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Eye Opening

Posted on Fri Apr 24th, 2015 @ 5:46pm by Marine Captain Quentin Harrison

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Archadia Prime


Quentin and Marta seemed to be inseparable, which got on Quentin's nerves somewhat, but as long as she put out he didn't care. The big man showed her all of his favorite, non-classified spots on the station, including the Promenade and various shops in the huge mall. after returning to the surface of Archadia, Marta had shown Quentin the places many tourists missed, making sure to stay near him at all times. She knew Franklin was ready to move in for the kill, but hoped that Quentin had scared him a bit on the station.

It was a nice sunny day in the Holodeck, where Quentin had programmed a beachfront setting. He and Marta were on a secluded island, enjoying each other's company in earnest when a rough voice spoke. "I do hope I am interrupting something."

In a flash, Quentin sprang to his feet and dove at the intruder, passing right through the holographic depiction of John Franklin. With a snarl, Quentin rose to his feet and assumed a defensive position in front of Marta. "What the hell do ye want?"

"I am so glad you asked. I want your services, Mr. Harrison. I represent a group of individuals that wants Starfleet gone from the Delta Quadrant. You are going to facilitate that for me."

Quentin actually laughed out loud. "Ye must be daft! I may nae work for the Fleet or Jimmy-boy anymore, but I willnae betray the Federation or me Fleet!"

Franklin's laughter ceased. "You will do as you are told or I will detonate the micro-explosives in your body. My associate, Marta is quite adept and placing nanites into others' bloodstream. But don't take my word for it, have a little taste of what will happen to you if you do not comply!"

A searing pain suddenly coursed through Quentin's body, dropping him to the sand-covered beach. The white-hot pain was mind-numbing and it caused Quentin to bellow in agony. Just as quickly, the pain stopped. "That was the lowest setting, my dear boy. Marta will remain with you in place as your woman. If she tells me that you are not complying, or the biometric scanners indicate you are trying to alert your friends, You will be instantly lobotomized."

Marta slid up to him and cruelly grabbed him by the privates. "I will also carve my personal trophy from you if you try anything...lover!"

Quentin just nodded, knowing his was in a hell of a pickle. "What do ye want me to do?"


A post by:

Quentin Harrison
Led By His Johnson


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