
  • 3 Mission Posts

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Sun Nov 13th, 2011 @ 1:50am

Lieutenant Kazvar Guten

Name Kazvar Kedar Gihon Guten

Position Floating Engineer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Zanzavarnian
Age 27

Physical Appearance

Height 6'
Weight 190lbs
Hair Color Red hair with light green roots and tips
Eye Color Gold colored eyes
Physical Description 6 ft, 190lbs, Red hair with light green roots and tips. Has Cardassian like ridges on the side of his neck. Gold colored eyes. Tan colored skin like a light colored Middle Eastern Man. Forearms extend about a foot(because of bone separations and muscle bunching). A dark red fur covers the his back, sides, upper arms, and legs. With the exception of their forearm, neck, head, feet, hands, and chest he is basically covered in this fur. He has three fingers and four toes. Thats a Thumb and two other fingers.


Father Kedar Gihon Guten
Mother Unknown
Brother(s) Unknown
Sister(s) Unknown
Other Family Unknown

Personality & Traits

General Overview He is a pretty easy to get along with guy. In his race before joining Star Fleet the women ran the men like slaves, well they were slaves. Even though all of that, he has managed to leave his hatred of females behind him, for the most part. Still working on the Orders from men thing though. He does what is ordered, but doesn't always like it.
Strengths & Weaknesses He takes orders from women a lot easier then men. He still is scared of most women, from his childhood as a slave. He also sometimes gets to relaxed with men of all ranks for the same reason.
Ambitions His main goal in life is equality of his home species. Because of it he spent several years between Star Fleet careers working with his own people. With how far he made it so far he realized he needed to step back and let them continue on their own. Now his new goal is to live a peacefully life.
Hobbies & Interests He likes building holodeck programs and small crafts in his spare time. He also is currently taking up the oldest earth board game, the game of Go.

Personal History Born as a slave, Raised as a slave. He was Raised as a normal working slave because he was born male. Late in his life he was pushed into being a space ship slave at the age of 12. He was on-board a Zanzavarnian ship when the first encounter of Star Fleet happened. When the Zanzavarnians pawned some sick slaves off to Star Fleet to make it look like Improved relations, he stowed away on the shuttle and slipped out after landing about the USS Platine.

Joining Star Fleet at the age of 13 he went to the Star Fleet Academy. Finishing his four year at the age of 17, he stayed to major in Engineering for his Second degree. Serving on the USS Saturn in TF47 from when it was recommissioned to being mothballed again, about 2 1/2 years. Left there as a LT CMDR anChief Engineeringng Officer.

After the ship he was on was mothballed he Went to the El'jomi Liz, The only Zanzavarnian Diplomatic ship. Serving as a makeshift Ambassadwithout officalical appointment, he did what he could to etensionstion of the shift. That is the shift of Men being slaves to Men being equals to females. Now as a new dawn passes, he moves back to star fleet to look for a position to fulfillfill his life.
Service Record Joining Star Fleet at the age of 13 he went to the Star Fleet Academy. Finishing his four year at the age of 17, he stayed to major in Engineering for his Second degree.

Serving on the USS Saturn in TF47 from when it was recommissioned to being mothballed again, about 2 1/2 years. Left there as a LT CMDR anChief Engineeringng Officer.

After the ship he was on was mothballed he Went to the El'jomi Liz, The only Zanzavarnian Diplomatic ship. Serving as a makeshift Ambassador, without official appointment.