Starbase 900
From Starbase 900 Wiki
Name | Starbase 900 |
Image | ![]() |
Class | Immense |
Registry | SB900 |
Starbase 900 is an Immense class starbase located in the Delta Quadrant. It is minutes away from the newly formed Solarian Wormhole, created when the Iconian Gateway at the same location was destroyed while connected to its sister gateway in the Beta Quadrant. The resulting explosion formed a stable and always-open wormhole between the Delta and Beta Quadrants. She is the home of the Delta Quadrant Operations branch of Starfleet spearheading the Federation's move into this vastly unexplored area of space. Voyager made many discoveries in the Delta Quadrant but her travels were mostly in the far reaches of the area, nowhere near where 900 is now.
The base currently orbits Archadia Prime, a protectorate of the Federation, and home of the Archadians, a matriarchal race of beings believed to be descendants of Earth's legendary Amazons.
Contents |
Class History
For over one hundred years, Starfleet relied on two primary Starbase designs; the Space Dock class and the much smaller Regula types. For years, a very large station was needed for remote areas of space that need more then what a Space Dock class could supply. Variants to the Space Dock and Regula were designed to try and fill the gap, and while they did their jobs well, they still weren't what was needed. Finally, in the late 2360s, a new proposal was submitted. Originally designed to be more the 50% larger then the Space Dock, the Immense class starbase was scaled down to being only approximately 25% larger, but it would be able to support a mid-sized task force, house and store plenty of supplies and provide a good defense position to protect Federation interests as an outpost-type station.
Support came from several former Regula class starbase commanders and from a Marine Brigadier General within the Fourth Fleet. Designs were forwarded to the Avalon Fleet Yards where construction engineers made several changes. They added two external dry docks for capital ships (Galaxy, Sovereign, Nebula, Excalibur, etc) while keeping the three internal bays for smaller vessels like Defiant, Steamrunner, Saber, Excelsior, and other classes.
Final re-designs complete, AFY sent two construction teams to begin work on the first of the new space stations, Deep Space Seven, which replaced an older Regula facility near by. Assigned to command DS7 was Brigadier General Thompson of the Seventh Fleet.
Well armed, and with an incredible sensor suite, the Immense class space station has proven to be well liked by it's crew. Another five of the type are being built now. Two are replacing aging Space Dock starbases, while the other three are being built in new sectors. One of the most useful sections of the Immense is it's vast Diplomatic Facilities. Unlike the Space Dock class, the Immense class has no less then twenty Diplomatic meeting rooms with one hundred VIP quarters. This allows the Immense to service as location for meetings between the Federation and other powers, first contact discussions, and even fleet briefing areas during times of war.
With the expansion of the Federation, the Immense class is poised to be at the fore front of Federation space. Servicing as a place to hold meetings with new species as well as deep space stations for starships on deep space and exploration missions, while at the same time holding the line and protecting the Federation itself.
Class -- Immense
Role -- Delta Quadrant HQ
Duration -- 235 years
Time Between Refits -- 10 years
Time Between Resupply -- 10 years
Width -- 7,743 meters (thinnest point); 18,842 meters (port to starboard)
Height -- 4,854 decks
Decks -- 4,854
Officers -- 3,422
Enlisted Crew -- 10,500
Marines -- 12,433
Civilians -- 5,500
Emergency Capacity -- 75000 (indefinite) - 120,000 (6 months)
Weapons & Defensive Systems
Shields -- Auto-Modulated High Capacity Shield System
- Regenerative Shield System
- Metaphasic Shielding (Absorbs approximately 25% of incoming weapon's energy and re-channels it into the weapon energy reserves.)
- Diaxilated Shield Grid
- Heavy Tritanium / Meroterium Triple Hull
- 50 cm Ablative Armor
- 20 cm Meta Composite Honeycomb Plating
- High Level Structural Integrity Field Type XV Multiphasic Absorption Shield Systems
Weapon Systems -- 95 Type XIV Collimated Phaser Arrays
- 75 Type XII Pulse Phaser Ports
- 80 Standard Torpedo Launchers (Max. torpedo spread – 5/sec.)
- 55 Burst Fire Photon Torpedo Tubes (Max. torpedo spread – 10/sec.)
Armament -- Quantum: 100,000
- Photon: 100,000
- Hellfire: 30,000
- Tri-Cobalt Devices: 25,000
- Photon w/Bilitrium Warhead Enhancement: 25,000
- Cluster: 25,000
- Transphasic - 8,000
Holographic Emitters
Starbase 900 is equipped with Mark VIII holographic emitters throughout, allowing an EMH program, or other authorized holographic beings, to be present in all areas of the station as needed. Characters from the holodeck are not authorized to have free range aboard the station and are restricted to the confines of the holodecks.
Auxiliary Craft
-Shuttlebays -- 20
-Shuttles -- 400
-Fighters -- 500
-Runabouts -- 30
-Also carries 40 Diplomatic Yachts
Attached Ship #1
USS Hammond
Class -- Diligent
Attached Ship #2
USS Takei
Class -- Wallace
Attached Ship 33
USS Ptolemy
Class -- Ascension
Development Timeline
2368: Starfleet issues a general design brief for a multi purpose Starbase capable of Starship support and construction as well as being the HQ for the sector it's in. The general idea is for a modular design capable of handling upgrades to starship support systems, weapons, sensors, and communications systems.
2369: Permission for base designs are approved and dubbed Immense class. Primary design is approved and briefs for the computer, weapons, starship support systems, and spaceframe parameters are sent out to Starfleet Design agencies for consultation.
2371: Starfleet places hold on Immense project. With tension building between the Federation and Dominion, Starfleet believes resources are needed for Starship construction instead. Immense plans sent to Avalon Fleet Yards.
2372: At the urging of several current and former Regula starbase commanders and one Marine General, Starfleet agrees to re-open the Immense project. Construction Engineers at AFY make several changes to the design, most notably reducing the size. The Immense class will now be smaller then the Space Dock class, but larger then the Regula class. Construction approved with a 10 year turn around. To speed up the project, two complete Engineering teams are sent it.
2373: Construction begins. Sensor and Comm arrays arrive on site. Starship support and construction facilities finalized. Spaceframe is designed and undergoes review. Construction proceeds on schedule.
2374: Fusion reactors arrive on site and are fitted, providing 34% complete base power. Crew living spaces begin fitting. Weapons systems begin fitting. Station Ops is designed and fitted. Shield systems are installed. Sick-bay facilities installed. Docking pods begin construction.
2375: Internal systems begin final phase. Power systems tested and regulated. Space doors fitted.
2376: Computer system now operating at 50% capacity. System expected to become self aware within a year. Space doors tested and warning systems installed. Gravitational and umbilical support systems installed.
2377: Final exterior work completed. Crew berthing spaces completed. Starship construction systems begin installation.
2378: Problem with starbase power supply found and an additional 2 fusion reactors are installed to correct power loss problems. Comm and Sensor arrays finish installation and are tested.
2379: Station Ops brought online and tested. Additional crew facilities installed. Shuttles and Starfleet tugs assigned to the station. Supplies start arriving and crew assigned.
2380: Final exterior markings applied and station is commissioned in a large formal ceremony.
2386: Starbase 900 commanded by ADM Ricky Wegener
Department Structure
Level 3 security station -- 5 to 7 man security center, manned by an Ensign and enlisted personnel. They would be spaced more sporadically throughout the station for quick response. They would be responsible for 5-10 decks to patrol. If they were to make any sort of "arrest" and needed to do paperwork, or something, there are no holding cells there so they would have to make sure their "prisoner" is well-behaved.
Level 2 security station -- 10 to 20 man security center, manned by a Jaygee and enlisted personnel. They would be spaced through the station but not as many as the Level 3's. They would be responsible for 20-50 decks to patrol, but there should be two placed in the Promenade due to the high traffic. These would primarily be seen in the Promenade and other high-traffic areas as well as one being on the same floor as either the CO/XO quarters or the VIP quarters, but still close to main OPS. The Level 2 stations have small holding cells for up to, approximately, 10 prisoners but one of the assigned officers would have to be reallocated to prisoner control.
Level 1 security station -- Only one of these on the station manned by the Chief of Security and all other security personnel. Officers posted here are assigned to random patrols all over the station to supplement the Level 2/3 stations as well as giving those personnel breaks, etc. This area also contains a training area (dedicated holodecks), R&D for security weapons/tactics, etc. 2-3 decks, or more, dedicated to the Level 1 section. There is a medium sized brig at this location able to hold up to 30 prisoners.
Detention Center - Five decks. Manned by a Jaygee or higher and 15-20 security personnel. Can hold around 100 prisoners, 5-7 people in a holding cell if necessary.
Level 3 Medical station (Named "ICC1", "ICC2", etc. for "Instant Care Center #1")-- Like the modern day "instant care center". The equivalent of a physician's assistant or nurse practitioner running the place with 1 extra nurse and 3-4 medical aides/medics (enlisted). One bed for quick sutures, etc., but nothing major handled here. Pretty much just a band-aid station. Spread throughout the station with 2-3 in the promenade.
Level 2 Medical station (They will be named for famous physicians throughout history, prior to space travel) -- Two doctors and four nurses with several aides/medics. Minor surgeries can be performed here. One of these in the promenade.
Doctor Mark Piper Memorial Medical Center (Level 1 center named after, usually referred to as "Piper Medical Center" or "PMC") -- The primary medical center aboard the station. Numerous decks, equivalent of a modern day Level 1 trauma center. Numerous docs, nurses, aides/medics around. Long term stay, in-and-out service, major surgery, consultations, etc. When scheduled for doctor's visits/check-ups this is where the personnel would report. Also a large R&D section with docs/nurses working along-side science personnel to develop new medicines, treatments, medical equipment, etc.
Galileo Center (Main Sciences Center) - Chief/Asst. Chief Science Officer, multiple decks for experimental/theoretical science, applied science, R&D, hydroponics, etc.
Main Engineering - Multiple decks for maintaining the power system for the station, R&D, etc.
Level 2 Engineering Station - Manned by a Jaygee, junior officers and enlisted. Responsible for a specific section of the station for quick response and general, scheduled maintenance/upkeep of each section.
Chain of Command
Commanding Officer -- Admiral Ricky Wegener
Executive Officer -- Captain Li Hawke
Chief Operations Officer/Second Officer -- Commander Sakkath
Chief Security/Tactical Officer -- Commander Oralia Zeferino
Chief Science Officer -- Lieutenant Commander Patrick Leroy
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