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Fancy Meeting You Here

Posted on Wed Mar 12th, 2014 @ 7:41am by Lieutenant Commander Nicolao & Eldren Tohr

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Saturnalia

* * * Saturnalia * * *

The turbolift descended rapidly below the equator, carrying Nico with it. He had a raging headache after the session with Robin, not due to the mental exertion but the very real pain of memory. It was the first time he’d allowed himself to drop back to that hellhole, and it was every bit as real now as it had been then. At least Robin had come through it reasonably well. He hoped.

Nico himself needed something to clear his mind, get away from it….somehow. He had to be stable when he went to Dru’s to sit watch later. The lift doors parted and Nico stepped out, making his way to Saturnalia. He barely registered those around him as he went, and he could imagine how ghastly he must look at the moment. He didn’t care.

All he wanted was distraction and as he entered the bar, the babble of voices and laughter rose to meet him. A sea of nameless faces swam before him as he stumbled to an empty table. Someone blocked his path and he bumped into the man. A glance at his face told him Cardassian and as Nico moved on past, the face registered as dimly familiar. He’d worry about it later. What he wanted now was a drink and he dropped into a chair and waved at someone he hoped was a waitress. Whiskey. Bring...three. He pushed the thought to her, then rested his head on his arms on the table.

Not very far, in the darkest corner of Saturnalia, two eyes had registered the scene and were now focusing themselves on the protagonists. Eldren shifted slightly in his seat,changing position, slowly revolving the glass in front of him between finger and thumb. Many a day had passed, neverending, almost boring while he proceeded with his own business and now the gloomy Saturnalia offered him this… An unexpected diversion.

The young man at the table seemed suffering, or close to it, but that wasn’t the feature of main interest for Eldren. A Cardassian had set foot, unwisely, on the Starbase and seemed quite interested in the youngster, that piqued his curiosity far more. Of course no one of the nobodies catering to this forgotten mud-hole could have noted anything of what had just transpired. Tohr, though, had been broiling in these kinds of games long enough not to avoid noticing a predator and prey locking in the usual tight death-dance.

Who was which remained to be seen, probably in the next few minutes, Eldren thought as he leaned back to prepare for the show. A grin lined his mouth as he considered himself a step above anyone else in the ‘food chain’.

Without looking up, and even as addled as he was, Nico sensed someone approaching. He mentally searched, forcing perception through the headache and then sucked in his breath. Daro. What NIco had shown Robin was only memories, how was it possible that he was here? Too coincidental. far too coincidental.

“What do you want?” Nico growled once the Cardassian stopped at the table.

The situation growing more interesting by the second, Eldren leaned slightly forward on the table in an effort to get some labial for listening above the noise of the locale was clearly impossible. Even if the Enaran reaction seemed to speak by itself.

Nico Lifted his head to look at the Cardassian, his voice pure acid as he spoke. “I am in no mood for you right now, so either state your business or leave.”

Daro looked Nico over and as much as he would have liked to slit his throat immediately, this wasn’t the place. He also had no desire to face his target when he was not at his best. Where was the fun in that?

“We’ll speak soon,” Daro growled. He rested a hand on Nico’s shoulder and Nico roughly shrugged it off. With one last look, the Cardassian strolled towards the door, leaving Nico to his wallowing.

Watching the Cardassian leaving, Eldren gritted his teeth. He would have expected better from one of their race. Still he had to remember that he was a lone specimen far from his territory therefore his arrogance could have been dwindling as cowards go.

This was a juicy occasion, far too one, to let it go. Eldren stood with his glass and moved to the Enaran’s table. Perhaps he could play some card from his deck to get information.

“Doesn’t seem to be a good evening…” Eldren greeted the Enaran, tending the bait as he sat in front of him.

A low growl escaped Nico. “I seem to be Mr. Popular today.” He rubbed his forehead, wishing the headache would pull back enough to give him a little more coherence. “This a social call or do you need something?”

“Nothing like that.” Eldren replied, easing himself in the seat, “Still I couldn’t avoid noticing a certain discomfort towards particular customers of this bar.”

Eldren paused to let his words sink in then leaned forward. “Just wanted you to know that you’re not alone in this sentiment should be this of some encouragement.” His golden earring glittered eerily in Saturnalia’s gloomy lights.

Nico took a closer look at Eldren. Despite the headache, he scanned the man and drew a complete blank. Strange. “I bested him and his pals once and you know they hate that. Who are you? And what are you? I’ve never had trouble reading your kind before.”

“Perhaps I’m mistaken but bested doesn’t seem the appropriate word, ” Eldren remarked looking him up. “I’m a friend, and they hate me too among other things. I’m bajoran.” He ended avoiding the subject. “Perhaps we could help each other… Strangers in a strange land.”

I know you’re Bajoran, your kind is usually easy.” Nico considered Eldren’s offer and nodded slightly. “He and I have a long past, his presence here can mean nothing good. What do you have in mind?”

“Nothing tragic.” Eldren lied. “In my people’s experience Cardassian presence always led to bad things and a lone one is always just the iceberg’s point. Do you know if there are others on the station at the moment? By the way if they’re after you… You might have a problem sooner than later.”

“No clue.” Nico shrugged, then passed one of the drinks to Eldren and took one for himself. “I didn’t know he was here till now. And you’re right, so perhaps I should sniff around and see what I come up with. How do I get in touch with you?”

“Don’t worry. I will find you.”

“Not if I find you first.” Nico drained his glass and stood. “See you around and watch your back. If what you say is true, it may be both of us he’s after.” He watched eldren for another moment,still drawing a blank, then turned and made his way out.

The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend

Eldren Tohr
Biding His Time


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