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The Klingons (And Honorary Klingons) Have Landed

Posted on Sat Jul 4th, 2015 @ 7:00pm by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Aros & Commander Patrick Leroy & Lieutenant Nick Marcinko & Warrant Officer Awf
Edited on on Sat Oct 3rd, 2015 @ 12:18am

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Qo'noS

* USS Takei *

Stretching a bit as he allowed his muscles to move a bit behind his back, Awf finally keyed in the last code that would have allowed them to plunge into the atmosphere beneath them. Even with properly working navigational deflectors, he didn't at all appreciate the idea of allowing the computer to handle their de-orbit automatically. If he made a mistake, then it was correctable. If a computer made a mistake...well, he didn't care to think too much about it.

Regardless, soon enough the spaceship was bathed in the characteristic light of the pressurized gasses around them heating up and that was of course the danger that stemmed from even a properly planned de-orbit maneuver. Tongues of those increasingly superheated gases continued to spiral around the pressure vessel in an unholy flagrant dance.

Leaning back into his seat, Awf smirked and felt his job was done. The landing gear was going to eject as soon as the vessel cleared the breach and they'd be able to properly set down on a pad once retro-units slowed their flight.

Kh’ali emerged from the depths of the ship and made her way to the bridge. She stood silent, watching on the view screen as they made the last approach and the ship began to settle on the landing pad.

“Nice work, Awf.” Moving over to the communications station, she opened a channel and was soon speaking in rapid Klingon. As harsh as the language was for outsiders’ ears, it was hard to tell if the conversation was friendly or not….until Kh’ali began to laugh. Finally she closed the channel and turned back to Awf.

“Ground control was asking who the pilot with the soft voice was. He was impressed with your command of the language, though he asked me if a child was flying the ship. I take it they saw you on visual?”

"A...a child?" Awf looked up with a bit of a blink before he put through some quick thinking. "You can tell that petaQ that there is no child who flies this vessel, but instead a grown warrior who is more than willing to impart an awful bIj on him if he does not silence his mouth!"

Klingons expected as well as respected strength, so what he was saying would have been termed completely appropriate, but from Awf's mouth they sounded like, well, the words of a child and that took most of the edge out of them.

Kh’ali grinned, re-opened the channel and relayed the message. She was silent for a moment, then began to laugh once more. Finally she pressed the panel and turned back to Awf. “Kheldas says he will meet you for a few rounds tonight. He wants to meet this fierce warrior.” She stood and moved back to the bridge exit. “Once we get settled, I’ll give you directions. My brother Kalim will go along with you.”

Scoffing, he looked back and threw back his head, which looked relatively laughable considering that Awf was, well, an Ocampa and not a Klingon. "I will agree to meet them, provided that the gagh is served alive." He started to move toward the exit as he spoke.

“Naturally.” Kh’ali patted him on the back and left the bridge. It was time to get everything and everyone together.

* * * * *

Patrick zipped closed the bag after he had packed it with a few things. Not much considering that what they were undertaking wasn’t vacation for sure. A sigh escaped his lips. No matter how he tried he could not dissolve the gloomy sensation that hovered on what had to be, in normal circumstances, the best day in life for any couple. The doors hissed open and Kh’ali entered the room. Half-looking at her he slung the bag on the shoulder an uncertain smile lining his lips.

“So here we are. Do you think they’ll let us visit Lusor lake and Kri’stak volcano or are we going to be marshalled to the battlefield at once?” Patrick said in bitter irony.

“They would both make great places for a honeymoon and Kalim has already offered to keep D’Veidh with him while we go.” She stepped closer and slipped her arms around his shoulders. “We’ll get through this and Q’Vahn can kiss my ass when it’s over.” She smiled up at Patrick, realizing that now they were at her home, the Klingon side seemed to be rising. “If you need a good laugh now and then, just picture it in your mind - Kalim and Nick babysitting. That should do it.”

Patrick smiled envisioning the intimidating Lieutenant Marcinko taking care of a baby “At least he’ll be safe.” He said holding her tight “But I wouldn’t underestimate your cousin if I were you. She gives me the shivers and the fact she’s just followed us here instead of taking care of the Klingon’s affairs she’d been sent to in the first place tells stories about her obsession.”

Kh’ali nodded, her expression serious. “Don’t let your guard down for a second, Patrick. Nick and and Kalim will be sticking close to us while we are here. Don’t go anywhere alone, promise me that.”

“I promise. I wouldn’t know where to go around here. I’ll stick close I swear.” He smiled trying to ease her.

“Good. Let’s get off this ship and get the show on the road.” She kissed him gently, then let go and called for Aros.

* * * * *

Nick stepped off the walkway onto the landing pad and stopped. He hadn’t been back to Qo’noS since he graduated the Klingon War College, and he hadn’t missed the place one bit. He still had family here but he’d never been inclined to visit them. He wasn’t certain if his crazy-ass mother, Morchenka, was still alive but he knew that his grandfather, Mo’kha, still lived. He had served on the High Council for several years but was not getting too old to do much of anything. Still respected and revered by some, he had become a mentor to some of the younger crowd.

Nick didn’t care. He had no desire to see any of his family. They had gone the extra mile for him when he was young, ensuring that he would get the same benefits of the full-blooded Klingons who looked the part, but once he left the planet, Nick hadn’t thought he’d ever come back.

He spit on the ground and looked around the area. “Fuck this shitten planet,” he said.

“You need to growl more when you say that Marcinko,” came a deep voice. “Make it sound like you mean it.” A boisterous laugh followed the words and a tall, muscular Klingon male approached - Kh’ali’s brother. He held out his arm for Nick to grab hold of in the usual Klingon greeting.

Uncharacteristically, Nick actually smiled and grabbed Kalim’s arm forcefully and laughed. “Kalim! One of very few Klingons I will actually give my respect to. It’s been too long, my friend.”

It had, in fact, been a very long time. Kalim had visited the USS Berkeley when Nick and Kh’ali were posted there. It took a while to warm up to him, but Nick and Kalim both frequented the holodeck and sparred numerous times. If Nick hadn’t been so busy at the time, they would likely have been out drinking and starting fights for fun.

“That it has. So now you’re here to be my sister’s Tawi’Yan. You better save some of that bat’leth swinging for me later on.” Kalim clapped Nick on the shoulder. Tonight, however, we have drinking to do and according to Kh’ali, we are taking your pilot along. Kheldas was at the comm when you came in and is curious about the young one who speaks the language.”

Nick rolled his eyes and laughed. “Talking tough, was he?” he asked of Awf. “I will say that he’s a fairly quick study with the bat’leth but he looks like a child. I’ll be interested to see how he fares in this environment.”

“So is Kheldas,” Kalim answered. He looked past Nick and a wicked smile appeared on his face. “Is that him?”

Nick turned. “That’s the one.” He whistled loudly, gaining Awf’s attention and jerked his head to have him come over. “I’ll introduce you to the little fireplug.”

Well, Awf certainly didn't look any less like, well, an Ocampa who was visibly not a Klingon when he walked in, but regardless of this he came when whistled and exuded a sort of confidence that he hadn't really before. "Qapla'!"

For what it's worth, it seemed that Awf's pronunciation of the Klingon language was admittedly very good. Soon enough he had concocted a way to introduce himself that would have been more acceptable to the company that he was in front of to say the least.

"I am Awf from Clan Caretaker. Your presence here honors my house."

Kalim cocked his eyebrow and glanced at Nick before he answered. “Kalim, brother of Kh’ali, House of Martok. Welcome young warrior.” He spoke with all seriousness, then laughed once more and clapped Awf on the back.

To the Ocampa's credit, he took the smack against his back with nothing more than a smirk, which was probably due to the fact that this wasn't nearly the first crazy thing that he had ever done.

“So, where are you hiding my sister?”

“No one’s hiding me anywhere,” came Kh’ali’s voice. She emerged from the ship with Patrick, Aros, and the baby. Kalim hugged her tight, then held out his arm to Patrick.


“Thank you,” Patrick said reciprocating the grip “Now at last I get a chance to know you in person. All I had so far were just Kh’ali’s words about you.”

“I could say the same of you. Welcome to the family Patrick.” Kalim turned his attention to Aros and after introductions were made, he peered into the sling to look at D’Veidh. “He looks like our grandfather, Kh’ali. Even the lack of hair.” He began to laugh and Kh’ali joined in.

“Let’s get home,” Kh’ali instructed. “I want to get out of here before Q’Vahn arrives.”

Warrant Officer Awf
Lt. Commander Kh’ali
Commander Patrick Leroy
Lt. Nick Marcinko

The Party Has Started


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