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Bad Moon Rising

Posted on Thu Mar 6th, 2014 @ 2:33pm by Captain Li Hawke & James Holbridge

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Li's Office / Solaria Gateway Station


Kieran finished his star-drifter, a drink he had a weakness for, and smiled thinly as he always did when forming an operational plan. The plan was a relatively simple one: The equipment manifest for James Holbridge was on the Restricted List, barring Holbridge’s connections and prior service. Without the proper clearances, a red flag would be raised at the destination address, or Starbase 900. It would be a simple matter of erasing the authorizations from the manifest. That would certainly gain the attention of someone.

Moving quickly Kieran left the saloon, walking briskly. To an ordinary person, Kieran was just another medical staffer on his way to do some important task that would better the Fleet. What a load of sentimental bull! The Fleet! What a joke! A few simple bribes and the Fleet was anybody’s one-stop Casbah! Kieran rounded a corner and walked into a seemingly empty office.

“Computer, open an Intelligence channel directly to Starbase 900; authorization: Kieran Alpha Alpha Seven-seven-one BLACKJACK.”

Channel open the computer replied.

“This is BLACKJACK. Possible Protocol One-One-Seven, solaria Gateway Station. Confidence is high, repeat high. Will advise. End message” Kieran paused. “Send directly to Intelligence chief and Executive Officer of the station.” The message was a simple one, code One-One-Seven was an illegal procurement of Starfleet weapons and/or vehicles for unknown purposes, a big no-no by anyone’s standards. Kieran quickly accessed the manifest logs and deleted the authorization codes. Once he was through, he logged off. He didn't cover his tracks because he wanted action and the use of his main identity would guarantee action.

Now, he would wait on the station and see what happened.


Li’s comm panel beeped and she pulled her attention away from the padd that held Holbridge’s release and his service jacket. There were a few last details she’d offered to handle. The screen came to life and Dae’s face showed, his expression perplexed.

“Hi Dae, what can I do for you?”

I just got a communique from the Alpha Quadrant, encoded. Blackjack. Your name was on it too, have you seen it?”

Li raised an eyebrow at Dae’s information. “Interesting.” Even as she spoke, she saw the flashing light in the corner of her screen. “One second.”

She read through it and when she switched back to Dae, she was frowning. “Well that didn’t take long.”

Dae nodded. “My thoughts exactly. I’ve traced that shipment and it belongs to...guess who?”


“Yes indeed. What an ass. Kieran I mean, not Jim.”

“I figured. Well, time to throw some weight around. Allow me the pleasure of doing so. I’ll keep you posted Dae. Hawke out.”

She closed the channel, smiled for a moment, then put on her serious game face. “Computer open a channel, routing back to that last transmission from the Alpha Quadrant.”

Moments later, her terminal beeped, alerting her the channel was open. She waited for a face to appear. In a perverse way, she was looking forward to this.


Kieran smiled to himself. That didn’t take very long, he thought as he accepted the transmission. “Ah, Captain Hawke! So good of you to take the time to return my message. I thought perhaps Commander Nalas would have answered.”

Li smiled briefly. “Hello Commander Kieran. I decided to take this one myself, given Mr. Holbridge’s recent release from the Fleet. I trust you will enlighten me?”

“I would be only too delighted. Mr. Holbridge has requisitioned items that are on the restricted tech list. I am aware of his ambitious plans to set up a security firm on the base, but these vehicles and weapons he wants are not available to civilians. I think maybe an alert to the sector commander….”

“I am well aware of Mr. Holbridge’s requisition list. I am also aware that everything there was already in his possession and owned by him under the auspices of his company. Which is, as I am sure you know, affiliated with his family’s mining consortium.” Li’s expression and tone were calm. She would play it soft for now as she was curious where this was going.

Kieran regarded Li with a pained expression before proceeding. “It has been my experience that authorization forgeries are easily produced and corroborated by willing cohorts who have served together for long periods of time.”

“Tell me, Commander Kieran, did you bother to research the assets in question before taking action? It was a simple matter to trace them back, you know.” Li crossed her arms and smiled at Kieran. “I am curious, too, why you are involved here.” Li knew exactly why, but decided to play it coy for now.

“I did the research, and I find the fact that an ex-officer is in possession of any such equipment, much less allowed to remain on a base….” “Holbridge’s separation may have negated a deal that kept himself and his so called ‘Ghost Team’ from being prosecuted. I think that his resignation, combined with the possession of the equipment, raises a concerns and I believe that Mr. Holbridge needs to be detained and investigated. I will be taking him into custody upon his arrival at this station….

Now Li leaned in, ready to play hardball. “I am aware of your deal, Commander. I am also aware of some pertinent facts that concern you...or should. Lay a hand on Holbridge and you will be dealing with me directly. In person.”

Kieran regarded the viewer coolly. “That would be a sight to see, and I would invite you to try.” Kieran leaned forward and tabbed a control. “I am transmitting the order for Mr. Holbridge’s detention now….”

“For your sake, I would resist that temptation, Kieran. And that is a direct order. Ignore it at your peril.” Li’s voice had turned to icy steel.

“Commander, I am sorry but could you repeat your last trans….” Kieran abruptly cut the channel. There was no way that former sky-pilot was going to renege on the deal he made, especially with his brother’s life at stake .


Commander Kieran
Fly In The Ointment


Captain Li Hawke
Fly Catcher


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