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Posted on Tue Oct 21st, 2014 @ 12:56pm by James Holbridge
Edited on on Tue Oct 21st, 2014 @ 1:37pm

Mission: Breaking New Ground

The NGSS fighters, each one painted in the black-and-white logo of Jim's former command, which was VMF-58 "The Vampires", raced towards the unsuspecting freighter at full sub-light speed. Jim had the lead, and he was boring in agressively. "Eddie, scan the freighter for traces of weapons-grade power cells. look for large concentrations in odd areas of the ship's structure."

=/\= I have located several possible hidden caches, sir. Transmitting the locations to the rest of the flight.=/\= Eddie replied.

=/\=This dude is hauling enough hardware to start a war!=/\= Shelton exclaimed over the secure radio link.

=/\=Aye, laddie, and we have a pressin' need to inspect those weapons for defects so that the dumb bastards usin' 'em dinnae shoot of their bloody toes!=/\= Quentin chimed in. =/\= O' course, gettin' me outta this bloody cockpit will be a feat in itself!=/\=

"Told you to let Max take this one, ya stubborn Scot!" Dave Lorenz grinned from the back seat of Jim's fighter as his best friend bitched and whined. The big Scotsman would have crammed his 6-foot-eight-inch frame into a sardine can if it meant he could brawl. the big man just cranked non-stop to get on Lorenz's nerves.

=/\= Biter yer tongue! =/\= was the short reply.

"Okay, you guys, knock it off!" Jim ordered. "Let's get this guy to let us on board without spreading him all over the quadrant." Jim flipped on his subspace radio. "Attention freighter to my port side, you have been identified as a weapons smuggler. Our scans have confirmed that you are indeed carrying a substantial payload of weapons destined for the Peneschal system. Lower your shields and prepare to be boarded."

=/\=Unidentified fighters, this is the freighter Xang Hua. We are carrying a shipment of medical supplies to the Peneschal rebels, and our permits give us unrestricted op-areas to fly through. Kindly bugger off!=/\=

"Oh, shit!" Lorenz sighed from the rear seat.


Jim and his men had tied up the crew of the rogue freighter after Quentin had lead the charge aboard. Nebula Gold Security had pioneered an in-flight beam in from multiple points. Quentin had surprised then promptly stunned the startled bridge crew, then opened the hangar, easing the beam-in process.

"Okay, fellas, I'll make it real simple." Lorenz began, a wicked smile on his face. "You guys are going into a known war zone with illegal weapons. You can either tell us who gets them or we can just chuck your asses into space for violating Starfleet Merchant Guild regs."

"Assumin' yer papers are in order, lads," Quentin chimed in.

"I assure, you, sir, my credentials and bona fides are in order..."

"Negative, boss!" Sam Elliott frowned from the ops console of the freighter. "No manifests, permits, no bills of lading, nothing!"

Jim turned to the captain of the freighter. "You are in violation of interstellar trading guild regs, Starfleet regs, and you are too damned ugly! Line 'em up!"

A youngish man with unkempt red hair spoke up from the back of the cluster of huddled merchant crewman. "What if someone told you what you wanted to know?"

Lorenz quickly hustled the young man before Jim. "Well, if you want to live your information had better be damned convincing." Jim said in a low, dangerous voice as he glanced at Quentin, who was rubbing his massive knuckles and smiling. "Otherwise, we feed you to him!"

"The weapons you want are in the lower holds in crates marked medical supplies-colon-Starfleet Medikits." The young man said instantly, looking fearfully at the giant, red-haired man with the scarred hands and crazed eyes.

"Who paid for this consignment of weapons?" Sam Elliott demanded.

"Some local guy named Lilw," was the answer.


The young freighter crewman that had spilled his guts was locked away safely on a secure part of the Ghost where Lilw and his ilk couldn't access him. The rest of the freighter's crew were sealed into their ship's lifepods and ejected from the freighter. Quentin, Dave and Sam had volunteered to remain on the rogue ship and complete the delivery of the weapons.

Jim Holbridge and Matthew Collins, the Ghost's engineer, which was a polite way of saying 'Eddie's caretaker', were sitting in the lounge with Alradel having a very lively conversation.

"Out of the question, Your Highness! I cannot deliver you to your waiting rebels when there is conclusive evidence that your brother sold you out!"

Alradel shook her head. "My brother probably bought those guns for the people who are supporting my return to power,"

Jim nodded to Matt, who slid a padd to Alradel. "This is a text copy of a message sent from the freighter to your base on Peneschal IV. have a look at the second paragraph,"

Alradel's face went white as she read the damning text. "My brother plans to kill me in the palace courtyard?" she gasped. "On a live video feed?"

"Looks like Lilw invented this little war to grab power for himself." Jim said softly. "I had Sam Elliott check your brother out through various contacts in the Delta Quadrant. Before he engaged our services he was a very busy boy setting up this little coup on the planet. Seems like he was in cahoots with the guy in power already, but planned to kill him along with you."

Arladel's face went dark. "Mr. Holbridge, I believe your men and yourself are still in my employ. I have concluded that my safety cannot be guaranteed on my homeworld. I am asking for political asylum on Starbase 900.

Jim shook his head. "I cannot grant that request. However, until the matter is decided, you may stay at my home on Archadia Prime as my guest, with a full contingent of NGSS security on station.

Alradel smiled. "Accepted."

Jim spoke up. "Holbridge to Away Team, is the ship prepared?"

Aye, sir! Lilw is trussed up like a hog sittin' on top of his empty weapons crates! He's gonna have some explaining to do when he gets to his buddies! Sam Elliott reported.

"Good, your signal is RTB after your preprogram the ship to rendezvous with the magistrate on Peneschal IV. This mission is wrapped!"


Jim, Tricia, and the assembled team of Nebula Gold Security Services were seated in the conference room. The post-mission debrief was a certified pain in the ass, but a necessary part of covering the company officers and operators' collective asses.

".....Princess Alradel is at our place on Archadia Prime with Quentin in charge of close-quarters detail and from what Sam tells me Minister/ Prince Lilw met with an unsavory end. something about being stabbed in the ass with hot pokers."

"Shades of Edward II," Quentin noted tiredly. "This is borin'. I'm going to get some sleep!"

And just like that the meeting was over. after the others had left, Jim looked up tiredly at his wife. "Not bad for a first run, huh?"

Tricia smiled and sat down on her husband's lap. "Not bad for a crazy ex-pilot, now a mining tycoon. But, I think you need to name David as Field Ops Commander and you need to concentrate more on running the businesses. both NGS and Holbridge Mining have a lot of work being offered to them here in this region of space. Your dad wants new facilities up and running in seven new locations, all of which show promise."

Jim wrapped his arms around his wife's waist. "It means we will have to go planet-side sometimes doesn't it?"

"Nebula Gold is primarily conducted out of the base, but you can do what you want since it's all Holbridge property and you are the big cheese."

Jim smiled at his wife. "You know what I am going to say,"

"That I am the Veep in charge of mining operations and I should get off my ass and get the facilities built. Already done, my dear. Saloons are all built and in a few weeks we will have seven new mines producing dilithium and other goodies."

"Awesome!" Jim smiled, then he and his wife kissed.





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