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Down For The Count - Part II

Posted on Mon Jul 20th, 2015 @ 9:47pm by Ensign Six of Ten & Suresh & Vic & Senior Chief Petty Officer Edana

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Intel Decks

* Intel *

She turned on him and brushed her hair back. “I...don’t know. Isn’t this what everyone wants to make sure I can do? Isn’t this why we’re here?” She realized her voice was rising and she made the effort to quiet it. “Sorry. Just...reaction. Maybe nervous energy. Stress release….” While those were partly the cause, they both knew what the real reason was.

"I meant talk about us, kissing. I can tell you're rattled, but not by my great holographic Klingons. I might have to bulk them up for the next training session."

She nodded finally. “Yeah. I don’t know what to say. Why didn’t this happen weeks ago? Why now?” She kicked the inert body of the Klingon that still lay on the floor. “What am I supposed to do? Is it possible to want two different people? I don’t know how any of this works. You all are used to it, but not me!”

Vic watched her, wanting to pull her to him and hug her, but knowing that might just add to her confusion. "It's absolutely possible to be attracted to two people... even three or four or more. At your age, it's expected you will be. You barely know yourself - you can't know who best fits with you yet." He realized he was going down the 'why Suresh? You're too young to settle in with him!' road and stopped himself. "Add in that I'm attracted to you and... we could create fireworks."

“That doesn’t help,” she muttered. “I know that, Vic. I just….I don’t know what to do now. He’s in love with me, I know that. He hadn’t said so - I think he’s afraid of what I’ll think and maybe afraid to make that jump but I can sense it.”

"Don't feel pressured to respond in kind to him. I mean, I'm sure you might feel pressure to do so, but you don't have to give in to it." Selfishly, he wanted her not to love Suresh. And therein was one of Six's issues: of those she might trust and talk to about this, did any of them favor her dating Suresh? He knew Reva didn't, and was paying the price for it; he didn't, and had a conflict of interest. "Six, I'm conflicted. I really shouldn't tell you one way or the other what you should or shouldn't do with Suresh."

“You have to know, though, that he never pushes me to think one way or another. He promised from the start that he’d never do that or decide for me what I should do. He also made it clear I shouldn’t let others do it either.” Six sighed aloud. “I know I don’t have a clue when it comes to this sort of thing. I’m learning as I go I suppose. And there’s another issue too. I can’t be seen anyone else. It would cause all kinds of problems.”

He moved to take her face in his hands. "I'm well aware of the issues it would cause, not just for you and Suresh. I'm now your ranking officer, if Nalas learned of this, knew that I let it get out of hand, he'd replace me in a flash." And yet part of him didn't care. He kissed her again, this time lightly, before stepping back. "Most people don't have a clue, Six. Those who do aren't actually playing the same game we are."

She nodded slowly. The urge to pull him back overrode her common sense. She took hold of his shirt and stopped him from moving away. “I think first you need to erase the footage from this session, otherwise Dae will know.”

"I know," he nodded, then looked at her fist in his shirt and back to her face. "You're tempting. Very, very tempting, even when you're not touching me."

Six blinked back at him as she considered that. “You know, it blows my mind that two men like you and Suresh find me attractive. No one ever has before. I know this is hard on you and it’s no picnic for me either. I never thought I’d be in this position, not ever. I don’t know what to do yet.” She kept her grip on Vic’s shirt, pulling him closer.

"Let go or I'm going to kiss you again," he said.

She was caught between what she felt for Suresh on one hand, and the desire for Vic on the other and was sure her brain was going to short circuit. Her grip on his shirt tightened as the battle raged within her.

“I don’t know ---”

"You do," he whispered, gathered her in his arms and kissed her soundly. With thoughts only, he let her know in no uncertain terms what he wanted to do right there and then.

Six was extremely glad they were in the Intel holodeck where anyone could watch on dozens of monitors or walk in at any time. It saved her, but only for this moment, she knew. The time would come, and soon, when she would have to decide. The idea panicked her enough that she pulled back.

“Now who’s the one tempting?” she asked.

He chuckled and paced away from her, rubbing the back of his head. Reading her was easy, particularly when kissing her. "Yeah, session's over, Six. Computer, delete all logs of Training Session 6-01 and end program." As the room returned to the yellow and black grid, he looked at Six and said, "I should have been faster."

She laughed as she caught up with him. “Are you alright? Really?”

"Yeah, just... frustrated," he laughed and flashed a grin at her.

“And I’m hungry. Let’s go get some lunch.” She paused as the arch appeared, then led the way out into the corridor.

"This way, we can eat at Intel's internal cafe," Vic said. This way, they wouldn't draw attention out in the Station. "Have you talked to Reva since the other day?"

“Not since she got out of Sickbay. I’m planning to go see her once we finish here, before she goes on shift. Then I have to get home and change. I’m on exhibit tonight, for lack of a better term.” They reached the small lounge where only a couple of the Intel staff were seated at a table. “You want me to give her a message?”

"No, I was just wondering how she's doing," Vic said, disturbed by Six's 'exhibit' comment. "If Iggy were around, I'd take her up to see Reva. Just tell her I said hi. Are you... today? Are you going to tell her about this? Or Suresh?"

“What about Suresh?” Six dropped her voice so they wouldn’t be overheard.

"Are you going to tell him that another man was kissing you today?" He leaned in and spoke low for the same reasons she had.

“No, I don’t intend to tell Reva, but it’s tricky with her. She’s a hugger and a touch telepath. I have to consciously think of anything else when she does. Darwin suggested baseball scores, then laughed. I didn’t get it,” Six admitted.

Vic burst out laughing but shook his head when Six wanted an explanation. "Don't worry about it," he said, grinning as he picked a hamburger and fries for lunch.

“Besides, if she sees you in my head, she’ll wonder where we were and why we were sparring and start asking questions I can’t answer.” Six ordered the same and once it appeared, they carried their trays to a table. “As for telling Suresh, that’s even trickier. I’ve never lied to him but I think he might be hurt by it if I did tell him. Maybe a little angry too.”

"It's the angry part that concerns me. Granted, this is the 'new Suresh', so I probably won't have to worry about getting killed for it." He grinned. "Reva's telepathy is an issue; remind Darwin about that when you see him."

“I will,” she answered. “For now, I don’t think I will bring up what happened with Suresh. I think it’s best for all of us. At least until….you know….something has to change one way or the other.”

"We could just get a room here, work out our frustrations together," he suggested. "There are plenty of private rooms; they're used for folks who need to be hidden." He was well aware the idea would have zero traction with Six, but he put it out there. "Sometimes, it's just the denial that makes attraction so strong."

“But not in your case. You had it that first night we met, didn’t you?” she asked.

"Yeah, but I thought I had time to make a move. Now... Not so much." He frowned and took a bite of his food.

“I thought you did too but how it all happened...meeting Suresh..was a little crazy. It was all due to Reva wanting to check out Saturnalia, otherwise we might never have met.” Six gobbled down some of her burger and fries. “Given her dislike of him, I’ve made it a point not to remind her of that.”

"Any idea why she hates him so much?" Vic asked. "Didn't he help you two out of a bind?"

"Yes but to Reva, that appeared as someone trying to own her life in other words. I think it’s because now? No one in Saturnalia will come close to her.” She frowned a moment. “I wonder if that’s had something to do with her fascination with Seyla.”

"I bet that has more to do with the Orion factor. You know her grandmother raised her, right? She wouldn't allow any information about Orions. And then along comes Seyla." He shrugged.

“She is a strong magnet. And between us? I am looking out for her as much as I can down there but I can’t be everywhere. I don’t know if two weeks under house arrest will settled her down or make it worse.” She finished off her burger and wiped her mouth. after a quick look around, she returned her attention to Vic. “You know that since the whole station thinks you’re a civvie, we can be seen together in public.”

"You sure? I mean, Suresh's possessiveness is well known. I won't want to cross a line."

“As long as you keep your hands to yourself, it’s all good. I mean I do have friends after all, so if someone sees me talking to you up’re the famous bartender at the Nexus too. Who wouldn’t talk to you?” Six pushed her tray aside. “I’m stuffed. Are the bruises on my neck gone?”

He reached over and touched her neck, an unnecessary touch, but he couldn't resist. He looked her over then nodded. "I forgot about Borg nanites doing your healing for you. Guess I could lower the safety protocols even more, huh?" He grinned.

“Well, the people down below won’t have any safeties,” Six commented. “I should go see Reva. Want to come down to Saturnalia later?”

"That place really isn't my style, Six," Vic declined the invitation. "Better to leave Saturnalia to Suresh and his ilk." Belatedly, he winced, realizing the connection he'd just made.

“It’s okay, no offense taken.” She rose and carried her tray back to the recycler. “I’ll tell Reva you asked about her.”

"Thanks, I'll see you tomorrow, then." Vic said then sat back and relaxed as Six headed out.

As he sat at the table, Edana strolled up to his table. “Vic my friend, you are getting yourself in some deep shit.” She rested her hand on his shoulder. “Call if I can help.”

"I will. Though maybe you could do a favor?"

“Sure, name it,” Edana replied.

"Befriend Reva Madhava," he said. "She needs a better Orion influence than Seyla."

Edana raised her eyebrows, then nodded. “I’ll see what I can do. Once she is released from house arrest that is.” Her gaze swept over Vic and she shook her head. “Good luck.”

"Gee, thanks," he said, ruefully.

Vic, Lieutenant
Ensign Six of Ten
Senior Chief Petty Officer Edana
All In Deep Shit


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