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Success...So Far

Posted on Wed May 13th, 2015 @ 12:16pm by Warrant Officer Awf & Lieutenant Commander Nicolao

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Saturnalia - The Cherry Pit

Anaar entered Saturnalia, this time her dark hair covered with a wig of long blonde curls. She had sent word to Rine to meet her here - she was in the mood to get out, see something besides her own quarters and enjoy herself. She deserved a little break in her opinion and this low-life dive seemed to be just the place to enjoy herself without attracting attention. This place was so lousy with prostitutes she doubted anyone would pay her one speck of attention. She took a table not far from the entrance and waited for Rine to appear. Soon, drinks arrived and after a look around to check for her partner-in-crime, she opened a vial and dumped it into the drink she'd ordered for him.

Overall it hadn't taken Rine too long to get there in spite of his usual lackadaisical manner of getting things done. Naturally when he arrived he pressed two fingers to his forehead and shoved them off in a mocking salute with a snide smirk as he settled down into a chair before tilting his head, "So you had wanted to see me about something?"

"Drink up, Rine." Anaar smiled as he sat down. She pushed his drink closer. "It's a little celebration of sorts."

"A celebration?" As he took the glass from in front of him, Rine held it up to the light just to make sure that nothing had been put into it in turn at all.

"Don't worry, I'm not in the habit of drugging drinks, at least not yours." She lied, then laughed for a moment. "But speaking of which, well done. Last time I saw Nico, he was stumbling from his room with a very shaky grasp on reality. He mumbled something about the Counselor. I haven't tried tracking him down further, not yet anyway."

"You never can tell considering a couple of things that have happened in the past, as I'm entirely sure that you know." With a bit of a smirk, Rine looked back up toward her and exhaled. "I'm assuming that you weren't tracking him too much because you didn't want to look any more suspicious than you already do?"

"He has no idea I am here, at least not yet. But between us? This thing is approaching the danger point....the place where you and I are nearing the end of our usefulness and need to start watching our backs. I want you to be careful Rine."

"Well, I know I might seem pretty nonchalant, but I'm always watching my back so you can relax." Naturally Rine coupled his commentary with a smirk, but to be perfectly honest he was actually quite concerned in his own right in spite of the fact that he did his best not to appear to be at all.

"Good." Anaar frowned briefly. "I'm going to look for Nico when I leave here, even if I have to tail this Drusilla. I got a call this morning to impress upon me how important it is to get at what is in Nico's head. Two calls actually, the other from Zikar. That's too much breathing down my neck for one day."

"Wow, you weren't kidding about the necessity of having to watch your back. If there's anything else you need just let me know." Once again Rine offered one of his nonchalant smirks, "In all of this, you're probably like the one person who I can actually trust no matter what."

Anaar smiled at the sentiment, then leaned closer across the table. "I did remove that one little pesky problem - he's now in Sickbay and if he survives it will be a medical miracle."

"Is it going to be traceable? I mean, do you think that they might realize who it is that did it and then come back for you?" Rine raised a brow, figuring that things should have been discreet if she knew what she were doing.

"No, not really." She smiled back at him. "I hit him with a dart, heavy hallucinogen, before he ever saw me so he'll likely have some interesting story as to what he saw." She shrugged. "Nothing to worry over. One last thing to do and you and I are home free. I appreciate all you've done."

"Hopefully they'll believe his interesting story...or better yet they won't believe it and just think he's crazy. All right, though, I want to get out of here. This place is starting to give me the creeps as you can probably imagine." Rine grinned for the time being, starting to tilt his head back toward her.

"You can say that again." She touched her glass to his and took a drink. "Enjoy your last drink on this station, then I suggest you go home now and get packed. I want us out of here in two hours. I have one thing to do before we go, then I'll come get you. And not a word to anyone - I don't want them knowing we're scooting out early."

"I won't say anything." Rine made a mock 'lips are sealed' motion and then finished the rest of his drink. He figured that no one had been listening to them anyway, which should have helped to ensure that they were at least safe for the time being. Sighing a bit, he turned toward her again and nodded, "I'm gonna get going then."

She touched his hand gently and nodded. "I'll be there just as soon as I get my things."

She watched Rine as he stepped through the doors of Saturnalia and was gone. A smile lit her face as she stood, scooped his empty glass into her bag and followed him out.

Very Much In The Habit

Your Average Snide Fake Bajoran


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