User talk:Tark

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*'''Spouse:''' Commander [[Sakkath]]
*'''Spouse:''' None
*'''Children:''' None
*'''Children:''' None
*'''Father:''' Vice Admiral Lucius Hawke
*'''Father:''' Mashita
*'''Mother:''' Marianna Hawke
*'''Mother:''' Kashiwagi
*'''Brother:''' Seren (older); Nahi (twin brother, deceased)
*'''Brother:''' Seren (older); Nahi (twin brother, deceased)
==General Description==
Ito is a petite thing. At 5'1" and 105 pounds she barely came up to the shoulder of most people. She has the look of a full blooded Japanese woman, and keeps her body in top physical condition. Her hair, solid black and thick, is cut so that it does not fall into her eyes yet is over her shoulders.
==General Description & Personality Overview==
==Personality Overview==
Li is strong and determined, dedicated to her position, and expects full effort from those on her staff. She does not require anything of her crew mates that she will not give herself, however, and never hesitates to pitch in when needed. Lead by example is a strong belief of hers. She believes in utmost professionalism when on duty but is not averse to a more relaxed atmosphere when off. Those who know her readily admit that she is hard to get a good feel for. The real Li seems hard to place, perhaps from her years of intel work. Those who do take the time to get to know her soon find that beneath the polished exterior lies a wicked sense of humor and a love of adventure.
Ito was born in Japan, but when she was not even a year old her parents were reassigned to the eastern coast of the United States, in Virginia near the shipyards. Growing up in two cultures, American in the outside world and Japanese at home, she learned to see everything for what it really was, and do what she could with it. Thus she does not let her size get to her, and she'll fight for something she thinks is right, no matter what the final outcome might be.
==Strengths & Weaknesses==
Coming from her background Ito cuts her own unique path in the 'verse. Growing up as she did, with both her parents working 14 hour days she had to learn to fend for herself at a young age. Because of that she doesn't see any limits to what she can do if she sets her mind to it. Which can be a good or bad thing. She is a very confident woman in her beliefs, which she keeps to herself. And she can have a bit of a temper, though she has a very long fuse.
On the downside she can be a bit vain about her appearance. She knows she turns heads and sometimes plays that to her advantage. Also at times she can set her sights on something and forget the big picture, and may need a nudge now and again in reminder.
Ito would eventually like to command her own ship, and is working in the command track to get that done. Along the way she wants to excel in the tasks she sets herself. She also would like to have a family, but knows her main two ambitions conflict with each other.
==Hobbies & Interests==
==Hobbies & Interests==
Li is an avid reader and the subjects that pull her attention are varied indeed. Her passion, however, is history - specifically, intelligence tactics of some of the most legendary warrior groups across the ages. Her hobbies include yoga to keep her centered, as well as maintaining the vast array of plants and flowers that fill her quarters - especially rare orchids. She is an avid chess player and practitioner of martial arts in the Betazed tradition.
As part of her teachings as a child her parents had her initiated into the martial arts. She didn't take it too seriously then, only obtaining a Brown belt in Kung Fu. In the past several years she has taken a renewed interest in the sport and has progressed to a second degree black belt. She also enjoys oil painting and three dimensional mazes.
==Strengths & Weaknesses==
But her main thirst is flying. She wants to fly, at least once, every flight worthy craft she can get her hands on. In her personal logbook she has flown over two hundred different craft and she is looking forward to increasing that number every chance she gets.
'''Strengths''': Determination and the willingness to go the extra mile whenever necessary are her primary strengths. She believes in her ideals and will uphold them no matter what.  
'''Weakness''': She tends to be somewhat emotionally reserved on the surface, not liking to display her own personal, deeply-felt emotions publicly.
==Personal History==
Growing up as someone that was "different" in the San Francisco public school system Ito learned to take care of herself at a young age. She would do what she could to avoid confrontation, but when it could not be avoided she went into the fight to win, not to be fair. This earned her the reputation among her pears as someone you did not go after unless you were very serious about it.
Because of that she had relatively few friends. She spent most of her time either at the dojo practicing her moves or on the 'net, looking up her newest interest.
One day, when she was twelve, she got the opportunity to go up in a sub-orbital craft for a school assignment, and she was hooked. The thought of becoming a pilot able to fly something like that grabbed her and would not let her go. She begged her parents to let her take flying lessons at a local airport, and after many discussions they finally agreed. She took to it like a fish to water. By the time she was 16 she had the civilian equivalent of a license to fly the ship that started it all.  
CMDR Hawke’s ambitions center on her Starfleet career, hoping to follow in her father’s (retired intelligence) footsteps. The Borg threat had strengthened that focus and now, backed by a fierce drive, her aim is to assure the safety of the fleet and the worlds it protects.
By the time she was eighteen she realized that she wanted more. She wanted to pilot ships in space. And the easiest way to do that was to join Starfleet. Which she did, and subsequently passed the requirements to graduate in the top fifth of her class. And, better yet, at least in her eyes, she had set her course in Flight Operations, learning to fly the many different configurations of ships in Starfleet. She could not have been happier.
==Personal History==
Li was born on July 14, 2357 on Betazed of one of the last of the Noble Houses. As was customary, she was promised at that time to the son of a close associate of her father’s. Her wedding to Rhys Balasz was put on hold, however, when she chose to join Starfleet. There was no surprise at her decision, spurred as she was by stories of the horrors of the Dominion War, as well as what she recalled from early childhood, and her father’s time in the Resistance. Her father was especially pleased that she chose to follow his lead and move into the intelligence field.
She graduated in 2379 with a specialty in Intelligence and Covert Ops. The timing was fortuitous. The establishment of the Fourth Fleet was underway. In January 2384, a Borg Cube destroyed Starbase 900 and led to the discovery of the Solaria Gateway, giving the Fleet access to the Delta Quadrant.
Following the destruction of Starbase 900, she was reassigned to various covert assignments. Starbase 900 was restored in the summer of 2384 and she returned to it as her base of operations. It was during this time, in 2384, that her twin brother Nahi was killed, just before the new year, when a shuttle he piloted from Starbase 900 exploded, mere feet from the shuttle bay. It was determined to be sabotage. She spent several months investigating the death, but the results were dissatisfying and vague. Leads led to dead ends, and they were finally forced to close the investigation in early 2386. In the summer of 2386, she received word that the USS Berkeley was being recommissioned. An offer was made to oversee the ship’s intelligence crew for the Delta Quadrant exploratory missions and she eagerly accepted.
==Service Record==
==Service Record==
2375-2379 Starfleet Academy
2377-2380 Starfleet Academy
2380 - 2382 Small Craft pilot, including fighters - USS Exeter, NCC-26531, Ambassador class<br>
2382 -
2346-2384 Betazed – Intelligence & Covert Ops, Starbase 900 (II)
2346-2384 Betazed – Intelligence & Covert Ops, Starbase 900 (II)

Revision as of 19:02, 23 January 2013

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