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Opening The Can Of Worms

Posted on Mon Nov 10th, 2014 @ 9:12pm by Captain Li Hawke & Commander Dae Nalas & Jackson Banning V & James Holbridge

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Operations Center, Starbase 900

Jim stared at the data sent to him from Site 6. Unbelievable! The site I need up and running and now this shit! "Inform Tricia that I will be on the Ops deck. Something just came in that requires Captain Hawke's attention."

=/\=Yessir=/\= Eddie replied instantly.

* * * OPS DECK * * *

Once The Admiral and El'Shar departed her office, Li sat back down, enjoying the quiet but the moment was brief. She did, indeed, have something to look into and it concerned a message from one of Holbridge's men marked urgent. That had roused her curiosity and so she remained in her seat, waiting to see what news he would bring.

Jim burst into Li's office, his ever-present smile gone. "Howdy! My guys on Site 6 found something interesting and I was wondering if you would have a look."

"Have a seat Jim." Li took the padd and began to examine the images. "Where is site 6?"

"Site 6 is approximately four hours from here at warp 4 at these coordinates," Jim answered showing Li the padd again. "Near the Zephrinas Belt. The site is located on a class-P ice world, total ice and snow. We have a HQ, saloon and the beginnings of a landing pad begun on the center most continental mass. However, the location itself was not what piqued my interest. Quentin found an early form of Starfleet badge-type communicator from over a half-century previous." Jim switched pictures to show the photo of the comms device. "If memory serves from my time as an Intel puke, only deep space exploration ships and Intelligence officers in deep cover possessed these little gems."

Jim was right. The design of the communicator placed it just about the time he estimated. The body was another story. It looked nothing like the known species, according to official Starfleet records, but to Li was was familiar.

"That is correct," she answered. Turning her attention from Jim back to the image, she frowned. "Who all has seen this?"

"Just me, Quentin, Dave, and the techs who made the initial discovery. Doc Krueger did the initial examination, but didn't know what it was he was looking at." Jim smiled. "I can still keep a secret, Li!"

"It's not you I'm worried about," she answered. "But we have a problem. This notes that Dae was informed? If so, he should be here any moment. There's one other person that we need to confer with." at Jim's expression of curiosity, she replied, "Jackson."

"Banning?" Jim nodded in approval. "Good call. I like him, and he knows some people it would be wise to know in uncharted space. Also, it might not be a bad idea to have that new kid, Awf, along for the ride. The Ocampa may be short-lived, but they get around!"

"Awf will be useful for the flight, yes." Li paused as she studied Holbridge. "As for Jackson, well, there's a story there but it can wait till he arrives." She pressed her comm badge and requested Jackson's presence. "Let's just say that this thing isn't news to either of us." The door chime rang, interrupting her and she called out. "Enter!"

The doors slid open and Dae stepped in. "Li, I just got an encrypted message about a situation from Jim's outfit and--" He paused and smiled. "Hello Jim." The doors closed behind him.

"Howdy! I see you got the message. " Jim briefly ran down the situation with the alien remains and the early-model Starfleet communicator. "This is not good at all, and I don't wanna get y'all, or more importantly, my outfit in hot water."

Dae met Li's eyes as he sat down, and she nodded. "Well, life in Intel is often about being, as you say, in hot water. The trick is to lower the temperature when you can. Is Jackson coming?"

"He is," Li replied. "That should be him now."

As she spoke, the doors opened and Jackson stepped inside. "Evenin' gang. What's up?"

Li passed him the padd with the images. "To use your vernacular, it seems the chicken has come home to roost."

Jackson studied the information quickly, a line of tension deepening between his eyebrows. The silence in the office was finally broken as he spoke.

"Well, shit." He handed the padd back to Li. "I'll go get packed."

She nodded. "Thirty minutes. Jim? Can you be ready?"

Holbridge regarded Banning with a measured stare he had practiced more than once during his own stint in Intelligence. "Yeah. We can use on of my gunabouts if you want or I can hitch a ride with you all."

"I need to speak with Awf and one other person before we go. Dae, I would prefer you went but I assume you need to be here for our new resident?"

Dae nodded. "That was part of the deal, that I oversee things and I gave my word."

"Very well. I'll be sure you are kept up to date on everything that we find." LI passed the padd back to Jim. "Very well, gentlemen. Dismissed."


A JP starring:

Jim Holbridge
Pissed Off CEO

Captain Li Hawke
Preparing For An Unexpected Trip

Lt. Commander Dae Nalas
Keeping Secrets

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Man Looking At The Past
The Nexus Club


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