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A Night At The Nexus - Part One

Posted on Thu Sep 8th, 2011 @ 7:30am by Commander Oralia Zeferino & Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & & Jackson Banning V & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Lieutenant Norval Tigan & Commander Patrick Leroy & Major Patrick Smith

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Nexus Club

* * The Nexus Club * *

Oz stood in the doorway of the Nexus Club and glanced about. This was only her umpteenth visit to the place that day; she was nervous about the Divitian Speaker being in such a public, unregulated place but, as Li, Jackson, Gilroy and Darwin had all pointed out to her, the likelihood of something happening in such a public place was low. She agreed, but, still... it was part of her job to worry about the slim chance that something might happen.

Even with that worry on her mind, she flashed a brilliant smile at Connor as Janice directed them to a table. From that table, Oralia had a good view of the place reserved for the Divitian Speaker and Kh'ali.

The table set for the Speaker bore a reserved sign and unlike others, was surrounded by a red velvet rope held up with brass stands. There was no table cloth on it, and that had been done purposely to keep both the top and underneath visible so that nothing could be hidden ahead of time. It was also in the direct line of one of the sensors mounted in the upper corner above the stage, and the stage itself.

As Oz and Connor sat, Jackson crawled out from beneath the stage and got to his feet. His long hair was mussed and he wore battered jeans and a faded t-shirt that read "I Wish I was In Dixie". He dropped a tool into his pocket and wiped his hands on his pants. Seeing the pair at the table he waved.

Taking in Jackson's casual attire and mussed hair, Oz half-heartedly waved back then checked Connor's watch. That was a move that required she lean in towards him, grab his wrist and, noting the time: only an hour till the Speaker's party was scheduled to arrive, quickly kiss Connor and flash him a smile before settling back again. "Nothing like cutting things close, I suppose," she commented to him about Jackson.

"Yeah..", Connor said with feigned indifference. He had been watchful of the exchange, and from there didn't want to discuss the lounge owner. He took a drink of water, slightly re-situating his jacket as he looked around the place.

"Good evenin' you two. I Hope this table's good. You should have a clear view of everything without people standing in front of you." This was clearly meant for Oz regarding the security issues, not the show. He turned to Connor then with a smile. "Long time no see Connor. I was just askin' about you last night. We need to get you back up on stage again. Got a song with Eli that needs a guitar."

Furrowing his brow, Connor hesitated looking over at Oralia, remembering she had been working late last night. Giving a half smile, Connor just nodded, "Sure...'n' asking who?" he questioned out of curiosity, lifting his glass to take another drink.

Smiling at Eli as he delivered a glass of wine to her, Oralia caught Connor's question and answered, "Me. I was in here to start with tonight's planning." Her gaze flickered over Jackson then settled on Connor. "Will you join them for a song or two?"

Jackson nodded at Oz's reply. "Yeah, Oz and everyone else with Security, Intel and Diplomacy. This place is armed to the teeth." He grinned. "And you should think about it Connor, after this mess is over. The rest of the week should be fine."

He glanced downward at the glass in his hand, and then back up at Jackson, "I'll think about it", he said quietly, and then leaned back, "You wouldn't happen to have any bionade? I need something with flavor", he said, indicating his head at his glass and making an effort to smile again, "Been drinking water all day."

"Certainly." He waved Eli over to get the drinks, then smiled. "Now if you will excuse me, I need to go get decent. Or at least dressed." He moved away and Eli appeared with a bionade for Connor.

"Enjoy, Dr. McKinney." The boy set the drink before Connor.

Before Eli could dash off again, Oralia looked him up and down then asked, "Eli, right?", even though she already knew she was correct. "Have you met Dr. McKinney?"

"Not officially no." He looked to Connor and offered his hand. "Eli Ziyad, Cadet." He glanced from Connor to Oz, the thoughts he'd overheard in the turbolift returning. He was more than a little curious.

Glancing at Connor as he nodded in greeting to Eli, Oz smiled slightly and remarked, "You had that drink ready pretty quickly, Eli. Was that you reading Connor or Jackson? Or do you have a bit of premonition mixed in with your abilities?" Though she wasn't in uniform, it was obvious she was on duty: she was far more serious than she would normally be and the way she skewered Eli with an assessing gaze would have unnerved even her brother.

"It was Jackson, ma'am. He doesn't mind eavesdropping now and again while we are here, it speeds up the service, or heads off trouble a lot faster. With the setup tonight, I'll be 'on duty' for lack of a better term. Just in case." He resisted the urge to fidget beneath Oz's gaze. He wanted to make a good impression, but it was hard to know how to start.

Connor had shifted in his seat, uncomfortable at the thought of the young man possibly reading what had been going through his mind. He stared at him now, changing the subject, "Is there a specific course of study that has your interest, Eli?", he asked in regards to him having mentioned he was a cadet.

"I'm very good with computers, but given my natural abilities, Jackson suggested Intel might be a good fit as well. We'll see how it goes. Can I get you two anything else?"

"Perhaps dinner, please, Eli," Oralia answered then was distracted by a male figure in a natty burgundy smoking jacket and black pants. He smiled as he spied Oralia and headed in their direction. "And what would be the chances of this...," Oz chuckled as Chance slid into the booth next to her.

"Hey there sister dear," he grinned, shook Connor's hand and winked at Eli, "I see you've met my classmate."

Oz eyed her brother, thinking that Eli was far more than just Chance's classmate.

Eli glanced between them before he spoke. "I'll just see to your dinner order." He turned and zipped off to the bar, leaving Chance to deal with his sister. Without thinking, he gave Chance a mental brush, too late realizing his friend would sense his unease. The headache throbbed again for an instant and Eli decided it was best to shut himself down for a bit and give his brain a rest.

Norval stood with his back to the bar as Eli rushed by, nursing a glass of something purple - synthehol, naturally, given the nature of the evening - that matched the tie he had wrapped around his waist like a belt. His stare went off somewhere in the distance through the mostly empty club, both waiting for the patrons and their guest of honor to appear and simultaneously having an inward conversation with Whrea and Andam, two Tigans who were uniquely qualified to understand the challenges of a night such as this. The soldier and the diplomat, how well they could relate to what must be going through the minds of Oz and Kh'ali...

In Oz's mind, there was currently just one concern: Chance and how he'd gone a little pale. "What's up, little brother?"

"Hmm? Oh... uh... nothing...," Chance was trying to sort through the rush of feelings he'd just gotten from Eli. He frowned and added, "Did you just scare Eli, Oz?"

"What?" She looked surprised and looked at Connor before focusing on Chance again. "No... not that I know of...? Babe," she addressed Connor with a grin, "Was I just mean to Eli?"

Raising an eyebrow, Connor looked between them, "No", he said shaking his head. "Not intentionally", he smiled.

"Not...?" She started to react with a denial, but then tossed a napkin at Connor. "You're teasing me."

Grabbing his bottle of bionade, Connor leaned back, stretching his back as he relaxed. "I should tell you about the first time I met your sis...", he said, and about to take a drink, added, "The moment I entered that shuttle I was taken by the most stunning woman I had ever seen...'n' I wanted to yarn to her", and he paused, as the memory flashed by, "but looks can be deceiving. The moment I approached her she took on this... fearfully intimidating expression on her face, one I am sure you're familiar with, 'n' a 'don't brothel with me' aura around her, I thought best to bail her alone."

Laughing, Chance looked sideways at his sister and nodded, "I think I know that look, all right. The one that sort of says: 'Go on, say the wrong thing, give me one more reason to rip yer ba--'"

"Hey!" Oz gave the two men a mock horrified look. "I do not!"

Chance patted her hand patronizingly. "Sure you don't. It's okay, Ozzie, I'll go ask Eli what scared him about you." He winked at Connor and laughed, "I look forward to hearing the rest of that story sometime soon."

To Be Continued...


Lt. Connor McKinney
ACMO/Chief Surgeon

Captain Patrick Smith
SB900 - VI MEF; 3d Marine Exp. Bgde; 3d Fighter Wing

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Grease Monkey
The Nexus Club

Eli Ziyad
Cadet 4th Class & Maitre D'

Li Hawke
Chief Of Intelligence

Norval Tigan
On Jackson's Tab

Oralia Zeferino
Chief, Security

Chance Conradi
Cadet 4th Class and Wine Thief


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