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Thu Jul 26th, 2012 @ 3:46pm

Lieutenant Valkris Edwardson- tSepeS

Name Valkris Edwardson- tSepeS

Position Intelligence Officer

Second Position Graduate Student

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Klingon/El- Aurian Hybrid
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2"
Weight 198
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Valkris lithe and muscular form is usually hidden underneath her traditional Imperial Klingon uniform. She is often seen wearing a simple warriors tunic of her Klingon heritage when off duty but wears a standard SF duty uniform when on duty and adorned with a baldric sash, displaying her numerous badges.


Children none
Father Maal tSepeS- Klingon (Diplomat Ret.)
Mother Dr. Janice Edwardson SFA (Ret.) Human/El- Aurian
Brother(s) none
Sister(s) Kali tSepeS- Half sister
Other Family Arizhel tSepeS- Stepmother (married to Maal)
Dr. Victor Edwardson- Stepfather (Married to Janice)
Morganne Edwardson-Dufour- cousin
K'nera K'peL- Line sister
Kora Reshtarc- Line sister
K'noggra K'pel- Line sister

Personality & Traits

General Overview Because of her dual heritage, Valkris is used to being an outsider. Many would assume that her temper and eagerness for a fight comes from her Klingon Father and not her Human mother. The part of her personality that makes her think before she acts and to analyze a situation makes her appear cautious and calculating, traits she inherited from her father. Valkris sense of duty, determination and sense of humor she inherited from her mother. Those under her command found her hard and unforgiving but also very inspirational and insightful. She has spent her life in service to both the Empire and the Federation. Her early years as a Marine Officer and later in the Federation as both an Chief of Operations, Security Chief and later as an Intelligence officer. Her experiences have helped to give her a unique skill set and have shaped who she is presently and who she will be moving forward.
Strengths & Weaknesses Valkris's ability to take on multiple duties and acquire skills across a broad spectrum of disciplines is probably her greatest strength. She has a strong bond with her family and friends but the bond between she and her half sister Kali, is even greater. Valkris being Human/Klingon is very sensitive to other's attempts to discriminate against her because she identifies more closely with her Klingon heritage. She often in the past has gone to great lengths to avenge her "honor" at the most miniscule of slights she perceives. This has sometimes proven to be a distraction in her duties and a mark in her permanent record*
Ambitions Honor, Sacrifice, and Duty are three values that all that are raised in the Klingon culture live their lives by. To not only live an Honorable life in service and sacrificing one's own personal ambitions, is the duty of all Klingons.
Valkris has served as an Operations Officer, Marine CO in the Klingon Defense Forces, and now back serving Star Fleet as Chief Tactical/ Security Officer and Second Officer. She like her sister seek glory through service to the Empire, even though her path has taken her back to Star Fleet. She wants to be a Star Fleet Captain before her husband. However, since he has just been named CO of the USS Paladin, Valkirs searches for a new direction and challenges.
Hobbies & Interests Valkris keeps in constant contact with her Human side of her family on Mars and Terra. Her fiancée, Mek'tor Ro'Vaas, who's serving on board the USS Paladin often they send each other long detailed love letters in code, seeing who can find the hidden messages within. She studies people closest to her to learn as much as she can.

Valkris is currently doing Graduate work at the SFA and serving as an Operations Officer. She will take her past experiences in the KDF and the numberous times serving Starfleet and apply them to her studies of the Delta Quadrant and of the many political factions. Her main interest is to become a better officer and make her future husband and family proud of her.

Personal History Born in 2351 to Janice Edwardson, a visiting Star Fleet Academy instructor and Maal tSepeS, a Klingon cultural atache' assigned to liaison with educators from both Star Fleet Academy and the Vulcan Science Academy. Janice and Maal met, fell in love and from this, Janice became pregnant with her first child. things would have been ideal had Maal not already had a mate who was also pregnant. Janice returned to where she gave birth to Valkris T. Edwardson. Maal on the other hand was busy with his wife Arizhel who gave birth to a girl named Kali, after his father's sister.
After a number of years, Maal's wife learned of the affair and sought out Janice at first to kill her and her "bastard" child. Janice and Arizhel eventually overcame their differences with each other and became friends, Arizhel invited Janice to raise Valkris on Qo'nos with her half sister Kali.

Once the two girls reached the age of ascension (14) they both entered the Imperial Academy where they graduated four years later and began their advanced training studies. Janice was able to pull some strings and have the girls now 18 admitted to Star Fleet's junior cadet Officer's training school as exchange students.

Valkris resigned her commission as Marine CO on the IKS Sword of Valor a few months after the Capellan Star incident* She decided to try her hand at life aboard a Federation Warship for a time and try life away from her sister for once. This decision has left her feeling alone and bitter at times but in the end she knows that it's what's best for the both of them if they are to grow a warriors.

The two of them have a bet to see which one of them can gain command the fastest. The loser...has to get married. When word reached her that her old ship the IKS Sword of Valor was destroyed in battle, she took a brief leave of absence from Starfleet, fearing that the two loves of her life had been lost. The end result was her becoming engaged to Mek'tor and soon after she was due to return to Starfleet where she was originally to begin as XO of the USS Hera but instead was transferred to the USS Marconi as it's Chief of Strategic Operations. Arriving at the last known location of her new posting, it is soon revealed that her new ship has been destroyed by rouge Romulan Tal Shiar agents. She is attached to the USS Iapetus and although her first few months on board have been tumultuous at best, she makes the best of it.

When the Iapetus finally makes it to it's new Area of Operations, Task Force 38 HQ- Star Base 900, Valkris requests a Leave of Absence and opts to remain on board the station in hopes of finally catching up with her fiancee, Commander Mek'tor Ro'Vaas; CO of the USS Paladin, before they are separated from one another again. She enrolls into the SFA to finish her Graduate studies and works part time as a Strategic Operations Officer. Later is transferred to the Intelligence Department

Service Record 2365- Entered Imperial Academy

2369- Graduated from Imperial Academy Promoted to Sub Lieutenant entered Starfleet Officer Exchange Program. Sent to Starfleet Advanced Officer's Training School on Earth.

2371- Assigned to the USS Toshiro as Security officer/ Tactical specialist.

2372- Transferred back to KDF Promoted to Lieutenant, Assigned to Imperial Marines 1st Company

2372- Promoted to Marine Captain, assigned as part of a contingent to enter the Officer's exchange Program with the Federation. Due to the short-lived Klingon-Federation War, was put on reserve status and sent back to Q'onoS

2373- Returned to active duty at the start of the Dominion war Assigned as Marine XO on board the IKV Blood Hawk.

2375- Took part in the assault of Cardassia Prime

2377- Returns to Imperial Academy for Advanced Training; Strategic Operations and Ship Operations

2378- Assigned to Klingon Rapid Reaction Task Force ram wamwI on patrol near DS9.

2380- Returns to Q'onoS for extended Leave of Absence, attended IKA to begin graduate studies

2381- Returns to active duty, sent to 9th Military District Imperial Star Fortress MataI, Promoted to Major

2382- Assigned as temporary Marine Commander of IKV Stone Fist

2383- Assigned as Marine XO on board the IKS Sword of Valor

2384- Resigns commission as Marine CO and re-enlists in Star Fleet.

2384 - Assigned to USS Kearsarge Task Force 93 as Chief of Operations. Given the rank of Lieutenant
- Reassigned to USS Hera as Chief of Security/ Tactical. Given a conditional field promotion of Lt. Commander and promoted to XO
- Returns to Qo'NoS for LOA, reassigned to USS Marconi.

2385-2386 - Transfers to USS Iapetus as Chief of Strategic Operations

2386- Present- Remains on board SB 900 to attend Regional SFA to complete graduate studies, Focus Area: Delta Quadrant.
Late 2386- Transferred from Strategic Operations to Intelligence