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Down For The Count - Part I

Posted on Mon Jul 20th, 2015 @ 9:45pm by Ensign Six of Ten & Suresh & Vic & Senior Chief Petty Officer Edana

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Suresh's Quarers / Intel

* Suresh’s Quarters *

Suresh and Six had slept in, given the late night. She was still sleeping soundly at 1000 hours when Suresh came in to wake her. “Good morning, sweetheart.” He kissed her gently, wishing there was time for more. “You need to get up. You’re meeting Vic in an hour.”

“Mophgurb,” she mumbled into the pillow as she slowly began to stir. Finally, her eyes opened and she smiled up at him. “Good morning.”

Suresh laughed softly, then hugged her close when she sat up. “You’re fighting Klingons today, so you need to eat. Come on, breakfast is ready.”

“Okay, let me throw on some clothes and I’ll be out in a minute.” She climbed out of bed and began to dress.

* Intel Training Holosuite *

Six stepped off the turbolift on deck 35. She was dressed in tank top and exercise shorts with her hair pulled up in a ponytail. She waved to Edana as she passed her in the corridor.

“Vic’s already in there, so go on in,” Edana said. She watched as Six reached the holosuite and stepped inside. For a moment, Edana pitied Vic, then she laughed. She definitely intended to watch the footage when this was over.

“Morning Vic.” Six stepped into the bare holosuite, the walls showing the familiar yellow grid pattern. “You get enough sleep?” It was the first thought that came to her, but on its heels came the memory of Vic’s kiss to her shoulder last night. Suddenly, her face felt a little too warm.

He thought he had gotten enough sleep but on seeing her tiny little outfit, he decided what he really needed was a cold shower. "Yeah," he managed after a long second. "Come on in. Computer, begin training program." He'd already set up the protocols for this. A hot, dry, sandy plain stretched around them and he asked her, "what training have you had? Any?"

“The Academy stuff,” she answered, “though I did have a little extra so I wouldn’t hurt the other students.” She looked around at the plain and the scattered boulders. “Safety protocols are on? And are you joining in?”

"Safety protocols are lowered. You get hit, you're going to feel it tomorrow. For now, I'm going to watch and we'll start slow," Vic said. "Computer, begin Assailant 6-1."

A Klingon appeared, large and imposing, dressed in standard Klingon armor. He held no weapons and had none in his scabbards.

"Be ready, Six," Vic warned just as the Klingon roared and charged at her.

She crouched down and waited until the last moment, then slipped to the side. As the Klingon charged past, she turned and joining her fists together, she landed a blow on his back with a deep grunt. He whirled and swept her legs from beneath her. Six landed on the floor with a grunt and a rush of air. The Klingon leaned over her and she reached up, wrapping her fingers around his throat. She began to squeeze and the Klingon froze.

But only for a second as he determined a way to break her grip. She was strong - far stronger than a typical Halanan - and he couldn't break her hold. Pulling back, he slammed a fist into her belly, driving all the air out of her lungs. He then drove both arms up through hers, breaking her grip on his neck, and quickly reversed the hold: tightening his hands around her neck.

Spots began to dance before Six’s eyes as the Klingon’s grip tightened. She let go of logical thinking and gave herself over to her former Borg instincts. With a yell, she pulled her knees up and kicked her feet up and into the Klingon’s crotch with every ounce of strength she had.

“Take that!” she yelled.

The Klingon disappeared, having been effectively defeated by Six's move. Vic winced, glad he'd opted to have holographic guys spar with Six. Of course, that left him as a spectator to a sweaty, barely-dressed Six being athletic and svelte. "Good. For choking an opponent,, though," he laid out a technical technique that would help Six, hopefully. "All right, ready for round two?"

“I am.” She got to her feet and wiped her face with her hand. “How about you this time? I’ll take it easy on you.”

"So long as by 'easy', you mean no crotch shots, I'll agree," Vic said, not laughing.

“Deal.” She wiped her face once more, then stepped back, putting some distance between them. She moved slowly in a circle to her left, watching Vic’s body as he also began to move. She noted he favored his left side a bit and so, when the jump kick came, it was to his right shoulder.

He ducked, grabbed her leg and twisted it, a move that in a less-solidly built person might result in a broken leg. For Six, it put her off-balance and landed her on her ass. He chuckled and motioned for her to come at him again.

She bounded up and looked off to his side, letting her ocular implant chart his movements. As he came at her blind side, she bent over, hitting his sternum with her shoulder. Using his own motion against him, she flipped him over neatly, landing him on his back. In an instant, she pounced, pressing his shoulders to the floor.

In the past few weeks, Vic had imagined this position with Six, sans clothes; the reality was both far greater and far worse than his imaginings. He sucked air in, sitting up as he did so and rolling her to the side. He ended up on top of her, where he gave in without thinking and kissed her.

Six stopped breathing completely, but the desire that filled Vic cascaded over her and carried her along with it. She gave in, returning the kiss as he drew it out and deepened it. Her logical thought, it seemed, had left the building entirely.

His had never entered and now with the feel of her body under his, the taste of her mouth and her desire fueling his own, he had no remaining inhibitions. He pressed his advantage and kept kissing her.

He felt so good to her and it came as a real surprise, even as a little voice began to urge her to get up, to move and get away...and her body betrayed her. She heard a soft moan and realized it was her, but it seemed so far away and unreal.

That soft moan brought Vic back to himself - he was a Lieutenant tasked with training this Ensign - and he gave a brief thought to stopping kissing her, but thought was all he gave that idea.

Finally, it was Suresh’s face that brought Six back to reality. She focused, and in a lightning fast motion, slipped her hands beneath Vic’s arms and flipped him over her head.

"Augh!" Vic landed hard and lay there a moment. When he could speak again, he said, "A simple 'hey, let's stop' would have worked just fine."

They lay on the floor, head to head, Six breathing hard. “Did I hurt you?”

"My ego, perhaps. I haven't tried to stand yet, so we'll see." He wasn't in a hurry to find out. "Perhaps Edana should teach you this stuff."

“Does she unexpectedly kiss her sparring partner too?” Six laughed. Finally, she rolled over and crept around to Vic’s side. She scanned him with her ocular implant and nodded. “Nothing broken.” She took his hand and squeezed it as she looked back into his eyes. “Wow.” No other coherent words would come.

He grinned and pulled her close. "You didn't seem to mind," he whispered, "Kiss me, Six."

She swallowed and tried to speak but nothing came save a rush of air as she exhaled. Looking back at Vic, she realized she wanted to but knew it was a bad idea. “I...shouldn’t,” she managed to whisper. She also knew he could read her every thought and would see through that in an instant.

"There's no one here to report back to Suresh," he replied before sitting up. He didn't push the subject. "Computer, begin Assailant 6-2." A Klingon appeared and focused on Six.

This time the Klingon had a d’k tahg in hand as he approached. Six jumped immediately to her feet, watching him. A quick glance around the scene told her that no weapons had appeared. She was on her own. Her frustration and uncertainty over the Vic situation boiled up and the Klingon made a convenient target. She waited till he was within striking range, then gave a howl and charged. He swiped with the knife but she caught his arm, twisted it causing the Klingon to turn, then she shoved his arm up. The harsh crack of bone echoed through the holodeck. She shoved the Klingon’s body aside and stood still, breathing heavy.

Vic couldn't fault her technique. Or the results. He could, though, worry about the tumult of emotions coming off her. "Let's stop for the day, Six. Want to talk about what just happened?"

To Be Continued...

Ensign Six of Ten
Senior Chief Petty Officer Edana


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