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Jerry Who?

Posted on Fri May 15th, 2015 @ 5:53pm by Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Vic & Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: The Nexus Club

The Nexus Club

Having left Iggy with her new boss and charge, Chance was refreshingly free to do as he pleased for the afternoon. He had considered going back and studying, but, really, that was an option he rarely ever took. He had also considered going around to some of his classmates' quarters to see whether any of them were open to a flirting session. He'd had that particular thought while Iggy was still using him as a transport and it had earned him a bop on the head from her. He'd agreed not to go off and flirt with anyone but Eli.

Chance had also done as Jackson asked and retrieved the Shakespeare book from Oz's quarters. He'd taken it down to Gilroy.

Now, he bellied up to the mostly empty bar in the Nexus. It was early yet; customers were scarce, but would get more plentiful as the evening wore on. "Hi, Vic. Could I have a beer, please? Imperial Stout."

“Sure.” Vic tapped the beer and set the cold, frosty mug before Eli. “What bring you round this early? Eli won’t be in to work for another couple of hours yet. Not that I mind the company.” He poured himself some of the now-famous lemonade and had a sip.

"I'm just out and about, enjoying being temporarily free from hangers-on," Chance smiled and tipped his mug at Vic before taking a sip.

Vic raised an eyebrow and lowered his glass. “A little harsh don’t you think? Is there trouble at home?”

"Home? What? No." Chance looked at Vic then laughed. "I meant Iggy, not Eli. I seem to get designated as her transportation more often than not. She can get annoying and demanding."

“Ahh, I see.” Vic’s expression brightened again at the reassurance. “Sorry for the mis-read. Can’t Iggy travel around on her own now?”

"Sure, but she prefers to ride. It's quicker for her. Easier on the turbolifts, too, since we haven't yet figured out how to get the computer to hear her. She's supposed to be learning Morse code, but that's going slow."

“I see.” Vic hesitated, then decided to ask anyway. “Since it came up, how are things with Eli? I know before you two left for Charu that there was a little unrest.”

Chance downed a large swallow of his beer to delay his answer. "They're fine, yeah." He then switched the subject, "Did Jackson tell you that Iggy has a companion on the station? Like a boy companion, not just a friend, I mean."

“Jerry, right?”

Surprised, Chance choked on the stout and had a coughing fit before he finally croaked out, "You know it's name? It has a name?"

“You should’ve asked sooner. I learned about him back when we rescued Iggy from the collector.” Vic eyes narrowed, then he began to laugh. “Wait...she just now told you about her little friend?”

"Yeah! And she was cagey about it. She said she missed her companion, but brushed that off as meaning she missed Oz. Eli caught that she meant someone else. Where is this Jerry?"

Vic shrugged. “I don’t know. I could ask, though I’m surprised Eli didn’t just read her and see if that told him anything.”

"I might just ask him to do that. Any idea what kind of spider Jerry is? Does he talk?"

“Gods I hope not,” Vic replied. “Could you really take two of them?” His brow furrowed for a moment. “As I recall, he is a Goliath tarantula. That’s what she said anyway, and I figure she would know who...or what she’s...cuddling up with.” He couldn’t resist the laughter that overcame him at that thought.

Chance was stunned; how had he missed knowing all of this? "Does Oz know?" He leaned forward and whispered the question.

“Iggy didn’t tell her?”

"Well... I don't know. What happened to Jerry when you got back from rescuing Iggy?"

“I assumed she took him home with her.” Now Vic’s eyes narrowed. “You don’t know where he is?”

“Where who is?” Eli had appeared as they talked and now rested his hands on Chance’s shoulders.

Chance knew Eli was coming up behind him and didn't jump when Eli touched him. He reached up and took one of Eli's hands then kissed it. "Jerry."

“Oh.” Eli smiled at the kiss, then looked at Vic. “You knew? Where the hell have we been then?”

"I'd guess we were celebrating me being newly undead and having our own issues?" Chance shrugged.

Eli squeezed Chance’s shoulders gently. “Celebrating. Lots of celebrating.” He grinned when Vic rolled his eyes. “The thing is, we need to find Jerry. We may also be looking for lots of little Jerrys. There’s a project for science.”

"Let's hope we find just one Jerry. Otherwise, we'll be finding hundreds of little ones. At least Oz knows, though, Eli. She can't yell at us for delivering bad news."

“She does?” Eli blinked. “Maybe it’s a good thing she’s not on the station. At least for now. We should have Vor help us look. He’s the one studying other species after all.”

"Help us look?" He shifted to look at Eli to see if he was kidding. "You want to go on a spider-hunt? Could be fun. Want to go with us, Vic?"

“It could be fun. What else will I do with my free time?” Vic smiled at the two younger men. “Variety is the spice of life and all that.”

Now it was Eli’s turn to frown. “All your free time? What’s that about?” He should be a woman magnet. Eli sent the thought to Chance.

Has he had some rotten luck with that lately? That one that wanted Jackson and then disappeared back to the Alpha Quadrant? Chance glanced at Eli then smiled and said, “We could make it a regular hunting party!"

Vic shrugged. “I’ve just not been ‘hunting’ in that sense Eli.” Then he nodded to Chance. “Tell me when and I’ll be there.”

Chance's brow furrowed for a second, but he passed on making a comment.

Eli considered that for a moment. “How about tomorrow? You and I have the night off.” And I have an idea, Chance.

Tell me now or later. Did he just catch your thought about being a babe magnet? "I have the night off, too." Of course, he had every night off, since he didn't work.

Eli shook his head a moment at Chance’s internal question. “That okay, Vic?”

“Sure. Meet at my place. I have some things that might help us on this hunt.” He stood and moved back around the bar as his barback arrived. He passed the man the supply list. “And time to get stocked. Camille says we have a waiting list tonight so it will be busy.”

"Then I'll leave you two to it," Chance finished his beer and stood. "I'm sure I hear at least one textbook screaming for attention." Since I can't make you scream right now, he passed to Eli and kissed his cheek.

“I’ll see you later, after the early set.” Eli beamed at the thought. Then we’ll see about that….

"We will," Chance laughed, waved at Vic and headed out.


Cadet Chance Conradi
Transporter and Hunter

Cadet Eli Ziyad
Making Plans

The Object Of Future Plans


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