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Fri Jun 3rd, 2011 @ 10:26am

Chief Petty Officer S'ria Candor

Name S'ria Candor

Position Matter/Energy Systems Specialist

Rank Chief Petty Officer

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Romulan
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8"
Weight 126 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description With jet black hair and thin physique, she looks Vulcan. But her mannerisms suggest something more human. Most never guess she is Romulan with that thick-lipped mouth, piercing dark eyes, and pale skin.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Jonathan Candor (Adopted)
Mother S'anra (Jarok) Candor
Brother(s) Giellun Candor
Sister(s) Stella Candor
Other Family Grandfather, Admiral Alidar Jarok (deceased 2366)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Most people tend to walk past her in the corridors without giving her a second glance or coming in or out of the transporter room. While on duty, she serves dutifully. What some do regrettably notice, when they stop to notice her workings at the LCARS, is the sly grin she shoots their direction when she glides her finger to activate the transporter beam. she cordial demeanor conceals a funny but very introverted individual who makes few friends outside of uniform. she lives up to the phrase, "Beware of Romulans bearing gifts," as her gifts convey her fun side. She gifts certain illegal items usually found in most quarters, gifts misadventures programmed in the holodeck, and gifts comments that she either delivers poorly or that she should have never delivered at all.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
She is extremely loyal to her work and performs all of her duties in the most efficient and effective way. Her lower enlisted stand amazed at her alacrity of repairing a pattern buffer or troubleshooting her way around a transport inhibitor. Even though she did not have the formal Academy received by officers, her experience with the equipment makes her the subject matter expert.

Her introverted nature has caused her to miss out on a social life that many of her peers find. her close friends are so close knit that they often have several inside jokes and activities, that no one really knows what she's like out of uniform. This has also led to her lack of any relationship, which she dearly wishes to have. she has the technical mind to become an engineer but lacks the nature to make that step.
Ambitions S'ria wants to attend the Academy and study advanced engineering for starships, specifically transporter technology. But Starfleet has been comfortable with the current technology and the Borg improvements brought back by Voyager, which she refuses to accept as a feasible substitute. The only thing holding her back is her current enlistment, to lose rank to start back at the bottom. If she stays enlisted, she plan to make it to Master Chief.
Hobbies & Interests Chief Candor spends most of her time playing soccer in the holodeck, reading technical manuals on ship systems and subroutines, and socializing with her small nitch of friends. she frequents the bar to sit alone and stare out at the stars as she reads a PADD on beam consistency and trace pattern signatures.

Personal History The most interesting part of her past starts with her grandfather, Admiral Alidar Jarok, who defected to the Federation after learning that the Romulan Empire planned to attack the Federation by massing forces in the Neutral Zone. To the Admiral's dismay, this was a ploy to lure him out and cast him as a traitor to the Empire with no invasion, no massing forces, no outpost. He killed himself aboard the USS Enterprise in 2366. Word made it back to his family that he was a traitor, but his daughter, S'anra, did not believe the lies of her father's treachery. To absolve her father's charges, she immediately worked her way into a research assistant position that stationed her along the border. She launched an "unmanned" probe into the Neutral Zone, hoping that it would make it to Federation space. As the probe crossed the border, a ship patrolling the sector detected life signs aboard and immediately transported her and her four-year-old daughter aboard.

The Empire caught wind of her disappearance and requested extradition. The Federation denied that they had found any person, stating that no life signs were detected and that the probe was too small to hold a person.

The captain, Jonathan Candor, of the ship quickly fell for the Romulan woman even though she suspected her as a spy. After all the investigations, Jon helped to expedite their membership and shortly after married her and adopted S'ria. They had two children, Giellun being the eldest. Her parents still today are under silent investigation with tracked transmissions, watching their actions closely to verify that S'anra was more than a father-sick child searching for answers.

The extra, negative, attention she received for her heritage caused her to withdraw from most people, encouraging her introverted nature. But she took quickly to science and engineering. she thought to apply to Starfleet but enlisted instead. There, she quickly learned leadership and duty but never truly lost her quiet nature. she became technically sound, learning her job faster than most of her fellow enlisted. This moved her up the ranks quickly as she showed potential. her lower enlisted know without a doubt that she is the subject matter expert on transporter technology. While on duty at Jupiter Station, she underwent two investigations to validate any rumors that she was in league with Romulans. No evidence was found to support such a claim, but it stayed on her record nonetheless.
Service Record 2080 (CMN3) -BCT
2080-3 (PO3, PO2) Transporter Tech, Jupiter Station
2084-6 (PO2) Transporter Tech, USS Appalachia
2086- (PO1) Transporter Chief, USS Berkeley
2086.5- (PO1) Matter/Energy Systems Specialist, Starbase 900

The Cochrane Medal of Excellence - 2085
-Outstanding Achievement in Transporter Theory