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Need to See Some Identification

Posted on Thu Jun 25th, 2015 @ 4:35pm by Lieutenant Commander T'Rowl N'Riss C.Phil & Warrant Officer Awf & The Professor
Edited on on Tue Jun 30th, 2015 @ 2:54am

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Flight Deck #388
Timeline: Previous to Qo'noS Here We Come

Using the auxiliary functions on the general display screens on the LCARS units along walls was always an interesting experience. They often were slower because of the fact that it took some time for the bio-neural gel packs on another level to spring to life, then send information back down to where they were.

Awf didn't like to use them, but it seemed like he didn't have much of a choice.

"Open a channel, call the Valhalla Colony's science officer."

Soon enough the digitized voice of the computer came over the loudspeaker system, "The science officer needs to have his program activated."

Awf frowned, not quite knowing what that meant. "Specify."

"The positionally ranking science officer there is a member of an inorganic species, and requires activation."

"Activate the program."

"On who's authority?"

With that Awf suddenly placed his hand into his face. This sort of had 'long day' written all over it.

"Uhh...Awf, Warrant Officer, Starbase 900."


Hoping that his warrant document was enough to activate whatever it was that was serving over there, Awf allowed the minutes to tick by. Considering the distances involved both locally across the 900's computer core and between him and the Valhalla colony, he had to wait a bit before something came on screen.

Eventually the longing almost lonely face of The Professor appeared on his screen, looking toward him with unusual gossamer locks dipping slightly into his eyes.

"Please state the nature of the scientific inquiry."

Awf was taken aback a bit by that, but at least they were chatting in real time at this point. He then started to realize that the other was, indeed, a hologram.

"There's an object here that my CO wanted identified."

"Why didn't you ask someone in your own command structure?"

"I thought it would have been prudent to give you a call because it comes from the Valhalla colony. Am I wrong?"

The Professor tilted his head slowly, "No, I guess not...let me see what it is..."

Eventually Awf made it over to the table to collect what seemed to be a shard of metal.

"It would seem that the resolution provided by the Starbase 900's cameras are not sufficient for me to make a positive identification." If Awf had thought that this was going to be a long day, then the Professor really thought that it was going to. If nothing else, then he had a longer perception of time since his processing subroutines moved so quickly.

"Here, you want to have a look at it this way?" As his words seemed to have expressed, he held it up in a manner that would have been much easier to look at. This was something he was getting used to. It wouldn't have been the first time that the Ocampa had to use some camera to do something like this remotely.

Eventually, though, he figured that holding it one way or the other should fix everything up just fine as it were.

"It would seem to be composed of a duranium alloy." His answer was relatively filled with mirth, considering that was a substance that so many Federation vessels were made from.

"I know that, I am a pilot after all."

The Professor soon scoffed at the Ocampa's commentary, "If you wanted my help, then..."

"Alright, sorry, sorry! I need to know what it came from."

"Apparently a Federation shuttlecraft. Where exactly did you uncover that from anyway?"

"It was apparently collected from Valhalla Colony when a civilian freighter made the trip from where you are over to here. Apparently, they picked it up and didn't realize it was anything important."

With a bit of a purr, a certain feline officer started to walk into the open flight deck area and tapped Awf on the back, "Merrow..."

"Sir!" The Ocampa snapped to attention.

"If I may, Awf, murr...that piece is already known to have been torn off a shuttle three weeks ago." Per usual he seemed to use a rather idiosyncrasy-laden manner of speech that had appeared normal at this point for his character. "When I said identify it, I meant that you should have tagged it. We know what it is, we know where it is from, murr. You simply needed to give it a number for legal reasons. Each shuttle accident, no matter how minor, has to be reported after all."

Awf paused for a few moments and started to allow his one eye to twitch back and forth, "You mean all this time spent waiting was...for nothing?"

The Caitian officer nodded in response to him for the time being. "Murr...Computer, close channel. Viewer off. Mister Awf, make sure to get that number in."

Perhaps the best part, if there were any, was that the previous accident had not caused any injuries, but there were always claims to be made and Federation insurance representatives to be...would placated have been the term? Awf liked this aspect of being a newly warranted officer far less than N'Riss ever had.

Well, that wasn't entirely accurate either. N'Riss just sort of put up with it, because he recognized that these kinds of things were very often required. That didn't mean, at all, that he hadn't liked it of course. He'd much rather put his skills toward repairs, maintenance, research or security. In that way he wasn't too different from the way that Awf was.

With a snappy salute that seemed slightly off for, well, Awf, he soon indicated that he would do it, "Aye aye sir!"

After that the Ocampa took the piece that he was holding as well as a tricorder so he could take the basic readings necessary. Of course he was embarrassed, but he wasn't at all going to shirk his opportunity to set everything right.

At least, he thought that he was setting everything right, but at this point he hadn't realized how -wrong- him and his Caitian superior had actually been. They might very well have ended up paying for how wrong they were in time, in fact, but neither Awf nor N'Riss realized that quite at the moment.

Meanwhile, back in the laboratory on the planet where a certain hologram was sitting, a certain science officer was staring straight foreword at a now completely blank screen. The system was apparently closed, and considering that the others were now more than likely walking away from the console that they had used to hail him, they were probably not really reachable for the time being.

"They...they left me? They shut -it- off without -shutting- me off? Well, I'll show them..." With that he found himself folding his arms with a newfound grouchy personality that was in contrast to what he exhibited before and he soon returned to a seated position. While it may have been rare to see something like this for sure, a brooding hologram man was certainly a very real thing at the moment.

He was perhaps planning some mischief that might teach them once and for all just how important it was to him to have his program turned off when it came time to turn off his program.


Warrant Officer Awf
Lt. Cmdr. T'Rowl N'Riss C.Phil
The Professor

Hopefully staying out of trouble next time!


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