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Makin' Plans

Posted on Sun Aug 14th, 2011 @ 10:26am by Jackson Banning V & Commander Oralia Zeferino

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: The Nexus Club
Timeline: Following "Three Women And A Lily'

* *The Nexus Club * *

It was late night and the shows were over. What was left now was mostly couples out for drinks and dates, by this hour discussing whose quarters would be used for the night. Eli was long gone to study...something, and Jackson was finally off duty, seated at the end of the bar. He still wore his formal white dinner jacket, white shirt and black bow tie.

"Gosh, don't you look dapper, Jackson?" Oralia stepped up to the bar next to him and smiled at him. With one hand, she pretended to pluck lint off one of his shoulders.

"Tryin' to turn my head Oz?" He motioned to the bartender on duty to come take her order, then had a sip of his bourbon. "If so, carry on, it's workin'."

"If I wanted to turn your head, Jackson, I'd wear heels and a short dress," she smirked at him. "Which is probably just what I'll be wearing tomorrow night." She waved off the bartender with a quick headshake. "Nothing for me right now; I'm here to discuss business."

He looked her up and down and frowned. "Now that you mention, it where is the short dress and heels? And what's this about tomorrow night? If you're wearin' a short dress for me, won't Connor have an issue with that?"

"Who said I'm wearing it for you? And who said Connor would ever know?" She cast Jackson an offended look, as if scandalized by the idea that she couldn't keep Connor in the dark about something. Grinning, she asked, "You haven't been told what's happening tomorrow night?"

"There's always somethin' happenin' here." He gave Oz a calculating look. "Surely you are not implyin' that you keep things from your fella now are ya?"

Pointedly ignoring Jackson's question, Oz cleared her throat and informed him about Kh'ali's plans to bring the Speaker to the Nexus Club. " you're going to be overrun by both the Speaker's guards, probably all in uniforms, such as they are, and by my people, in both uniforms and plainclothes. I'll try to keep the uniforms to a minimum."

"Good, they'll be more effective. As for the Divitians, it won't matter much what they wear, they tend to stand out in a crowd."

"Just a little bit," she nodded. "I'd like to have extra security sensors in here, sweeping for weapons." She had the feeling that request would go over like a bomb.

"What sort and how visible?"

"Standard sensors at the entrances, letting us know as a person comes in whether he's carrying something he shouldn't be," she shrugged a shoulder. "A few new arrays in the ceiling corners to scan the interior."

"I suppose. With a visiting delegation, no one will be surprised and if you make them visible, maybe it will keep someone from bein' stupid." Jackson took another sip of his drink.

Oz watched him a moment. She didn't hide her surprise at his reasoning and acceptance of her request. "All right. I'll have Engineering come around in the morning to install them." Looking around the Club, she made a mental list of things she needed to have checked, all of which were minor things. "Have you talked to your... what is he, a ward?... Eli, since Academy classes started?"

"Here at work yes. I gather Claudia's going to ride them hard, in a manner of speakin'. He seems happy enough though." Jackson paused and eyed her intently. "Wait. Every time a woman uses that phrase, it means somethin's up."

"What phrase?"

"That casual 'have you talked to....whoever' phrase. That means you know somethin' I don't."

"Eh, no, I'm sure I don't." Again, she shrugged. "I'm just wondering how he's getting along with his fellow cadets."

Jackson's eyes narrowed and he leaned closer. Reaching up, he cupped his hand around the back of her neck. "Spill it Oz."

Laughing lightly, she leaned into him. From afar, they looked like a couple, whispering together. "There's really nothing to spill, Jackson. Chance came around, asking about Eli, that's all."

"I see. They left here together, the night of their first day. I was kinda glad to see he was startin' to open up and make friends, ya know?" He smiled at Oz as they sat, hoping like all hell that no one paid them any attention. Gossip travels fast on a starbase.

"Knowing my brother, they're possibly beyond 'friends' at this point."

"You think so?" The idea didn't seem to surprise Jackson. "If he will open up to Chance? That's a huge step for him, I think."

Nodding, Oz smiled but her smile didn't hide that she had reservations. "I just hope Chance doesn't set him back a hundred steps. He's not exactly the... 'grounded' type."

"Me too. But Eli's a lot stronger than he looks. Part of playing parent, Oz. Sometimes we have to see how they do flying solo." His expression softened. "Speaking of that, how are you and Connor doing since he moved in?"

"I think we're doing okay," she admitted. "You know, things become routine and easy. Though," she stopped and thought about it, "...yeah, life with Connor isn't 'easy'. He's sort of... high maintenance, Jackson."

'He's had a rough go if it, Oz." He rubbed his eyes with the hand not holding onto her. "And I gotta say this is strange, defending the man who swept you away. But he's a good guy, he just learn to relax a little."

"Swept me away?" Oz chuckled and leaned even closer to Jackson to lightly kiss his cheek. "He saved my life. Hopefully, as time goes by, he'll relax and just let 'us' happen."

"Not if you keep doin' that," he said softly. "Do it again, you may be even later gettin' home."

"Who says I'm going home?" She teased him mercilessly and chuckled at the look he shot her. Turning serious again, she added, "No, really, I'm heading back to my office, again, to finish up some plans, including sending out an order to Engineering for the additional sensors." She patted his thigh and slightly distanced herself from him. "I'll likely be in and out of here tomorrow."

He looked down at her hand on his leg and sighed aloud as he reached for his drink. "I am a strong man, Oz, and patient. But even I have limits to how much I can take before I take back."

In that moment, Oz suddenly realized how serious Jackson was. Here she was, playing around, not thinking about what consequences may come... she was as bad as Chance. Clearing her throat, she stepped away from Jackson, smiled and said, "G'night, StrongMan."

"G'night Bathsheba." He gave her a wink, then drained his glass.

Unsure who or what Bathsheba was, Oz tossed a hand up in a goodbye wave and headed out of the Club.

Once she was gone, Jackson turned back to the bartender. "Vic, my friend, you know that saying about nice guys finishin' last? It is depressingly true." He motioned to his glass. "Keep 'em comin' every two minutes till I pass out, then make it every five minutes. And if I mumble somethin' about lookin' for security or findin' Oz, lock me in the supply room."

"You got it." Vic set another full glass before him.

"You're a good man, Vic." Jackson picked up the glass and drained it.

LC Oralia Zeferino
CSEC & Temptress
Starbase 900

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Man Of Steel
The Nexus Club


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