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Nudges and Pokes

Posted on Mon Sep 8th, 2014 @ 7:11pm by James Holbridge & Marine Captain Quentin Harrison & Major David Lorenz

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: USS Washita VIP gunabout NGSS

With the big Scot, Quentin, securely on board, Dave Lorenz coolly steered the Washita out into space where Jim Holbridge and four NGSS Gryphon-class space fighters were loitering. "Bouncer, Bulldog, confirm that your new navigator is on board your fighter." Dave radioed.

Roger that. Rasai is in the backseat and having the tme of her life playing with her new scopes. New course from Dae has just been uploaded. All craft lock in and engage at Warp Four on my mark.....Mark!" Jim instructed via subspace radio. Dave smoothly activate the Washita' warp engines and the ship leaped ahead into warp speed.

Lilw, now insisting on being addressed as "Prime Minsiter Lilw" or "His Excellency", was becoming a bothersome pain in the ass, as was evidenced by his continual whining. "....It is highly irregular for a client not to be present on the vessel she chartered! I demand to know where she is, this instant!"

All eyes turned to Quentin as he rose to his feet to hover over the much smaller Lilw. "Laddie, yer princess is safe and sound and in a place where any one of us would rather be at this moment. We have four days warp travel, and I am nae going to liste to ye whine and bitch about comfort and protocol the entire way. As a matter of fact, if I hear one more peep outta ye, you will be the first Prime Minsiter to be ejected out of a moving ship at warp speed!"

"Uhm, point of order, big man, but I believe the Klingon Ambassador Mo'Ghri'K was thrown from a warp-capable ship in the early days of Klingon space travel." Sam Elliott spoke up, staring at a small padd.

"You're both full of shit!" said Darius Shelton, the team demolitions expert. "No one would survive being chucked into space at warp without being torn apart."

Quentin looked at Lilw. "If ye wanna be a sport, lad, we can settle the argument!" There was pure malicious glee and menace in Quentin's eyes and scowl.

"I do tender my sincerest apologies, gentlemen." Lilw said hastily. "Would you care to show me the new route we are taking?"

"Later, Mr. Lilw." Lorenz said firmly. "Sam, you have the helm. The rest of us need to have a chit-chat as to what's going to happen when we get to your world."


Jim was at home in the two-person cockpit, and his passenger was proving adept at handling the complex radar detection gear. "Very good! You have successfully altered and uploaded new targeting coordinates for all the fighter sin our flight, plus the VIP gunabout."

Resai's helmeted head didn't show her smile under the faceplate.

"I'm sure that Lilw and your detail know you are on my fighter, Your Highness. I had you dress up in that monkey suit in case we had an informer in the civilian deck crew." Jim made a small adjustment, increasing the opacity of the rear cockpit to it's highest setting.

The helmet came off revealing Arladel's fiery red hair and payful smile. "Thank you, commander...I'm sorry, colonel! It's not everyday I am asked to dress up like a fighter pilot. I quite enjoyed the experience."

"Not at all. Did my wife give you anything?" Jim grinned.

"She said there was a basket of 'goodies' in the forward storage bin in this ship."

"My wife knows I hate beaming things when in flight. she normally makes me some things to eat while down range. I am spoiled by her cooking."

"Your wife is a lucky woman to have a man who cares so much for her. When my family was killed and I went to Archadia Prime, I was sent to live with a minor noble and her family. She treated me correctly, but there was no genuine affection and as I grew older, I sensed that she was anxious to be rid of me." Arladel said sadly.

"Lady Perhope loved yo, from what I have been told, ma'am. She is one of the financier's of this lil' junket. Besides, I think most beings care for all younglings. It's an instinct." Jim said, easing his stick to the right, slowly rolling the fighter.

"What's wrong?" Arladel demaded suddenly, gripping her chair's sides.

"Nothing, just testing your nerves!" Jim smiled, righting the fighter.

"My nerves are fragile enough, thank you!" was the indignant reply.

Good God, what the Hell is this prissy bitch and her band of monkeys gonna do when they get to their home and see it's all torn up? Jim wondered. "Gonna be a long trip! Vampire Flight, this is One: I'm accelerating for a look-see...back in a couple hours! out!"

Confirmed One! said Sam over the radio.


A Post By

THE NGSS (Nebula Gold Security Service) Flight

- Jim Holbridge
- Dave Lorenz
- Quentin Harrison
- Amanda Fulton
- Darius Shelton
- Hanley Woodard
- Sam Elliott
- Princess Arladel
- Prime Minister Lilw


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