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Running With The Enemy

Posted on Tue Jun 30th, 2015 @ 8:36pm by Lieutenant Commander Nicolao & Lieutenant Bajun Julisa

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: EFS Korenna

* EFS Korenna *

“We’ve cleared 900 and approaching Archadia.”

Niro turned to Julisa, who sat just beside him. “It’s just us, I left the crew back on 900 still enjoying their vacation.” He pressed the panel attached to his seat and the computer beeped. “I’ve set us into an orbit around the planet so that my attention is free for more important things.” He looked Julisa up and down, then gave her a mental nudge.

Come here.

She glanced at him, tearing her gaze from the site of the planet. "This is one of those views I've always loved," she said, even as she rose from her seat and moved to sit in his lap, "the view of a planet from space. They always seem so peaceful from here."

“They do.” Niro shifted a little, getting more comfortable as she leaned in close. “Puts things in perspective sometimes. The view from above is so quiet and serene, while below, often rebellion is boiling. Fitting for your current situation, isn’t it?”

Furrowing her brow, she looked at him. "Sometimes, you futz around in other people's heads too much. Solis...," at the thought of him, she assessed where she was at that moment and pushed herself off his lap. What the hell had made her think that was okay? She retook her seat in the copilot's chair. "...ah, Solis is a quick boil type: fast to get steamed, quick to boil over... and then he simmers. He's been there for the past week or so, well, since Nikki Gold showed up."

“And? Did you expect less? She was a huge issue that could possibly ruin things with you. Why wouldn’t he be mad about it? What would you have done if I’d shown up claiming the same about you?” He laughed for a moment. “Besides having me quietly disappear out an airlock.”

Considering that and how she might have responded, she got comfortable in the chair and looked at the planet. "Perhaps because I'm an attorney, I'd have asked Ray to fix it, get you committed and expected Solis to be angry. Not just with you, but with me. What must I have done to lead you on? What did I really say to you that might have let you believe there was a chance? That sort of thing."

“If I were crazy, like her, maybe nothing. You never led me on Julisa, yet here I am. And here you are with me. We have two days on Archadia, what do you intend to do with me? Re-create old times?” Niro smiled at the thought. “I could be convinced with little effort.”

She snorted with laughter. "Sorry, Niro, I'm not going to make the effort. And I'd rather not re-create old times. If you'll recall, those times were scary and awful. We broke into the secure section of a Cardassian prison - a torture camp!" She paused, not looking him, and added, "But I am running, aren't I?"

He pursed his lips and nodded. “You’re also letting Nikki do exactly what she set out to do - ruin things with your beautiful Solis.” He shrugged. “I don’t think I’d give her the satisfaction. She’s a crazy bitch, Jules, and you’re better than that.” He smirked at her now. “You are better than most I've had, to be blunt.”

Her head spun a little, she wasn't accustomed to dealing with past lovers, or to having her ...skills praised. She rolled her eyes at Niro and shook her head, as if about to admonish him for being lewd. But she didn't; instead, she surprised herself by getting angry, "He's the one doing that! He didn't even ask how I felt! He ... It's like he assumes I'm okay with this woman glomming onto him and ... And I'm not! It was all about him and how he felt - and he was damned angry." She faced Niro and demanded, "Did you know he went to my boss and had him write up a marriage certificate?"

“So he shouldn’t have been angry? Really? If you are pissed, then say so to him, not me. He had a situation to deal with and…” Niro paused a moment. “Aren’t you two engaged though? Planning to get married?”

"Yeah, but he should have talked to me first. And how could I yell at him when he was already so close boiling over?" She shook her head. "It's likely not a good idea to push buttons that way."

“Better than keeping your mouth shut, then blasting him after it was over. You are actually pissed that he didn’t know what you weren’t saying?” Niro rose and grumbled. “And we thought Nikki was crazy. But…” he shrugged. “Not my problem. You’re here now, and I don’t give a rat’s ass if you two ever figure out a way to actually talk to each other. You haven’t so far and maybe I’m doing you both a favor.” He turned to look at the view screen, smiling to himself and waiting for the outburst.

"He's a telepath!" She argued. "If he even halfway listened, he'd have known." She turned away then turned back, "You think you're doing us a favor? By taking me off-station for a day or so? Sure," her tone was sarcastically caustic, "maybe I'll just decide to forget I'm mad at him."

Niro’s smile widened for a moment. So far so good. Finally he turned to look at Julisa. “Or maybe you won’t and we can enjoy your time away.”

She rolled her eyes over to look at him. "I am not sleeping with you, Niro." She was about to let it lie but then added, "Nor am I having sex with you."

We’ll see.... The thought rose in her mind, then he spoke aloud. “Why are you here? With me? If it’s because you think I’m safe, your memory is shorter than that of my chair, Julisa.”

"I'm well aware you're not safe. I don't know why I'm here with you," she said. "Maybe because you have a ship."

“Oh, is that what we’re calling it now?” He laughed as he crossed to stand before her. “So, you intend to hang out on Archadia with me for two days and enjoy my witty conversation. That will be….interesting.” He reached down, resting his palm on her cheek. “Do you intend to be found? I need to know so I can plan accordingly.”

"I will be returning to the Station, Niro. It's not like I can just walk away from everything there, including Solis. So, yeah, being found is fine." She moved so his hand was no longer on her cheek. "And whomever told you that you have witty conversation skills lied to you."

“That was you, darling Jules. Are you ready to beam down to the planet?”

"Aren't we just landing?"

“We’ll dock and transport down. Whoever is looking for you will eventually track down the ship, but then they’ll have to find us wherever we happen to be.” As he looked at her, a memory from Bajor rose in his thoughts, immediately passing to Julisa. “I think you should take your time over the next two days….think deep.” He moved back to the conn the initiate the docking procedure.

"Stop that," she told him, flushing as his thought brought up the full memory. For an ass, he had been good in bed. She glared at his back.

Lt. Bajun Julisa
Mixed Up

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