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Julisa Explains It All

Posted on Wed May 27th, 2015 @ 3:46pm by Lieutenant Commander Nicolao & Lieutenant Bajun Julisa

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Java - The Promenade

* * * Java - The Promenade * * *

Nico sat at a table in the ‘outdoor’ section of Java, overlooking the promenade and the constant flow of people passing back and forth. He and Dru had left the Intel safe room early that morning so that Dru could get to the Counselor’s office. Nico had gone out for a walk, glad to be out of Piper, out of Intel, and free to move about the station without worry once more. So, he sat, content to let the ebb and flow of the station move around him, an island of silence in the midst of it all. The waitress brought a fresh cup, then left him in peace.

A few tables over, Julisa was working on a summary of the Azoulay happenings. She glanced up as the waitress refilled her coffee. "Thanks," she said then saw Nico. She tried to keep working, but memories rose up. Sighing, she stood and went over to his table. "Nico?"

He looked up as her voice insinuated on his thoughts. JAG. The lady who’d gone to Betazed. He nodded. “Lt. Bajun, right?”

"Yes. My team brought back the footage," she said. "May I join you for a moment?"

“Of course.” He pushed out the spare chair with his foot, his attention still on her face. For a moment, the scene in Robin’s office flashed in his mind, the horror on everyone’s faces….except hers, he realized now. Time and distance often bring interesting perspectives. “Please.”

She sat and looked at him a moment. The video had renewed the anger she had had back when she and her partner had dragged him out of the Cardassian prison. "How are you? You know, after seeing that footage?"

Nico reached for his mug and took a sip. “It’s a hard thing seeing your worst nightmare on a screen with an audience. Especially when you couldn’t even remember that nightmare till earlier that same day. Sometimes, it seems like it was happening to someone else, at least until the dreams come. But to see it...and have you see’s like standing at the edge of a cliff and the ground beneath you suddenly crumbles away to nothing.”

"I'm sorry you had to see it, even more sorry that you went through it." Julisa toyed with the mug she'd brought with her. "If I could do anything..., Well, I don't suppose I can."

“You’re wrong there, Lt. Bajun. Dae told me an interesting story while I was holed up in Intel….about someone targeting you, then trying to remove you altogether. I'd say you’ve done a hell of a lot for someone you didn’t even know. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you or him or Solis...or Ray or any of you.” He frowned at his cup, then looked up to study her face.

She knew he didn't recall things. "Don't worry about that. When we got the assignment to go to Betazed, I never imagined that it was tied in to your experiences on Bajor. Besides, we all came back healthy and whole." She smiled at him. "Well, I should get back to work."

“A moment, please.” Nico took another sip of his coffee, then lowered the mug. “I don’t know how much you know about me, but perhaps you know my department? At least when I’m not on leave. Old habits die hard and I’ve been thinking. Why did they want you so bad?”

"Maybe it was to stall the investigation," she started. "The thinking was that if I wasn't there to press forward, it would die." Poor choice of words, even if she didn't realize it. "But I was talking with.... someone yesterday, and maybe someone wanted me dead because I had been involved. On Bajor.”

His fingers, which had been nervously turning his mug, stilled. “What?”

"Not like the admiral!" She was quick to assure him of that. "Gods no! I was on Bajor, negotiating your release." She wasn't sure how much more she could tell him; hadn't his clearance been revoked? "That's what I mean by involved."

“Negotiating my release,” Nico repeated slowly. He couldn’t even begin to figure out how he felt about that bit of news. One thing jumped out immediately, however. “For me. And suddenly you were a target on Betazed by the very woman who…” He stopped and swallowed, unable to even give voice to what they had seen of Eria on the video. He looked at her more keenly now, searching her face but nothing came. Still, it was just too coincidental and his tension mounted. “Tell me about your time there.”

What was the harm? Either he would remember or not; his security clearance didn't matter. "I was sent to Bajor to negotiate with the Cardassians...," she chuckled and shook her head, recalling how awful those negotiations had been. "They stonewalled me, harassed me, ignored me, and then, worst of all, placated me. They said you were being well-treated and not to worry about you. I did. Worry, that is." She paused to sip her coffee.

"Then things started happening - a woman, little old thing, came in to say you had to be gotten out of there. About that same time, I was contacted by someone else who had a plan. He and I ...we went in under my credentials, into the prison, I mean, and got you out." Her face was blank, masking the terror she'd felt then and still felt now. Once she had seen Nico's condition, she had known that if they failed.... She shuddered and came back to the present. "That was it. We were taken off the planet within hours of getting you."

Nico sat still as a statue, doing his best to process her words. He was having trouble doing so and it showed in his face, along with the bristling tension that surrounded him and washed over Julisa. She had been part of his rescue? He searched his mind, trying in vain to find some shred of memory of it but it just wasn’t there, no matter how badly he wanted it to be. But the memory of the admiral had come back, perhaps in time….something she’d said now registered with him. The old woman.

“Mamu,” he said aloud. “It was her.”

"The old woman? She didn't give a name, though Siri tried to get her to. She was just insistent that we get you out." Julisa watched him and could feel his emotions. "Well... I've given you a lot to think about." She started to gather herself to leave.

“She is here you know,” he said quietly. “On the station. She has a shop on the promenade not far from Palaxia’s.” He looked down into his cup, surprised to find it empty. He didn’t recall finishing the coffee but there it was. “I wish I could remember you.” He looked up, meeting her blue eyes. “What you did for me was a suicide mission. I would be lost if not for you...and Jim. At least I can remember him. It doesn’t make me any less overwhelmed and grateful.”

"Jim?" She shook her head. "Niro was with me. I'm not sure who Jim is. And...," she hesitated, "I didn't do it for you to feel obligated to me. If you can't remember, then that's how it is."

“I remembered the admiral so maybe….” He shook his head. “Jim. Jim Holbridge. He’s the one who took me from Enara Prime to Earth nine months ago. Apparently I was with Niro for a good three months and didn’t know him or anyone else, at least in the beginning. He...helped me get coherent at least.” Nico left it at that, not wanting to get into his brother’s mental ‘talents’. Then...a friend arranged to have Jim take me to San Francisco.”

Her brow furrowed as she listened. "Did I help deliver you from one hell to another?"

“No.” Nico shook his head. “They did their best to put my pieces back together. Dr. Sahli is the reason my body even works anymore.” He smiled slightly. “The counselors there did what they could but they all….” He frowned and shook his head again. “There were some issues and they felt that Robin was what I needed. This little setback aside, I suspect they would be amazed to see me now.”

She relaxed. "Oh, good. I'm trying to track down Niro, to check in on him. Are you in touch with him?"

NIco’s expression darkened immediately. “No, and be careful what you ask for Julisa. Every snake charmer has been bitten by the very creature he thinks is friendly. Why do you need him?”

Surprised, Julisa sat back and held her hands in a calming motion. "I don't need him, it's just that.... There's the thought that me being assigned to the Betazed investigation wasn't happenstance - that it was the admiral's way of getting rid of me. If Niro is fine, hasn't had anything happen in the past few weeks, then it probably was random." She had thought Niro was a 'good guy'; obviously his brother thought differently.

"You and Jim were both targets because she thought I might have said something to you that could expose her. It’s the rational explanation so….” Nico shrugged. “If she tried to get to Niro? Whoever she used is likely dead.”

"That's what happened to the person who came after me," she said. "Dae killed him.... I think it was Dae. Maybe Solis did. It's all a little fuzzy now." Her coffee, too, was empty now. "I should let you get on with what you were doing, Nico. We'll talk again, I'm sure."

“We will.” He signalled the waitress for a refill,even as he made a mental note to visit with Dae. They had some more catching up to do it seemed. “Thank you. I know that sounds weak, given everything you went through.”

"It's enough, Nico." Julisa stood and went back to her own table and the work that was waiting for her.

Lt. Bajun Julisa


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