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Bringing It Together

Posted on Wed Apr 9th, 2014 @ 3:16pm by James Holbridge

Mission: Breaking New Ground


Jim and Kiriana stared into the quarters of Norvil Kieran, calmly making a map of the rooms. Jim was about to tap his wrist when the sound of a firing phaser reached his ears, then he felt himself falling, then landing on his back in Norvil Kieran’s quarters. Holbridge shook his head, then opened his eyes to see Kieran smiling at him, a phaser brandished in his left hand

“Why, James, how nice of you and your concubine to join us!” Kieran grinned. “Easy does it, no sudden moves or I will flash-fry you on the spot!”

Kiriana, in a heap herself, managed to look over at Kieran. “Really brave, aren’t you, male?!” she growled in a low voice.

Kieran walked over to her and soundly slapped her, then stuck the phaser into her opened mouth. “That was not very nice, little lady! In this quadrant we respect our men and don’t speak out of turn! I am sure the Orions will teach you some manners once they get you.”

Kiriana’s eyes were blazing. “Big man with the weapon!”

“It keeps me safe from insane Amazons and renegade officers who think they can resign to get out of debts!” Kieran calmly tapped his commbadge. “This is Kieran; discontinue security protocol. Subjects are in custody.”

Understood, commander, came the voice of a security officer via intercom.

Kieran quickly secured both Jim and Kiriana’s wrists with two sets of binders. When he was done, Kieran tapped his commbadhe in a three-hit pattern. “Stand by to transport,” he ordered.

Can’t get a lock on them, sir, was the reply.

Kieran looked at Holbridge. “Really, James, an inhibitor?”

Jim shrugged his shoulders. “Don’t look at me! I am as mystified as you are!”

“Track the source!” Kieran ordered.

Stand by, sir…just experienced an energy flux on our aft shields…

Jim suddenly rose to his feet. “Okay, enough! I will go with you.”

Kieran turned to Jim. “Just like that?”

“Just like that. Just send the broad back to the Ghost. She’s not who you want” Jim looked at Kiriana with disgust. “She’s just a woman!”

“You dirty sonofa…” the rest of her protest was lost in the whine of the transporter.

Kieran locked the system then faced Jim. “Now, let’s discuss this thing maturely.”


Kiriana materialized on the pad and stormed off, knocking over Rockenfield. “Out of my way, little man!” she barked as she moved towards the weapons locker.

Dave Lorenz came forward and put his hand up. “Stand down!”

“You don’t tell me…”

“Shut the hell up and listen!” David shouted, cutting off her reply. “Jim got you back here to keep you out of trouble! We can’t be running around the station. There is a plan, but a psychotic liaison officer is not a part of it!”

“Talk sense, lamare,” Kirian a said, using the Archadian term for lover instinctively, almost forgetting her disdain of males.

“Quentin found a ship out there, not cloaked but coated in micro-diffracted carbon. It’s an Intel camo-job, and so we did an IFF interrogation and it came back as the Caucus. Now that we know it’s Kieran’s ship, we can use that to our advantage. The bastard can’t raise his shields lest the station, and we, detect it. Quentin’s over there, and unless I miss my guess he’s already taken the bridge.”

Kiriana’s rage seemed to lessen in her eyes. David went over to the MSD and typed in a command. “He has the ship. Now we wait for Li and the rest of the base personnel to get here. Once that happens, then we nail him!”

A short post by:





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