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Chilly Dog And Dinner

Posted on Fri Jun 19th, 2015 @ 9:17pm by Niall Sala Ph.D. & Commander Adara Gunnar

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Docking Bay / Cravings

**SB900 - Docks**

The crate was easy to shift; it had its own anti-gravity generators installed along the bottom edge. At the flip of a switch, it rose an inch from the floor and the porter was able to gently nudge it out of the cargo hold and onto the dock. There, an anxious-looking female stood. "Easy with it!", she admonished the porter, even though he hadn't done anything wrong.

"I got it, I got it," he said, waving a hand at the woman to tell her to calm down. "Can't release it here, though, ma'am. The doc's gotta check it out." He directed the crate on down the dock and entered a large examination room. The woman followed him - really it was the crate she was following. The crate settled to the floor and the man walked around it, releasing four clamps. It opened, revealing a stasis pod and, behind a curve of fogged glass, a dog's muzzle.

"Commander Gunnar," a woman wearing a white doctor's coat entered the room from a different door and greeted the anxious guardian of the animal in stasis. "Don't worry, we'll have him up and running around in a few minutes." She set to work opening up the pod and stabilizing the animal.

"The Captain didn't want him running around the ship during the trip," Adara Gunnar said, watching her closely.

"Some spacefarers just don't appreciate animals. But animals were the first ones in space for most of the humanoid species. Think of it, Earthlings sent monkeys and dogs and even cats into space before launching humans out of the atmosphere. Klingons sent targs up," she shrugged. "At least where you're going, you'll be able to make the rules, from what I understand."

Adara smiled, "Yeah, I will be able to. Any rules here on the Station?"

"Not really, so long as he's socialized." The doctor stopped what she was doing and looked at Adara. "We have a tarantula that has free run of the Station; I guarantee that having a dog on the Station won't cause any problems."

"A tarantula? Has free run? Wouldn't the environmental scrubbers just turn it to paste?" Adara looked a little worried.

"Oh, no, the spider can talk and has a little commbadge that lets her take the turbolift various places. She wanders around where she likes. Usually to the Nexus Club on the Promenade. Her guardian is married to the Club's owner." As an afterthought, she added, "Oh, and is the Chief of Security for the Station." The doctor revealed all of this while waking up the dark brindle Boxer in the pod. He was twitching as he came up out of his deep sleep.

Adara's mouth hung open as she considered what the doctor had said. A talking, commbadge-wearing spider? Wouldn't the commbadge be bigger than the spider? What if it wasn't? What the hell sort of area of space had she come to? Then again, she was aware of sentient rocks; the stories of Ambassador Spock's mind-meld with one was a classic case study in the Academy's Alien Cultures course. Her attention came back to the doctor as she said, "Don't be alarmed by the twitches... That's normal and a good thing - it shows that his muscles and nerves are all connected. And here he comes...." The doctor backed off just a touch. The dog woke with a start, going from a curled, fetal position to standing, woozily, in one quick move. He wavered on the stasis platform, then saw Adara and his tail wagged and his tongue lolled out. He sat down and yawned.

Adara laughed. "You want a nap after your nap? Is he good to go?"

"Yes, ma'am, clean bill of health. He doesn't need to be quarantined or treated. You're free to go."

"Thanks. And thanks for the heads up on the spider."

"Oh, sure, though I think the spider is off on a trip to Enara Prime."

This was something Adara needed to tell Isi about. "Come on, Cody, let's find Niall and see the park." She clipped a lead to his harness, something she didn't usually do. This was a new station and Cody wasn't used to coming out of stasis, though, so it was best to make sure he stayed close. The two set off.

Halfway down the docks, Adara spied Niall coming her way. She raised a hand and waved. "Niall!"

Niall raised his hand in a wave and picked up his pace. Soon he reached them and took Adara’s free hand. He leaned in to kiss her cheek, then held out a hand to Cody. “I have to confess that I am always relieved to see you two in person, mainly to convince myself that you are actually home.”

Adara returned Niall's affection then watched as Cody sniffed Niall's hand, licked it, then yawned. Adara winced and apologized, "Sorry, Niall, he usually doesn't lick people. He's fresh out of stasis, so that might be why. Are you starved or could we swing by the arboretum on the way to dinner?" Cody's ears perked up at the "D" word.

“The Arboretum will be fine. I’m betting he’d like to stretch his legs a bit after the trip. You too, come to think of it,” Niall answered. “This way and we’ll get you through and out of the crowd.”

They threaded the needle, Niall leading Adara leading Cody, till they arrived at the Arboretum. Adara grinned at the sight of the massive park then crouched beside the dog, whispered a few words (while Cody tried to lick her face) and unclipped his leash. He bounded away. "And he's off!" Adara laughed. "I appreciate your thoughtfulness in planning a dog run for the Colony."

Niall nodded. “It makes sense. People love pets but ships are not always the best place for them and some captains outright refuse. The design does include an invisible fence, however, mainly to prevent pets from getting away and lost and possibly in danger from local fauna, and to prevent the locals from entering as well.” He watched as Cody leaped and bounded and then joined in a game of frisbee with a group from the Academy. “There will be a second, smaller pond in the pet area.”

"The locals? Are we having that much trouble with them?"

“No.” Niall shook his head. “But I don’t want Cody to be the one to test that theory. We’ve been through too much, all of us, to keep him here and happy.”

"Yup," she nodded, knowing that, really, all that work had been for her, to keep her alive and in this era. "Everything that was done is appreciated." She walked alongside Niall, noting how the Station's crew used the space. They passed into a pergola that momentarily hid them from view. "Was this your inspiration?"

“It was,” he answered and his smile brightened for a moment. “An old friend brought me here the other day and I just couldn’t get enough.” He paused and hearing his own words made him want to laugh. “It seemed like the perfect thing for everyone, especially our four-legged friend. Lani has visions of a rowboat under the stars I think.”

"Oh, that'd be lovely!" She was interrupted by a short, sharp bark and then the sound of a dog running pell-mell towards them. "Oops, we got out of his sight," she told Niall as Cody rounded a corner and slid to a stop. He approached, chuffing at Adara. She crouched again and apologized to the dog while rubbing his ears. "Dinner, Niall? And during dinner, you can tell me about your friend."

* Cravings *

The server had taken their orders and brought back drinks for the humanoids as well as a dish of water and a dish of food for the dog. Adara lifted her glass in a toast to Niall, "Here's to good friends, no matter where they may be."

“I’ll drink to that.” He raised his glass to hers, then sipped from it. “So how were things down south when you left? I understand you managed to twist Commander Antos’ arm into coming out here with you.”

"I did twist his arm," she nodded seriously, "He cried uncle pretty quickly." She smiled. "You know how quirky the people on DS-15 are. Although... I've heard, now, that this Station has its own craziness happening. A talking spider; random people from the past or present showing up; admirals and officers disappearing into other dimensions.... That makes DS-15 and her crazy people almost seem attractive."

“It was an interesting year here from what I understand. I see that the interesting news travels quickly. 15 also wasn’t the only one to have problems with a flag officer going off the deep end. But it’s over and done, thankfully.” He paused as the food arrived, then continued. “I haven’t met the spider yet. Malcolm says that she is off on an away mission.”

"Yes! That's what the vet said. A spider? Talking and on an away mission? She said the thing has a commbadge. Did they shrink it down? Seems like a commbadge is bigger than a spider."

Niall chuckled and pulled out a padd. With a few taps, he brought up an image and passed it across to Adara. The picture of Iggy included measurements. “Look...and be in awe.”

She did, zooming in and out on the measurements, her expression getting more and more alarmed. Finally, she passed it back and exclaimed, "That's not a spider, Niall! That's a ...a ...oh, that's just not right! Nope, not right at all." She glanced at Cody, who was sleeping under the table, "I'll have to keep him away from that."

“That, my dear Adara, is the Federation’s newest recognized species and member. After she became sentient, the CDO here began the process. It made FNN not long ago. Interesting report.” He laughed once more and began to eat his dinner.

"It would be bad if Cody attempted to eat the Federation's newest species." She shook her head and changed the subject, "So, tell me about your friend who showed you the arboretum."

There was only the merest hint of hesitation as Niall reached for his glass. “Not much to tell, really. He’s the station’s Chief Counselor. I was friends with his husband during our Academy years. Stephen was killed ten years ago and that’s the last time I saw the Counselor. I arranged to see him when I got here to say hello, see how he’s done for himself over the years. He’s right about the arboretum though, and I told you you’d love it.”

She eyed Niall for a moment. "Hmm, nice attempt to shift the subject, dear. How has the Counselor done for himself?"

“Apparently very well. His position on a station this size is a huge job.” Niall shrugged and reached for his water glass. “That’s about all I know, really. Now it’s my turn. Tell me about this diabolical plan of yours concerning Gaelan. Given you’re keeping something important from her, I think my choice of adjective is correct.”

"Diabolical? Noo! Come on, Tobin loves Tor still. I could see that every time he looked at her. Plus, he's been pestering me to tell him where she is so that he can go lark off and convince her to whatever. And Tor, you can see she still cares, but is scared. She'll be okay once Tobin is here and can make his own case for why they should pick up where they left off. At least, that's the thought."

Niall’s expression turned serious. “You’re a wonderful friend to her Adara. I just hope this doesn't all blow up in your face and hers. And..well...Tobin’s too. It was such a nightmare.” There was revulsion in his voice. “At least Marsh saved me the trouble of removing him.” It was impossible to tell if he was joking or not.

"You're not alone in that thought," she touched his hand and chuckled. "I just hope there wasn't a son or anything that might carry on that sickness."

“Agreed.” He took his last bite and groaned aloud. “That’s it, I give in. I’m stuffed. I may have to do a turn through the Arboretum to walk this off. I still have another meeting tonight.” He laid his napkin aside. “When are the rest of your senior staff due in?”

She let slide the meeting comment. "Lev is due anytime now. I think we've got half the fleet transporting people here for the Colony. I'm not entirely sure when Tobin will arrive; and, of course, Tor was with me. Isi... a week or so, at least. The Marine Commander is arriving with Lev. I haven't chosen a Security Chief yet."

“There’s time still. You’ll all be here for a while longer anyway.” He checked the time and signalled the server. “I need to get along. Give Gaelan my best and perhaps I’ll see her tomorrow. As for you, Cupid, you might want to figure out what’s going to happen when Tobin hits the station. This place is big but people still have a way of running into others even so.”

"Yes. I think I'll arrange a dinner and mediate that first run in," Adara laughed. "I'll get this, Niall, you go on and see your Counselor friend."

“Nonsense. It’s on me.” He entered his code into the padd, even as he watched her. “You are putting words in my mouth, Adara. I never said that.” He rose and gave her a smile.”You’re as bad as Lani.”

"Mmhmm," she smiled at him and waved as he departed. She sat for a few minutes longer then, spying someone she knew through the window, nudged Cody awake and gave him an order.

Commander Adara Gunnar
Ensign Cody Gunnar
Niall Sala, Ph.D.


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