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Thu Dec 15th, 2011 @ 5:12pm

Major General John Thompson

Name John Marlow Thompson

Rank Major General

Character Information

Gender Male
Species El-Aurian
Age 44

Physical Appearance

Height 6'6"
Weight 12st
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Bright Blue
Physical Description At 6" 6' John towers over the majority of people, however don't let his tall wirey frame fool you. Attached to it is muscle developed over due to a long time flying aircraft and fighters. Because he is El-Aurian he also looks younger than he actually is.


Other Family Adopted Parents Joan and Antony

Personality & Traits

General Overview John is one of those CO's who can often forget he is one. He enjoys getting to know those under his command and has down throughout his carear and thanks to his piloting time with the marines appreciates a good prank and a joke. That being said when push comes to shove this is not a man you want to annoy as he will follow through on threats and promises.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: He builds up a good relationship with his crew establishing trust with them. He is a good thinker and skilled pilot.

Weaknesses: Can get into arguments and fight his corner.
Hobbies & Interests Aircraft and Earths Second world War.

Personal History John is the son of a 'young' El-Aurian couple and was born in 2341. However the couple spent a lot of time doing research into the history of both the Earth and other major races in the quadrant and as a result had little time for looking after their 'accident'. So John was brought up by close friends of the couple in London. His new adopted father was also a historian but one who focussed purely on 20th century in particular on the first and second world wars. Named after a WW2 British fighter ace who shared the surname of the Thompsons his adopted parents, John grew up surrounded by relics and texts on the age and at the age of 8 decided he wanted to be a pilot (After bouncing through the other professions as a super hero and a giant).

Through his school life John was successful in the mathematics and engineering fields whilst english, languages. Combined with these had had begun tinkering on holograms of old 20th century aircraft to learn more about his names past and looked a lot into the Hurricane fighter, the warhorse of Britians airpower. Then for his 16th birthday, and finally the age to begin flying, his parents paid to have him through a course to let him fly replicated historical aircraft as well as Modern shuttles.

At the age of 18 eager to take his flying to the next and in his view the ultimate level John applied for Starfleet to be a pilot. He easily passed the flying skills section of the application and did well in the theory of flight thanks to its mathematical and physics applications. While let down again with his ability to write worthwhile essays this did not deter his application and was accepted at the age of 19. There he spent 4 years moving up through the various stages of the academy quickly reinforcing his strength in piloting and also developing skills in situational awareness. Graduating at the age of 22 He was assigned to the USS Hawthorn, an aging miranda class as a helms officer.

He spent a few years on the Hawthorn piloting her and her shuttles on various missions but crew weary of the limited flying time and limited time doing any 'real flying' as he reffered to shuttle hours. In 2367 at the age of 26 he transferred to Starfleet Marines to become a combat fighter. Despite it being a time of peace the Marines fighter squadrons were growing thanks to the introduction of bigger flight decks on ships such as the Akira class and so after two years of 'reprogramming' as his Drill Sargent called it he was released onto the Akira class USS Bismark as a deputy squadron leader at the rank of Second Lieutenant. Evidentially this would be his gateway to further opportunities as in 2373 the Dominion war broke out and the Bismark was thrown head first into protecting the Federations Borders.

During the following year his ship took part in a number of skirmishes as did a lot of the fleet. This resulted in the loss of pilots and his promotion to Squadron leader and First Lieutenant. His efforts not unnoticed earned him a place in one in a squadron used for raiding Dominion and Cardassian Supply routes and were generally regarded as Top Secret due to the speed they were carried out at and the danger the accompanied them. His squadron was then used towards the end of the war to fly escort to the main fleet when they began pushing back after the cardassian Rebellion. During the Battle to retake cardassia itself John was one of many pilots shot down, but unlike many he was picked up by runabout after the battle after spending 3 hours in space.

After the war he was assigned to the squadron defending Deep Space 9 for 6 months before again getting slotted into the fighter command chain this time at the Rank of Marine Captain (Equiv to Lieutenant Fleet) as CAG for the USS Santa Maria. The two years in Command here of a squadron gave him the drive then to move into the Fleet command chain to take charge of his own ship and so with advice and help from his CO and another year in the Academy he was given the XO position back on the Santa Maria as it's XO had moved to his own command, and where John would spend two years before getting his own command.

Now with his Own Command on board the Nebula Class USS London and the rank of Lieutenant Commander John was dispatched to join the relief fleet transferring medical supplies to a Protectorate that had suffered a major earth quake resulting in millions of casualties. Here he was ambushed by pirates lured to the prospect of free supplies and the ship was forced to defend itself resulting in medium damage to the London and 3 ruined pirate ships.

Johns The next number of years saw John promoted to Commander and given an Akira class the USS Razor where he served doing border patrols and escorting convoys in the less secure areas of Federation space. In 2386 John was pegged to move to the Delta Quadrant with the Razor but Starfleet Command decided that he would instead join TF38 as their Executive Officer Late 2386 at the rank of Captain.