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Mon Feb 13th, 2012 @ 10:41am

Lieutenant James Holbridge

Name James William Holbridge

Position Instructor

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species human
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 177 lbs
Hair Color brown
Eye Color one blue one artificial
Physical Description Holbridge is a slender, muscular man. He has short, wavy brown hair, and one artificial eye. A long scar bisects the eye.


Spouse Patricia K. Holbridge (archaeologist)
Children Kimberly, 10: Kaylee, 10: Jimmy, 8
Father Donovan Holbridge, CEO of Tri-Galactic Mining Consortium
Mother Magdalena Holbridge, Professor of Russian Studies, Harvard
Brother(s) George, 40; Andrew, 38; Peter, 29
Sister(s) Francesca, 43; Alexis, 26
Other Family Kh'aragh, son of Elzar (adopted uncle)
Official Member of House Of Karagh.

Personality & Traits

General Overview LCDR Holbridge is widely regarded as one of the best starfighter pilots to ever sit in a cockpit. He is a typical aviator seasoned with a command officer’s sense of responsibility.

Now a Starfleet line officer, Jim is having some difficulty integrating himself into regular Fleet operations and procedures.
Strengths & Weaknesses Holbridge possesses a very keen situational awareness, which is to say he knows what’s going on around him at all times. He has used this time and again to survive in the skies and in the bureaucracy of Utopia Planitia.

Holbridge has a fondness for peppermint ice cream that borders on addiction.
Ambitions Holbridge wants to command his own carrier task force some day, make admiral, get remarried and live happily ever after.
Hobbies & Interests Flying, old DVD movies from the 21 Century, cooking.

Personal History Jim Holbridge was born to be a fighter pilot. As a boy in his native Russia, Jim would climb trees, buildings, radio transmitter antennae, anything to get his feet off the ground. He obtained his personal pilot’s license at age 13 and promptly began a flying service, gradually expanding into a global company that he sold. At age 18 Holbridge was accepted to Starfleet’s Starfighter Corps and went through the Academy plus an additional 18 months of training in Starfleet fighters.

After graduating 4th in his class Holbridge was assigned to Starbase 345 as a pilot, patrolling the Cardassian frontier with ferocious determination. While official reports are sketchy, Holbridge is rumored to have engaged seven Cardassian fighters by himself.

During the Dominion War, Holbridge was shot down and then taken prisoner. Despite his injuries and the apathy of his fellow prisoners, Jim and several other prisoners promptly escaped, stealing a Galor-class warship and making his way back to Federation space.

After a brief convalescence, Holbridge returned to the front lines in the cockpit of a fighter, terrorizing enemy pilots and making his superiors wonder how he survived such insane odds, thus earning him a new call sign “Longshot”.

The war with the Dominion ended and Jim was eager to pass on the sum total of his experiences to a new crop of pilots coming up through the ranks. Jim was selected by Admiral Ricky Wegener as a squadron commander and placed in charge of VMF-131, the Vampires.

Sabotage and the loss of his backseater compelled Jim to resign from the Fighter Corps, but Admiral Wegener did not want to lose Holbridge to civilian life and made him the Strategic Operations Officer. After the Strategic Operations Department was deactivated, Jim quietly accepted a position as the Satellite Academy's Chief Flight Instructor.
Service Record 2368 Starfleet Academy and Flight training Curriculum
2373 Starbase 345
2376 Command Training Starbase 442
2377 USS Rickover
2379 Utopia Plantia Theoretical Design Group, Fighter
2381 Marine Base Horus
2385 Shakedown Crew, USS Ticonderoga-Flight Officer
2386 Vampire Squadron commanding officer, Starbase 900
2386 Strategic Operations Officer, Starbase 900
2386 Chief Flight Instructor, Satellite Academy. Starbase 900