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Taking a Spacewalk

Posted on Mon Jul 6th, 2015 @ 4:10pm by Lieutenant JG Mallow Darby

You know, everyone these days always seems to suggest that extravehicular activities or EVAs - better known as a spacewalk - is an unnecessarily dangerous activity and it's something that mission parameters should always avoid. I'm not saying that they're not dangerous at all, so whoever should later browse through the logs and finds this shouldn't misunderstand what I'm saying.

What I'm saying is that I can't think of anything that's more serene than stepping out of that airlock! Sure I was a little apprehensive at first, but I'm glad that I had the opportunity and I want to sign up for it again.

It's not something that's always available these days, so I'm going to make a point of doing what I can to find some additional time to take something like this on. I'll volunteer for whatever additional training exercises are available or whatever. There may be a number of opportunities that I didn't otherwise know were really there for me to be honest.

If nothing else, then it might very well help me make it all the way up to a full lieutenant, since that sort of additional training usually counts for points for promotion - not that I'm the type to usually show too much ambition as an officer of course.

I know that most people would think that me admitting this kind of thing would make me look crazy, and you know what? Maybe I am! I don't care though, there's nothing more spiritual than being able to float under nothing but your own power and, for a fleeting amount of time that seems like it's forever but then looks to be entirely too short, you're at one with everything in the entirety of the universe.

Should anything be really branded as crazy, it's the fact that other officers want to prevent us from having this truly remarkable experience.

Anyway, though, I'll make sure to put in my request at my next earliest convenience.

I have a really good feeling that there will be plenty of seats available, and something tells me that that means that just means that other people will be missing out on what they could have been having!

Really sad in the end, eh? I guess you could say that it was crazy for sure!

Mallow Darby

Lieutenant, Junior Grade

USS Ptolemy

Apparently the resident lunatic Alpha Centauran!


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