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There Can Be Only One

Posted on Fri Apr 24th, 2015 @ 11:06pm by Suresh & Seyla
Edited on on Fri Apr 24th, 2015 @ 11:09pm

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: The Arijog

* * * The Arijog * * *

The very first thing he intended to do, once he had her in his hands, was shave her head. Again. By now, Oz's hair would have grown out and to Suresh, it seemed a fitting her end. Everything had been just fine until she entered the picture. Oz had started the downward spiral that cost him the one he loved. He'd managed some good shots across her bow and almost succeeded in doing away with her. Although, now that he thought about it, what he'd managed had made her miserable and that was far better than just ending her. The thought perked up Suresh considerably, though he knew he would have to get creative to top his previous exploits where Oz was concerned. He had some time, but he knew that whatever plans he devised would end with...well, the end of her. It would be fun to drive her over the edge, shatter her mind first. It was just what she deserved.

He made a note on the padd he held, then switched to Li's picture. Immediately the rising fury that came with thoughts of Oz began to subside, replaced with other thoughts that likely weren't appropriate here in the lounge among his rescuers. Those thoughts were better saved for later, alone in his quarters.

"Suresh?" Naral's voice pulled him back from his pondering and he looked up, focusing on the Orion.


"Huh." Naral smiled. "I thought I'd lost you for a minute there."

Suresh laid the padd aside with a laugh. "Sorry my friend, just making some mental plans for the future is all. So much to do, so little time, you know."

Naral nodded. "Plans are what I'm interested in too. We need to make a brief stop soon and get a few things. There's several planets within a day of us but that depends on where you want to go."

"We are going somewhere the Fleet can't legally go without starting a war - the Neutral Zone. Just over the border until the heat dies down. Given my heritage and my contacts, it won't be an issue. Once the search is called off, we will be free to return to 900." He leaned closer to Naral. "Unless those I seek come to me."

Naral nodded. "In that case, we'll stop at Nelvana III, but I don't want to stay there long. No more than a few hours. I'd suggest that if you go down to the planet, make sure you can't be recognized. You never know who might be looking."

"Agreed. I really need nothing but it might be good to enjoy some real atmosphere that won't poison me." Suresh smiled and reached for the glass of water before him. Naral shifted in his seat, now frowning. "Yes? What is it?"

"What happens if they come looking? You know who I mean."

Suresh drained the glass and set it back on the table. "Well, my dear Naral, that would actually be ideal - one woman to remove and one to take away with us. It would be so much simpler. As for those who are a problem on 900? Let's just say that I have the means to deal with them remotely. My people there are loyal. It won't be a problem."

"Very well. I'll tell Soneg to make for Nelvana III. We should be there in a couple of hours."

"Good enough." Suresh rose, patted Naral on the shoulder and departed for his quarters.

Once there, he crossed to the terminal and opened a channel to Seyla on 900, relaxing in his chair as he waited for her to answer.

"Who is contacting me?" Seyla came on the comm, sounding more than a little suspicious.

“Put on visual my dear,” Suresh answered. “It’s me.”

She sighed and did so. "I see you are already abandoning good ideas. I trust everything is well with you?"

“Thanks to you, things couldn’t be better. Naral sends his regards by the way.” Suresh smiled at the image of Seyla showing on his terminal. “With the sheer volume of communications traffic on 900, no one will care who you are talking to. How have you been? I’ve missed you.”

"Funny, I haven't really missed you." A statement belied by her recent conspiring with the likes of Naral. She smirked at him.

“You can’t lie to me, my darling.” He raised his eyebrows at her. “Now tell me, what have I missed? Anything good?” He wanted to ask about Li but that had to be approached in a roundabout manner with Seyla.

"Let's see..., what have you missed? Hmm... Oh, I've continued my affair with Lieutenant Darwin. And I've taken up with another high profile client, whom I won’t name," she smiled at him. "Otherwise, the base has been quiet since you left. Even Lazan is running under Security's radar."

The mention of Darwin, who was number three on his list, caused his hands to tighten into fists where they rested on the desk. “I see. I suppose that in my absence, you’ve been lonely and needed the company, even if it is an inferior species….or two inferiors. That is good news about Lazan, however. It likely makes life easier for you as well. And the rest of the station?”

"Oh, I've had company at least equal to you," she toyed with a lock of hair just like she was toying with him. "Perhaps one might even say he's superior to you."

Suresh’s eyes narrowed. “And who might that be?” The Admiral was the first thought that popped into his head, but he dismissed it. Wegener was scum and deserved to have his hands removed for touching Isha that night at Saturnalia. No, not Isha….Li…

"He's you."

Seyla’s words caught him off guard. “What do you mean, he’s me? There is only one of me.”

Seyla laughed. "Oh, not anymore, my dear. Now there are two of you and your beloved Oz would like nothing more than to have both your skins on her wall." She had no idea if that was true, but knew that there was no love lost between the two.

Suresh leaned closer to the terminal. “Explain exactly what you mean. How can there be two of me?” Even as he asked the question, a sudden thought struck him. The alternate universe. But they hadn’t seen his counterpart there - he was supposedly killed by their Isha, who had turned out to be real...and insane. “Seyla….tell me.” He could feel his blood pressure rising and took a deep breath, trying to calm down.

She knew she'd gotten his goat and smiled. "Oh, Surie.... Clones don't grow that fast and you haven't had a transporter accident. But this one, he's definitely all you."

“The other universe? We thought he was dead.” Suresh frowned. If that is what she meant, then the man would end up dead eventually. A new thought struck him and the words rushed out before he could stop them. “Does Li know of him?”

"Oh, yes, she does. She even seems to him."

“She….what?” He felt the heat rush to his face in an instant and his control was hanging by a thread. “Surely you are mistaken.”

"Perhaps," she purred. "But he has received nice quarters and free run of the Base. Someone likes him." She toyed with the upper edge of her dress, smoothing the red fabric.

“That will change,” he muttered. “How is Li anyway?” Since Seyla was doing her best to annoy him, he gave in to the urge to ask point blank.

"She appears fine. Busy with her husband, occasionally having drinks with your doppelganger."

This was notwhat he wanted to hear at all. “I see,” was his cool reply. “Well, once she is back in hand I’ll deal with that particular situation. Is there anything I can do for you in the meantime? Until I return?”

"No, darling, I have things under control here." She did, particularly after her discussion with the new Suresh. She wasn't quite as keen about having this one return. "Where are you headed now?"

“A little tour until things quiet down. Then I can attend to business as well as pleasure. There seem to be a few obstacles I need to clear out of my way.” He smiled finally, watching Seyla in the terminal screen. “Also a proper thank you to you for making it all possible.”

"Of course. I know you can come up with a wonderful way to thank me. Hurry home, love."

“I will.” He smiled once more, though he was sure the effort would crack his face. “Kick Darwin for me.”

He closed the channel and a long, low growl rumbled forth from him. How could she? Surely it was just a moment of weakness? Or official duty? Whatever, this other one was a dead man.

“She belongs to me,” Suresh whispered. “Welcome to my list, number four.”


Suresh (The Original)
Making His List….


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