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Sun Sep 18th, 2016 @ 5:58pm

Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad

Name Eli Ziyad

Position SF Academy Cadet

Second Position The Nexus Club Employee

Rank Cadet Senior Grade

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Enaran
Age 21

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1"
Weight 185
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Eli is tall and somewhat muscular, but not bulky. His deep brown hair, worn a little long, and eyes blend well with his tan complexion, giving him what most girls his age would consider dark good looks.


Spouse Chance Conradi
Father Maran Ziyad
Mother Irina Ziyad
Brother(s) Loran

Personality & Traits

General Overview Eli is outwardly polite and friendly, if somewhat reserved. While it could pass for shyness, it is actually caution. Given his species' telepathic abilities, and the low-key telepathic energy he gives off, some people are affected by it, causing them to pick up on vague memories or emotions. Therefore, Eli is careful to keep out of people's personal spaces.

Once he befriends someone, however, and gets comfortable with them, they find him to have a great sense of humour, an adventurous spirit, and a love of practical jokes. He is also a generous soul, often giving things without making it know the gifts are from him.
Strengths & Weaknesses Eli has strong moral convictions and upholds them no matter what. He believes in fair treatment and humane dealings with others. He is also a whiz with computers, often finding it easier to relate to them than his friends. He is, however, still young. Sometimes his adventurous streak and his love of a good joke gets the better of his self-control and gets him into trouble.
Ambitions To make a new life for himself, now that he has left his homeworld for good, and get through the Academy to serve in Starfleet.
Hobbies & Interests He is forever tinkering with new holodeck programs, programming new and inventive ways to spend his leisure time. He keeps a journal without fail, and draws very well - though he is often hesitant to let people see his artistic works.

Personal History Eli was born in 2367 on Enara Prime in teh Delta Quadrtant. He had a typical upbringing, but an event in 2373, when Eli was six, was to change the course of his life. That year, Voyager made first contact with the Enarans. One of their officers, B'Elanna Torres, was given some memories from a very old Enaran who was dying. The memories concerned a terrible holocaust decades earlier when a rebel group known as the Regressives were exterminated. The incident had been covered up and hidden from successive generations.

This discovery, and the proof that the information was true caused upheaval in Enaran society. In the wake of Voyager's departure, the debate began as to whether to let it remain hidden in the past or acknowledge it, make it known so as not to repeat the mistakes of the past.

Given Eli's young age, the atrocities revealed had a great impact on him. He found the very idea hideous and horrifying. As he grew, he vowed that he would never become like 'them', the Enaran society, which he viewed as hypocritical.

In his late teens, he viewed his first public execution, a method used to silence those who did not agree with the party line. The dissident was tied to a pole in the town square. A deep purple glow bathed the man for only a few seconds, leaving a burned and blackened shell in its wake. Short as it was, Eli would never forget the agonized screams of the man as he was killed. It was that moment he decided he must get away. This was no life for him. He tried to make his friends understand, but they feared being subjected to the same fate if they listened.

With the increased activity of the Fleet in the Delta Quadrant, and the establishment of Starbase 900, visitors to Enara came frequently. In the Spring of 2386, he stowed away on a freighter bound for SB900. Just before they reached the station, the freighter was contacted by Enaran authorities. A witness had seen Eli sneaking on board with his bag and reported his absence as well as the rebellious ideas he'd attempted to spread. He was told, in no uncertain terms, that he was now considered a political exile. Return to his homeworld would mean certain death. He had become a young man without a home.

His arrival on SB900 was an eye-opening experience for him. The traffic, the many species, the new experiences were exciting. He managed to find a job in one of the bars, cleaning, stocking, running errands. It wasn't much, but it was enough to earn a living. He soon discovered that there was a satellite of Starfleet Academy there. Given his gift with computers, he decided to do whatever it took to get in. He may not have a homeworld, but the Fleet would become home.