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One Lump Or Two?

Posted on Sun May 4th, 2014 @ 2:23am by Lieutenant Commander Nicolao & Lieutenant Commander Robin Swift M.D., PhD & Petty Officer 1st Class Drusilla Dupree

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: The Promenade / Counselor's Office

* * * The Promenade * * *

Nico slid into the seat across from Dru as she sat at the open-air coffee shop in the middle of the promenade’s lower level. Once morning arrived, he’d departed to change, then meet her for breakfast. He studied her closely, then smiled.

“You look most refreshed this morning. Sleep well?”

“Like a drunkard, apparently. I think I’ve done something to my throat for all of the snoring.” She shook her head and sipped her coffee. “Please tell me you didn’t hear me. I must have sounded like a targ in heat.”

“I’ve heard worse, believe me.” A waitress arrived and he ordered Vulcan spiced tea, then continued. “No dreams?”

“Nothing that made me shudder like last time, but honestly, I doubt I’d remember it after all of the alcohol I consumed.”

“Good.” He left it at that, deciding to keep his mental assistance where her dreams were concerned to himself. “It’s good to see you looking more rested. I’m glad your lecture to me last night didn’t overtax you.” The glint in his eye now told her he was teasing her.

She slumped in her chair. “A lecture,” she said flatly. “I’m sorry, Nico. Whatever it was I’m sure it was alcohol induced.”

“It was all about how you were not going to let your friend live like I do. It rambled on a bit but that was the gist of it. Certainly put me in my place.” His tea arrived and he lifted the cup, blew on it and took a sip. He knew that bit of information would cause her some consternation and he remained silent, enjoying the moment.

After a groan, she felt like becoming so small he wouldn’t see her. “Well, that’s me putting my foot in my mouth. I do want you to be happy, or happier, but live your life your way, Nico. Drunk Dru may not be the wisest of sages to take advice from.”

“I don’t know, it sounded pretty wise to me. You may be right.” His tea had cooled and he drained the small cup in one go. “There’s an old saying that drunkenness doesn’t change you, it only makes you more so.” Amusement lit his expression once more. Her embarrassment seemed to climb a notch, as did the color in her face.

“And it seems to make you speak the truth, no matter what it is,” she replied. “The whole brain-mouth thing just kinda’ stops working in conjunction.” She snickered, finally easing up. “So, what are your plans for today?” she asked, hoping to prompt a change in the conversation.

“The gym, a little thank you to Ophelia in sickbay for saving my sanity yesterday, and Robin later. How about you? Besides work that is.”

“Ugh, work…” she said. “I’d much rather go back to bed.” Drinking the last of her coffee she added, “But I guess I’ll work, eat, have a swim and then wander around for the rest of the day.”

“Dinner later?” Nico slid he chair back a little, preparing to go. “You mentioned the Nexus, I can get us a table on short notice I think.”

“That would actually be nice,” she replied with a smile. “A good reason to get all dressed up. What time?”

“1900. And now I have to get moving if I want to make it to Robin on time.” He stood and smiled once more. “I’ll pick you up then.” And just like that, he was gone, vanishing into the morning crowd that surged through the Promenade.

She caught the eye of the server and had another coffee headed her way. She still had some time before she was supposed to be at work and, generally, Robin wasn’t too fussy if she was a little late. He had his moments in that regard as well.

The waitress delivered Dru’s coffee and as she raised the cup, a tall figure slipped into the seat Nico had just vacated. He was muscular, with dark hair and grey skin. A Cardassian. He didn’t speak but merely watched her, his dark eyes less than friendly.

She had the cup just inches from her mouth and kept it there as she asked, “And who might you be?”

The man leaned closer towards her and when he spoke, his voice was pitched low. “Where did your friend go?” he asked, ignoring her question.

She suddenly became alarmed at his evasion, but attempted to remain calm. “He had some things to do today. I didn’t ask him for his itinerary. Now, who are you?”

“Let’s just say that he and I have a little business to take care of and you’re going to help me with that.” He rested one hand on the table, but his other was out of sight beneath it. “And if you cooperate, this will all be over soon and with no trouble.”

Her first instinct was to throw the coffee in his face. It was fresh and very hot. She could have gotten a few steps ahead of him, but she was certain that the hidden hand held a weapon of some sort. He could vaporize her before she managed to get out of her seat.

“And what is it that you expect me to do?” She slowly lowered her cup to the table.

“You and I are going to take a little walk.” He shifted slightly in his chair, then stood. His hand showed a flash of a weapon before it slipped out of her sight. He motioned for her to stand. “Nice and easy.”

It was at times like this that she wished she had been anything but a counseling aide. As she stood she wondered how Nico would have gotten out of this, or even Nick or Leto? But she had only taken the basic required self-defense courses in the Academy as most counseling aides weren’t required to subdue anyone.

Frantically searching for any eyes that were looking at her, she hoped to possibly send some sort of signal. Everyone was involved with their own drinks, food or people with them, though. She was on her own.

“That’s good.” He rested a hand at the small of her back, steering her through the crowd to a turbo lift. The doors opened and after it emptied, he guided her in. A chilly smile given to a woman approaching convinced her to wait for the next lift and the doors closed. They were alone. “Well done...Drusilla isn’t it? I’m glad to see you’ve got some brains in that pretty head of yours.”

“Wouldn’t mind seeing yours splattered on the bulkhead,” she muttered as she turned to face the door.

“Sharp tongue I see. I’m surprised. Nicolao usually likes them more docile so they don’t buck his authority too much.” His tone was harsh and he pronounced Nico’s name like it was anathema to him.

She turned to him angrily. “‘Likes them?’ Just what kind of relationship do you think he and I are in?”

The Cardassian merely smiled as he loomed over her. “I”d think that was obvious, since he’s such a loner - at least from the reports I’ve gotten since I last saw him.”

“Then you must not be quite the smart Cardassian that you think you are. He and I are just friends. Nothing else.” She tried to ‘mean mug’ him a bit, but he just smirked at her. So, doing the only thing she could, she turned and crossed her arms with an audible ‘Harrumph.’

“That so?” His tone said he didn’t believe it. “Friends don’t usually stay overnight.” The fact that he’d been watching her quarters was clear. “But whatever you are, you’ll do fine as a lure. Now face the wall.”

“Have quite a few friends, do you?” she asked. Then she realized that goading an armed Cardassian was probably not the best course of action. Her only other option was to just not talk at all. Better than getting into a war of words that may cause her to be perforated in several important parts of her body, or being vaporized altogether.

He growled and in one smooth motion grabbed Dru, turned her around and slammed her into the wall. Her forehead smacked the hard surface of the turbolift and instantly she sagged towards the floor.

“There, that oughta keep you quiet.” When the doors opened below the equator, he scooped her up and stepped out.

* * * Counselor Swift’s Office * * *

With a check of the chronometer, Robin smirked. Dru was hardly ever late so he didn’t bother with admonishing her on the off chance that she was. Nico was the first appointment of the day and he was already ready to see him so the door from the waiting room into his office stood open.

The outer doors parted and Nico strolled inside. He paused to look over the outer office, then noted the open door to Robin’s office. Not seeing Dru, he frowned and stepped inside. He skipped a greeting and got to the point.

“Where’s Dru?”

“I guess she’s sleeping in a bit?” He waited inside his office for Nico to join him. “She deserves a few breaks now and again.”

Nico’s expression shifted to concerned as he sat down across from Robin. “She didn’t. I met her for coffee an hour or so ago, before I hit the gym. I left her at the coffee shop in the Promenade. She was planning to come here, from what I gathered. She was already in uniform.”

“She’s probably just having more coffee and enjoying her morning,” Robin said. “Ready to start?”

Nico rubbed his eyes and finally nodded. “I guess so.” He drummed his fingers on his leg for a moment. “How’re you doing after last time?”

“No problems that I could find,” he lied. “But we’re here to talk about you. Have you been keeping your journal?”

“Yeah.” Nico’s leg bounced briefly. “I’ll bring it by later and leave it if you want. I forgot it. I stayed at her place last night, in the living room, in case she had nightmares again.”

Robin noticed his leg. “Is something wrong? You seem a bit ner--hold on. You stayed at her place last night?” He raised his eyebrows. “Interesting. I know you said in the living room, but is something more than a friendship blossoming between you two?”

Nico’s response was a raised eyebrow. “She went to bed, I sat up all night on the sofa. That’s all, aside from a lecture from her about not being such a loner, more or less.” He looked around the office, then rose, beginning to pace. “That’s it.”

“Well, it couldn’t be with a better person if that were to happen, but I’ll leave it be.” He watched Nico pace and inclined his head. “So, something has you uptight. Care to share? Is it something I can help with?”

Robin’s comment struck Nico as curious. “Dru being the better person in all this. I am the last thing she needs.” He stopped and leaned back against the portal ledge, crossing his arms. “There is something unusual that’s happened though. Someone from the prison on Cardassia showed up at my table in Saturnalia yesterday.”

That immediately put Robin on alert. “Another prisoner or one of the prison guards?”

“Both. One is the old woman who gave me the stone, but yesterday? One of the staff. The one who was very good with the needle.”

Robin sat quiet for a moment and made a final decision. “I think we should alert security. If nothing else but to keep an eye on him. If his job was to torture people then who knows what he’s doing now?”

“Maybe. I’d like a day to see what I can find out.” He didn’t add that if it looked like a problem, he could take care of it.

“Look, Nico,” Robin said, now standing, as this had obviously stopped being a counseling session and was now a proper security issue, “do what you think is right. I’m sure you can handle things your way, but as an officer of this station I would remiss in my duties if I didn’t report it.” He watched Nico pace a few more times. “Can you give me his name or a description?”

“Daro. Tall. Grey. Spoon-head. He’s hard to miss.” Nico grumbled softly. “Let them know but I suspect he’s behaving purely because of Security. At least for now. That’s assuming he’s not just passing through, but I’ve never been a believer in coincidence. Especially this far out.”

“I guess, because of the circumstances, that we can cut this session short,” Robin replied. “Go. See what you can find. And after I contact security I’ll go check Dru’s quarters and see about her for you.”

“For me?” Nico paused and shook his head. “I meant what I said...she doesn’t need the danger I represent. Or the uncertainty.” He then addressed the computer. “Computer, please locate Petty Officer 2nd Class Drusilla Dupree.”

=^= Drusilla Dupree is in turbolift 27, deck 366, Piper Medical Center =^=

“Computer, how long has she been there?”

=^= Thirty minutes =^=

“Let’s go.” Nico’s words were clipped as he hurried from the office.

Robin followed quickly and tapped his commbadge. “Dr. Swift to security, meet me on deck 366 of Piper, by turbolift 27.”

Nico was already well ahead of him when Robin made it out into the corridor but he walked briskly after him. He kept telling himself that there was no need to run since they weren’t certain if Dru was in any danger or not. Then again, she could have been lying unconscious on the lift for all this time. But why wouldn’t anyone have called it in?

He shook his head as he approached the lift, shaking those thoughts from his mind. But the concern returned when Nico stepped out of the lift holding a commbadge.

“Is she--?”

Nico held out the comm badge to Robin. “That’s all there is. It’s empty.”

Robin ran his hand through his hair, now beginning to worry. “Okay. Okay, let’s not panic. This may be unrelated to your Cardassian friend. For all we know she was carrying something and it knocked it off of her tunic.”

He said it, but he didn’t believe it. He was suddenly a bit relieved to see three security staff approaching. Waving them down, they zeroed in on him.

“We, uh...we might have a bit of a situation,” he said.


Petty Officer 2nd Class Drusilla Dupree
The Bait

The Trap

The Prey

Lt. Cmdr. Robin Swift
The Plucky Sidekick


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