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Nefarious Deals

Posted on Sat Jul 25th, 2015 @ 11:08pm by Lieutenant Commander Nicolao & Seyla

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Seyla's Quarters

* Seyla’s Quarters *

The day had not been a good one for anyone crossing Seyla. She had snapped at Marla, who had merely mentioned the attack on Six, and berated Bella because she had been late to her last appointment. Seyla was irritable because of Harding and his work on Reva. The idea that he could make the girl immune to pheromones... "...ruins everything," she muttered.

The door chime sounded, waited a moment, then rang once more.

She wanted to tell whomever it was to piss off, but she couldn't. Closing her eyes, she took a steadying breath then called, "Enter!"

The doors opened and Niro strolled in. He looked around and, sensing Seyla was alone, continued on to the sofa. “Good evening Seyla. You’re looking….annoyed.”

"I am. And now you're here. Why?" She didn't waste time being nice; she had the feeling that'd be unnecessary with this one.

“Just checking in. How’s your girl?” He took a moment to read Seyla and frowned. “I see there’s been a delay.”

"Our little investment is at risk. Starfleet took her to Piper today; they're going to try to update her inhibitor to make her immune to other Orions' pheromones." She glared at Niro as if he were the one doing it.

“So?” He settled on the sofa and relaxed. “Surely you have more weapons at your disposal than simply relying on your pheromones?”

"Sure, the allure of making money on one's back, fucking whatever male comes along." She sighed.

“Of course, which is where I come in,” Niro replied. “You don’t want her if the only reason she’s here is because she’s hopped up on pheromones. That would lead to a moment of clarity, followed by panic, and then her crying to her precious Fleet that she was coerced. You can figure out the rest.”

"Yes, that is where you come in, isn't it?" Seyla looked at him in a different light, even as her pheromones lifted on the air currents. "You can still do that? Turn her mind towards this work?"

“Of course.” He sniffed the air and a slow smile spread over his face. “I see you like to play dirty. Does that extend to your other activities as well?”

"Which activities would those be? Surely you aren't calling sex a dirty activity?" She smiled and moved to join him on the sofa. "I'm working to getting an antidote to the inhibitors Starfleet uses. As you might imagine, the Orion science community doesn't appreciate having Orions kept in an unnatural state."

“I can imagine.” He looked her up and down, his smile lingering. “Sex is only dirty if you do it right, Seyla. As for Reva...what she needs is to see the rosier side of things, not news of her best friend’s attack. This, again, is where I come in, but it requires a subtle touch. You know….wanting her to stay out late when she has an early shift, inviting her to things that are happening when she’s on shift and thus can’t go….wanting to come over when I know her boy toy will be there. You get the idea.”

"Oh, I do." Her smile grew wider and her respect for him went up a few notches. "You are devious, Niro. I do believe I like you. When will you start this project?"

“Oh I already have.” He reached out, tracing his finger lightly along Seyla’s arm. “The trick is to keep her just a little on edge and constantly resentful that her job is interfering with her fun. A few reminders here and there about seeing Six out partying late at night, or dining at the Nexus or Portin will push that envy along just enough. I’ve been in the minds of plenty of women, Seyla. I know what works.”

Straddling him, Seyla leaned in and kissed him. "I agree that you do. Start tomorrow?"

“I’ll see her then, yes.” His smile was slow and sly. “I’ve already kept her hanging for a night. She will be waiting anxiously to hear from me.” He paused and slipped his hands around Seyla’s waist, pulling her closer. “But that’s her. You and I can get started now.”

"Let's," she said and kissed him again. Her commitment to Harding waned awfully quickly as she undressed him.

“I thought you’d never ask,” he murmured.

Sometime later, the door chime sounded, echoing in the empty living room. It rang again, then whoever it was began to knock. They could hear Bella’s voice calling to Seyla. Niro laughed aloud and turned his head to kiss Seyla.

“I’ll get it.”

"Don't frighten her too much," Seyla said, laughing. She rolled out of the bed and started dressing.

Niro slipped on his boxer shorts and strolled out to the door. He pressed the panel and the doors parted. “Hello, Bella.”

"Oh! Hi!" Bella strolled in and waggled her fingers at him. She stopped and looked at Niro when she was already past him. "Are you Seyla's man? Oh!" Her excitement built, "You're the one she stopped seeing others for, aren't you? Oh wow!"

He began to laugh and shook his head. “No, not exactly. I’m just someone she can’t resist. What’s up?”

She blinked. "Oh, nothing. I'm just here to report in. Like usual." She called out, "Seyla?"

"Yes, Bella," Seyla, wrapped in a robe, stood in her doorway. "I appreciate that you're checking in. You can leave now."

"Oh, okay," Bella nodded and headed back to the door. "Bye!"

“Take care.” Niro watched as the doors closed behind her. “How does she remember to breathe on time?” he asked.

"Thankfully, that's an automatic body function. She doesn't have to think about it." Seyla laughed.

Niro reached for Seyla, pulling her close against him. “She may be a slight problem. Will she go tell everyone she knows about us? And will it get back to that man you gave up everyone else for?”

"No and no. Bella knows I see clients here; she doesn't gossip about anyone she sees here. Male, at least." Seyla kissed him.

“She seems to think you gave up all your clients. I suppose we will see, won’t we? Shall we get back to what we were doing when we were interrupted?”

"Yes," she pulled him back to the bedroom.


Pandora’s Box


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