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Posted on Tue Jul 15th, 2014 @ 10:07pm by James Holbridge

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Gareth IV Black Site

Holbridge, Harrison, and Lorenz, the three founding members of Nebula Gold Security Group, beamed into the underground reception center of the Garteth IV "black site", a site not acknowledged by the rank-and-file Starfleet. Holbridge knew about this place only because Li had taken the time to upload the coordinates and necessary clearances to Eddie's memory banks.

A slim man wearing spectacles appeared. "I am John Ruden, administrative assistant for the facility. Your identities have been confirmed as James Holbridge, Quentin Harrison, and David Lorenz, all recently resigned from Starfleet. I received instructions that Wyatt Holbridge be placed in your custody, per Li Hawke's order."

Quentin's bearded face broke into a smile. "Nice of her to think of that!"

Jim looked at Ruden. "Where is Wyatt?"

"He is being debriefed and prepared for departure. He will be transported here in a mater of minutes." Ruden said, no emotion in his voice.

Jim put a hand to his ear, holding up his other hand for silence. "Right!" He turned to Ruden. "You are an administrative hologram. Please accept code-three-one-one-two-seven-override and execute!"

"Acknowledged." a transporter whine sounded and the figure of Wyatt Holbridge appeared, his hair wild and uncurried and his eyes darting back and forth until they settled on Jim. "I'll be goddamned!" the younger man said, tears in his eyes.

Jim stepped forward and hugged his brother hard, his own emotions running unchecked. Dave and Quentin both joined the duo, then the four men separated. "You looking pretty scrawny, kid!"

"I'm on the prison slim-fast diet!" Wyatt cracked back. "Not to rush but can we get the hell outta here?"

Jim nodded. "Eddie, four to beam up!"


Jim was in his quarters having a real-time talk with his wife. "He's okay, just thinner than near-beer! Quentin and Dave have been forcing food on him and keeping him in good spirits until we get him to the base. "What's the word from Command on his legal status?"

He is a citizen of the Federation, sweetie. Apparently the admiral and the captain have done quite a lot for him, and you. Tricia's eyes were smiling.

"How so?"

Just some work requests involving armed escorts for several sensitive passengers, requests for training, all kinds of things!

Jim grinned, thinking he'd send Quentin to thank Li personally. "Another six hours and all of us will be home and we can get this all behind us. See if Mom and Dad can come out to the base, or we can send Wyatt home in a transport." Jim smiled at the viewer. "I am thinking we need to take a couple days and get reacquainted."

Agreed! Get here and we will! Tricia smiled then ended the conversation.

Jim leaned back in his chair on the bridge of the Ghost and smiled widely, exhaling a deep breath it seemed like he had been holding for a long time. For the first time in a long time, things looked very good and the future looked bright.


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