Cadet Freshman Grade Nathaniel Hawthorne

Name Nathaniel Kelly Hawthorne

Position SF Academy Cadet

Rank Cadet Freshman Grade

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 17

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9"
Weight 171 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description A noticeably attractive man, Nathaniel reaches a height of five feet, nine inches and weighs approximately one-hundred and seventy-one pounds. His physique is of a lighter build, yet well-toned and defined. His curly hair is maintained relatively short, generally reaching mid-neck in length and is black in color. His eyes are a uniquely radiant blue in color.


Spouse Not applicable at this time.
Children Not applicable at this time.
Father Richard Samuel Hawthorne
Mother Sara Elizabeth Hawthorne (Conrad, maiden name)
Brother(s) Not applicable at this time.
Sister(s) Candace Lynn Hawthorne, Syble Ann Hawthorne & Justine Campell Hawthorne.
Other Family Sara only recently discovered that she is pregnant with the Hawthorne's fourth child. It's still much too early in the pregnancy to know for certain what the sex of the child will be.

Personality & Traits

General Overview A veraciously focussed individual, Nathaniel is detail and task oriented. Occasionally prone to sarcasm and cynicism, Nathaniel is an idealist with strong moral convictions about "right" and "wrong," "good" and "evil," and he is courageous about these ideals. Among these are the sanctity of life, galactic peace, universal education, elimination of poverty and the unifying principles of the Federation. His behavior and mannerisms are affable but they can be conservative and heavily influenced by the traditions and culture that have been preserved within his family. He places a high premium on good manners and does his best to avoid confrontations. In private, he is pleasant, articulate and compassionate. Nathaniel quietly pursues perfection in his duties and his personal life while actively avoiding the frustration that often leads to the downfall of perfectionists. Surprising to many people, he has a need for recognition of his efforts and to be well-liked among his peers.
Strengths & Weaknesses Nathaniel's primary strength is oriented to a skillfully and eloquently trained discipline in speech. He strives to be categorically diplomatic and urbane in dealing with other people but occasionally his quick temper -- the cause of a constant internal battle -- bests him. His weaknesses center around being inherently stubborn and briskly temperamental. Although he strives to be calm, collected and detached from the outcome of things, he is often adamant in maintaining his principles and moral convictions. His feelings can easily be hurt when he perceives that someone has crossed a line and will hold a grudge for some time. He is driven by curiosity, sometimes leading him into situations where he'd rather not be (despite the fact that his own compulsion brought him there).
Hobbies & Interests Nathaniel has a keen appreciation for the arts, but prefers photography above other media, and considers himself an amateur photographer. He is an avid reader and writer, while also honing a developing appreciation for music, which is slightly more limited, confined mostly to music from Earth. Nathaniel generally enjoys games of chance and forms of recreation requiring an above-average amount of physical exertion (e.g.: water polo, horseback riding, field hockey, baseball, soccer, rock climbing, hiking, etc...); he has been known to engage in those activities on a purely social level yet enjoys those of solitude, as well. He is an avid player of cribbage and solitaire and he participates in a daily exercise program to stay in good physical condition. It may also come as a surprise to some that Nathaniel is classically trained in dance (e.g.: traditional ballet, modern dance and some acrobatics); in fact, had it not been for his determined ambition to become a part of Starfleet, Nathaniel would be attending early admission to Julliard with a free ride scholarship with the dance program.

Personal History This may seem a bit unorthodox, but when a new character is involved, I enjoy writing the personal history of that character direct from any posts submitted to the current mission. In other words, as I submit a new post to the current mission, its content will, undoubtedly, include personal historical information pertaining to the character and, as such, will then be added to this area while also citing the specific post where this information derives with an applicable html link included. It’s my way of intermingling the two with one another and building a very unique character personal history.
Service Record (1.) Starbase 900. | Starfleet Academy's Satellite Program. | Cadet Freshman.