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Suresh & The Slaver

Posted on Sun Aug 16th, 2015 @ 2:21pm by Suresh & Seyla

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Iapetus

* Somewhere on the Station *

"..nice solution. They're self-contained and generate a low-level dampening field to shield what's inside from Station sensors," the Cardassian patted the storage container's side. "Just make sure you feed the livestock."

"No problem, boss," the Cardassian's henchman nodded. He knew his boss waxed poetic about the containers - they were a point of pride that had let them ship their unique livestock all over the Quadrant without drawing attention. According to the bills of lading, the livestock was usually something regulators didn't want to disturb, like the acid-spitting Bolian sheep, whose wool was prized throughout the galaxy, but whose acid could melt a man's face off. "We got it. Don't worry."

"Yes, well, when it's your investment you're talking about, I won't. Till then, I'll worry. Godspeed," the Cardassian said and left the cargo bay.

* The Pit *

Suresh had taken a seat at Iapetus that gave him a view of the door but was far enough back that he wouldn’t be disturbed. Patch and Farco were planted closer to the door, just in case. The glass before Suresh held Saurian brandy but it was just for show. He intended to have his wits about him for this meeting, and at the same time have a little fun. The doors opened and up front, Patch reached up to adjust his cap - the agreed on signal. Suresh waited as the man moved deeper into the bar, then motioned him over.

Eyeing the Romulan, the Cardassian frowned, but knew this territory supposedly belonged to the Romulan. He moved to the man's table and insolently took a seat. "So the infamous Suresh wishes to speak with me? Should I tremble before you?"

Suresh laughed. “Trembling is overrated. These days, groveling and begging forgiveness is much more in style. Care for a drink?”

"On your tab, sure. I'll have what you're having." The Cardassian kept his gaze on Suresh; he smiled slightly. "I have an advantage over you. I am called Fisher."

Suresh motioned to his drink and then to Fisher as the waitress passed. Moments later, his drink arrived. “Fisher it is then. So, Fisher, you are aware that your friend is currently a guest of the station?”

"Hmm, Hunter." He nodded. "I'm aware. He was stupid and clumsily went after someone who defended herself." He shrugged. "It just means I no longer need to split my profits."

Suresh nodded. “There’s a lot to be said for that, and why I have employees, not partners. Your former partner is why I wanted to see you. Based on that, I gather you’re planning to cut him loose and leave him to his own problems?”

Fisher chuckled then accepted a glass from the waitress. He sipped the liquid and nodded, approving of the libation. "You misspoke, you do have a partner - the Orion Madame. I've talked with a few of her girls and they tell me that you and she are in bed together - though no longer literally. As for Hunter? He and I go too far back; we know that if one is caught with his pants down, the other need not come to the rescue. Eventually, he'll be free of the Federation's handcuffs and will rejoin me. Or not."

“I leave the handling of the women to Seyla, which allows me to focus on more important pursuits. You’re right, however, that bed is no longer literal where she’s concerned.” A wicked smile crossed Suresh’s face. “I’ve moved on to something younger. Oddly, I have you to thank for that. It was your misplaced interest in her that brought her to my attention.”

"Me? I'd have enjoyed taming the young Orion rather than just taking the Borg. Though, a self-healing Borg does pose interesting options...." Fisher's grin was as wicked as Suresh's. "Still, I like the idea of bringing a young Orion to heel. Funny, by your reputation, I'd have thought you would, too."

“Been there, done that. Let’s just say that I wanted something with a little more...variety? As for that Orion, she belongs to Seyla. I made a deal and in business, I keep my word. What that means for you and your ill-fated partner is that if you make any more attempts to take her, you’ll find yourselves in small pieces orbiting the station. Frankly, if I hadn’t promised her to Seyla, I’d be glad to let you have her. She’s a pain in the ass. But business is business.”

"If I want one of Seyla's girls, I'll take her," the Cardassian said through clenched teeth. "If you check with her, you might find her inventory is already short by a few. And that young Orion is a Fleetie, so she belongs to whomever takes her first. In my business, the price she'd fetch makes the risk worth it."

“Worth having the Fleet chasing you down?” Suresh shook his head. “Then you’re dumber than you look and deserve what you get. Besides, after Hunter’s clumsy attempt to snatch her, don’t you think they’re watching her like a hawk?” Suresh laughed once more. “You might want to think about your situation, Fisher. A friend tells me that your erstwhile partner has had the urge lately to entertain security with lots of stories of your exploits. I hear it’s made for some really interesting listening.”

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot about your other partner: the security officer you keep around like a good pet. I understand you're now farming out your hired Orion for his enjoyment." Fisher sipped his drink. "The Fleet wouldn't hunt me down for one lousy engineer who has already caused problems. And I'm not concerned about what Hunter may say - telling on me tells on him, too. Now, while I always appreciate drinking for free, did you want to simply try to threaten me or did you want to discuss a partnership? After all, there's more than one slave trader at this table."

“There is, and that’s why I wanted to see you. This is my territory. So far, I’ve not stopped your activities, with the exception of that Orion and my new pet. You’re in the business, you know the risks. Leave them alone and we’ll have no issues. Otherwise, you’ve been warned. It’s a fair agreement and one I stand fast on because I’ll see that as interfering in my operation. You don’t want that.”

Fisher found it entertaining that Suresh would bar him from only two women and not his entire territory. "Just the young Orion and the Borg, then? I'm free to hunt any others as I choose? Then I'll take that restriction. Just make sure you protect them well. I'd hate for anything to happen to them and be blamed for it."

"The Orion is Seyla’s problem.” Suresh shrugged. “I’d keep my ear to the ground, though, if I were you. You’re getting a lot of attention these days. Might be time for a vacation.”

"So noted. I have a shipment leaving within the next few hours. With the payments on those lovely sheep, I'll be able to take a break for a while. I'll be compiling a list for my next shipment, naming all the little ewes. With this one, I have a Bella and a Lisha and a Vivien... all good names, don't you think?"

“A little high-brow for sheep but to each his own I suppose. I never got into naming livestock myself, but then I’m not overly sentimental.” Suresh finally sipped his drink. “If there is nothing else, we’re done here.”

"Tell that to your Borg," Fisher said, laughing. He stood and made a show of visually debating whether to dump his drink on the Romulan. He shook his head and said, "Nah, that's been done." He set the glass down. "Thanks for the drink, Suresh." He turned and walked out of the bar.

Suresh watched as Fisher left the bar and Farco departed to follow him. A few minutes later, he left as well. He had a message to send, and then a scene to make in Saturnalia.

Unlicensed Hunter

Doing A Little Productive Digging



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