Puller-class runabouts

Created by Major Maxim Kamarov on Wed May 11th, 2011 @ 9:55am

Puller class runabouts

Class Description

Puller 1 Out of the Dominion War, Starfleet forces learned that they lacked a ground mobile, space deployable personnel transport. While shuttles and Runabouts did provided CAS ( close air support) and in a more limited role, protection from some of the more dangerous elements in combat; Starfleet realized that their forces lacked the ground mobility and protection of a dedicated vehicle. Not only for combat, but for use in aid to distressed planets and systems. In the last year of the war, a requirement for this vehicle was proposed to the shipyards. The most promising and deliverable of these was the Puller class personnel transports. Named after Lewis Burwell 'Chesty' Puller. The most decorated Marine in USMC history.

The Puller class PT started out life as a cross between the Danube and the Blackhawk classed runabouts. Like the Danube it uses many of the same components. Where the Puller differs is in the fabrication and size. Simplicity was the first and most major element. Systems that aren't needed for a long range runabout were removed or downsized. The first and most obvious is slight downsizing of the warp drive and nacelles. Uprated impulse drives were installed to enhance extended planetary operations and supplemental energy for other systems like shielding and weaponry.
    The hull plating is 25% thicker and there are no windows to enhance structural integrity.

    Standard Danube phaser modules were relocated to the forward nose. A modular turret right above and slightly to the rear of the cockpit provides defensive and offensive power in the form of a smaller pulse phaser ( 50% of the power of the Defiant). An twin external mirco-photon torpedo launcher has a limited supply of 2 torpedoes in each disposable launcher for a total of four.

    Systems not directly combat related will be removed or severely downsized. In addition to the normal Danube modules that fit this class, a few new ones have been added.
      C&C module: This unit has a dedicated comm section with tactical and planning stations for command and control of missions away from more dedicated operation centers such as a starship. Sickbay module: 4 biobeds along with 6 additional foldable beds. A single diagnostic bed along with holo emitters for the addition of the EMH. Also includes a replicator for medical needs. Aid module: The package is designed for the express purpose of aiding colonies or planets in dire need. Replicators, power generation, computer access, and commlinks.

    Class History

    January 2375: Starfleet Command issues a specification for an armored transport. It is to have crew survivability and firepower as it's main concerns. Four prototypes are to be built at the Utopia Planetia shipyards in an effort to speed up production and development.

    February 2375: \Basic construction complete. Abalative armor arrives from Beta Antares.

    April 2375: Computer becomes self-aware. Weapons and shield fitting 50% complete.

    June 2375: Warp core installed on two of the variants. Preliminary testing of all systems complete. Variants completes first warp jump. Testing of basic systems continues.

    July 2375: The prototypes spent the next 2 months in shakedown with Marine units in frontline combat service. Minor changes were made to beef up structural Integrity, shield generation, hull armor.

    October 2375: Major production begins at Utopia Planitia, Beta Antares, and Tri-Rho Nautica near the Klingon border.


    Class Information

      Classification: Personnel Transport
      Design Puller Class
      Decks One deck


      Material Duranium with added Ablative Armor
      length 27 meters
      height 12.25 meters
      width 6 meters

    Warp Systems

      power Matter/Antimatter Reactor (dilithium mediated)
      nacelles 2
      cruising speed Warp 1
      maximum speed Warp 3 for 20 hours

    Impulse Systems

      power Fusion

    Tactical Systems

      Main Phasers Two small type-U 'style' pulse phasers in turret behind cockpit. -20 to +75 degrees elevation, 360 degree rotation. (Rated at 50% of a normal size Type-U pulse phaser.The total turret power is equal to 25% of a Defiant class ship's firepower.)
      Danube phaser array -30 to +50 degree elevation. 110 degree sweep to either side.

      Torpedo Loadout carries 4 photon torpedoes in two 2 round magazines, coaxial mounted to turret. -10 to +20 degree elevation ( as the turret swings on it's gimble)) secondary phasers twin Type 4 pulse phaser cannons ( Argo type)
      shields Grid-progected (TDS)/Distance-projected, double-layered

    Crew and Auxiliary Systems

      crew 2 (maximum 52 with Marines aboard)
      transporters 12 personnel/cargo
      tractor beam standard runabout type

    Categories: SB900 Marines