during the First Cardassian War, earning medals for bravery and valor, being slightly wounded three times.

In 2371, Maxim met and married Natalya Koroleva. The couple gave up their honeymoon so Maxim could serve on the Indefatigable as ship’s control officer, helping to get Marines and pilots to and from hotspots. After the Dominion War ended and the Indefatigable was mothballed, Maxim and Natalya took a year long honeymoon, along with their eldest son, Feodr.

After the War Maxim became the commander of Deep Space 12’s Marine Security Force, a new concept in Marine Command. The Marine Security Force was a security force capable of extended engagements with threat forces with training in counterterrorism and antiterrorism tactics and strategies. Maxim and his crew of Marines were vital during several deployments, negotiations, and sieges by threat forces over a two year period. Prior to leaving, he was given another commendation for heroism under fire, the result of saving the life of a Breen ambassador.

Maxim was assigned to the USS Gettysburg, an assignment he thoroughly enjoyed. He was given carte blanche by Colonel Bryce Kendrick to create a prototype Rapid Deployment Force, an experiment that did not succeed until several “traditionalist” Marines were rooted out after knowingly sabotaging Kamarov’s efforts.

Kamarov’s RDF was redesignated the 17th Marine Expeditionary Unit and was requested by Admiral Ricky Wegener to be garrisoned at Starbase 900.

Service Record 2361 Syrtis City, Mars; Marine Basic Officer Skills Training, 4 yrs.

2365 USS Merrimac, MARDET XO (destroyed)

2369 USS Cumberland, promoted to MCPT, MARDET CO (destroyed)

2371 USS Indefatigable, Ship Control Officer (decomissioned)

2377 Deep Space 12, Marine Security Force CO

2379 USS Gettysburg (Excalibur-class), Company CO, promoted to major

2382 Federation Embassy, Qu'o'nos, MARDET CO

2386 Starbase 900, CO, VI Marine Expeditionary Force; 3rd Marine Expeditionary Brigade; 3rd Marine Regiment

2387: Resigned From Marine Corps, Now Chief Of Operations, Nebula Gold Security Consultants.


2370: Starfleet Marine Advanced Tactical Training (6 month course)

2380 Starfleet Marine Advanced Tactics & Operations Course (18 months via subspace net)

2384: CQB Advanced Training

*declined assignment to Starfleet Marine War College to take this post.