Raj Amani

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|Last name=Amani
|First name=Raj
|Homeworld=Krios IV
|Hair=Light BRown
|Played By=[[User:Hawke|Hawke]]
Father: Boz Amani
Mother: Cherin
Sister: Ashan
==General Description & Personality Overview==
Raj is tall and athletic with storm-grey eyes. His hair is a medium brown with a lock that insists on falling over his forehead. He usually ignores it unless agitated, then he continually tries to brush it back.
aj has a very easy-going, likeable personality. He is very compassionate and always willing to lend an ear. He smiles often and has a keen sense of humour, as well as a love of nicknames. He is equally comfortable rubbing elbows with the higher-ups, or kicking back with his buddies for a beer and a movie.
==Strengths & Weaknesses==
Strengths: He had the ability to remain calm and centered, no matter whats going on around him or how chaotic the situation. When things get crazy, he can be fearless, a trait developed from his time at Outpost 23 where things were always crazy and had Romulans in the mix. Thanks to his Kriosian genetics, Raj has the ability to really understand what someone is feeling and become just who they need to relate to on an emotional level. He is careful with this, though, and in his personal life has so far remained unattached until he finds the 'right one'.
Weakness: He's used to activity and can get restless when things are too quiet.
To advance in his position while seeing as much of the universe as he can. For Raj, it's all about the journey, not necessarily the rank.
==Hobbies & Interests==
Raj was a member of both the fencing and Parrises Squares teams while at the Academy, and still stays in top form in both. He likes nothing better than to kick back on a holodeck version of Hawaii and soak up the sun. He has recently taken up running. He's also working on a long-term project of reading through Earth's classic literature.
==Personal History==
Raj was born on Krios and led a pretty normal life. His telepathy developed slightly early, which led to his familiarity with the counseling profession at a young age. He often turned his time with them into sessions where he asked more questions than he answered. When he arrived at the Academy, his choice of study path was an easy one. He was what would be called a 'jock' while there, and took some ribbing about his chosen course but he knew himself well and it was a natural fit.
After graduation, when assignments were being handed down, a rather unusual request was posted - a Counselor was needed at Outpost 23, Starfleet's prime defense post along the Romulan Neutral Zone. It seemed like the perfect place to carry out his calling, and there would likely be no lack of adventure, so he volunteered.
Adventure came to mean danger, and there was plenty of it. Rarely was it overt, manifesting instead as the extreme tension of a stand-off in which the bomb could blow any second. Such an atmosphere had a marked effect on the crew of the outpost and Raj stayed busy. They played hard in downtime as a means of reducing the stress.
Crew there rotated out on a regular basis. Twelve months on, then they'd move along to calmer shores to de-stress before reassignment. As he wasn't technically front lines, though simply being in the outpost qualified for that in his book, he was there for four years before being recalled to San Francisco. He went through extensive de-briefing, then a lengthy vacation in Hawaii.
Following his vacation, he was assigned as Counselor on the USS Holmes. He remained there for nine months, before moving to the USS Massachusetts in 2386. In 2387, with the assignment of the Massachusetts to DS15, he became the station's Assistant Chief Counselor. Life on a 'normal' ship and station left him restless, so when a position opened up on SB900, he jumped at the chance to move to the Delta Quadrant frontier and work with Counselor Swift.
==Service Record==
2377-2380: Starfleet Academy; Counseling
2380-2384: Outpost 23; Counselor
2384-2385: Debriefing and Shore Leave (Six months)
2385: USS Holmes; Counselor
2386-2387: Counselor; USS Massachusetts / Assistant Chief Counselor, Deep Space 15
2387: SB900; Counselor

Latest revision as of 23:15, 10 June 2015

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