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Say Ya Want A Revolution?

Posted on Mon Sep 8th, 2014 @ 6:28pm by Captain Li Hawke & Jackson Banning V & Marine Captain Quentin Harrison

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Starbase 900 Promenade
Timeline: 37 hours after returning to the base

Even in a crowd as bustling as the one on Starbase 900, Quentin Harrison was a hard man to miss, his bearded face sitting well above many faces of the moving crowd. Even harder to miss was his new work uniform, which had finally come in. Instead of a Starfleet jumpsuit, Quentin now wore a black polo shirt bisected down the left shoulder with a gold stripe and the company logo "NEBULA GOLD" written in Starfleet script. Holbridge felt that this would instill some confidence in prospective clients, plus advertise the fact that most of the operators at were ex-Fleet personnel.

NGSC had acquired a few new faces during Alpha Team's absence. Maxim Kamarov, former Starfleet Marine major and second-in-command of the Marine garrison on the base had resigned his post at the Satellite Academy, as had Gunnery Sergeant Hanley Woodard, combat engineer Sergeant Darius Shelton, and even new arrival Sam Elliott. Sam had had quite a career, going from Starfleet enlisted man to Marine officer and back to the Fleet, topping out as commanding officer of Deep Space Six. When Kamarov had contacted him with news of the company Jim was forming he literally jumped on the first ship he could find that would take him to the Delta Quadrant.

Wyatt Holbridge was recuperating in the base's huge Mediplex in one of the long-term care facilities. It turned out Wyatt had some serious internal parasite infestations that required immediate removal upon setting foot on the base. The LTMH had expertly performed the surgeries, and the younger man was on his way to a speedy recovery.

The Nexus Club beckoned. Quentin checked his sidearm, a shiny new 3p model hand phaser once favored by the Marines, and ensured the safety was locked. He walked into the bar entrance and saw Jackson at his table, always yakking with someone. The big Scot wove his way around the bar patrons and came to a stop behind Banning, waiting.

"' that's how that all came about. As ya can see, it was --" Jackson paused and a smile crept onto his face. He motioned the young waiter away, then spoke again. "Well, ya gonna just stand there ya big lug or gonna have a seat?"

Quentin grinned and sat in the offered chair. A waitress, a particularly nice-looking Orion woman, slid Quentin a mug of ale with a smile. "Thank ye, lass!" Quentin turned to face Jackson. "And thank ye for the kind invitation and for stocking me family brew in your wine rack. It lends culture and sophistication to yer stock of synth-ale swill and watered down booze!" Quentin grinned broadly as he took a big slug of his ale. "We're finally rid o' that Kieran bastard!"

"Banning bourbon has never been watered an' ya know it." Jacksonn grinned at Quentin. "I already heard that y'all took out the trash. So how's Wyatt doin'?"

"He had a few critters in his belly and the LTMH removed 'em, so now he's chasing every nurse in the Mediplex!" Quentin smiled. "Jimmy is happier than I hae seen him in awhile, sure!"

"Well, I'm glad Wyatt's back home. It'll take some time but he'll get there." Jackson lifted his glass and sipped his drink. "So now that the excitement's over, what's your plans?" His tone had shifted, moving away from idle curiosity, a shift that wasn't lost on Quentin.

"I have to earn an honest livin, and that means NGSC has gotta get a few new gigs other than training the Archadian Prelature and getting the boss's brother outta the shit. I cannae believe I'm sayin this but I'm nae goin back to Scotland like I had planned after rescuin' Wyatt." Quentin took a long pull off his mug.

Surprise lit Jackson's face. "Really? That's interestin'. I figured they'd have ta beat ya with a stick to keepya outta the Highlands." He took another sip of his whiskey, considering. "No plans to go back Fleet-side either?"

"I dinnae think the Fleet would allow me to be bustin' heads like I have been! I think I would rather stay where I know there is gonna be something jumpin off pretty soon. Max Kamarov is finalizing a deal to provide bodyguard and security for some potentate in the Delta Quadrant. Since we aren't in the Fleet nae more, we dinnae run the risk of violatin' the Prime Directive." Quentin swallowed some more ale. "I think some nice brekia soup would go down well with this!"

As if by magic, a waitress appeared and set Quentin's soup down in front of him. Quentin quickly downed a spoonful. "Tis Good, sure!"

"We aim to please," Jackson answered. He waited as Quentin downed some more soup. "If that's what yer set on, I may be able to help ya out here an' there."

Quentin lowered his voice. "Between you and me, Jack, that would be most helpful! We have sanitized intel feeds that don't tell us shit! The grand poo-bah we are escortin' through enemy space has more than sixteen death warrants out on her! Seems that her family was all but wiped out during a changing-of-the government. Her poppa put her in a ship with his chief ambassador or something and sent him to a location about 17 million KM from the base. Starfleet denied her request for aid, but someone gave them our business card, so it would seem. So far there have been nae attempts on her life yet."

The mention of sanitized intel feeds didn't surprise Jackson. Given his somewhat reinstated position, he couldn't comment, so he merely nodded.

"I can imagine. But as we keep hearin', this is the wild frontier. I can't imagine that you'll be hurtin' for work. The Fleet's not the only game in town an' out here, it's very little of the game. Word'll travel, 'specially once you get yer current package delivered."

Quentin looked at Jackson and grinned. "Ye still keep yer ear to the deck, don't ye? I am glad to see yer not slippin in yer old..." A beeping noise drew Quentin's attention..."Dammit...Harrison here!" he barked, holding his finger to his earpiece. "Damnation....tell em not to leave until I get to the bloody ship! Harrison out!" Quentin turned to Jackson and smiled. "I guess the High Potentate of Hoopee Doopee is ready to make sail!"

"Take 'er easy, Q." Jackson offered his friend a mock salute, then reached for his drink.

"Take who easy?" a familiar female voice asked from just behind Jackson.

The big Scot looked over Banning's shoulder to see the smiling face of Captain Li Hawke. Quentin quickly smiled in return. "Good to see ye again, lass! Jack-O here was just wishin' me clear sailin'. NGSS got a gig protecting a long-lost princess. Must be a hornet's nest o' trouble if they're paying us all that latinum.

At Quentin's words, Li frowned slightly and sat down between the two men. The mention of a lost princess brought yesterday's news feed back to mind.

"There was something on the news yesterday about a missing heiress, Quentin. And a civil war. Did you see it?"

Quentin nodded his head. "Aye, lass, that I did, and that be the ver' lass we are goin' to work for. We get her onto her home planet, make sure she is reunited with her folks and get outta Dodge without becoming embroiled in the civil war." Quentin's grin turned feisty. "Jimmy rejected the idea I came up with o' stickin' Her Royalness into a photon tube and firin' it at the rendezvous point. Save us a lot of time and aggravation dealin' with her, it would!"

"Given the state of things on her planet, I'm with you," Li commented with an uncharacteristic lack of sympathy. "You all need to be careful there, things are bad and getting worse. Dae could give you a route that might minimize exposure."

Quentin nodded in agreement. "I'll transmit me request en route. We'll be on Channel 66 in case things go south. I'm tellin ye this because I dinnae think them Archadian lasses would stand to this kind o' fight! Goodbye!"

Harrison rose from the table swiftly and made his way to the exit. It was time to get this show on the road!

Jackson watched him go and shook his head. "Maybe we'd better cross our fingers on this one, Li."


A joint post by:

Quentin Harrison
NO Time For Potentates

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Friend With Connections

Captain Li Hawke
Concerned....As Usual


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