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Two Glasses Of Wine

Posted on Tue Aug 18th, 2015 @ 1:53pm by Lieutenant Commander Gaelan Tor & Lieutenant Tobin Ayo
Edited on on Tue Sep 29th, 2015 @ 5:43pm

Mission: Flight of the Valkyries
Location: Valhalla Colony Site, Charu

* Charu *

Tor's background in engineering had come in handy. She was a good assistant to Tobin as they dug into the final phase of the technical side of the colony. They had rolled up their sleeves, pored over schematics and wielded a variety of tools as they worked alongside the construction crew. Finally, the time had come. The computer and all its associated colony-wide systems were ready. That morning, Tobin had pressed 'the button' and the main computer had hummed to life. All across the colony, lights went on, terminals glowed to life, and the nerve center of the new colony settled in to work.

They'd all breathed a sigh of relief and then decided to take the evening off. Tobin had built a command panel in the office at Tor's...well, house. It allowed him to monitor everything when he was home. He'd told Tor he was making dinner for her and so now, she was home to get ready. She had showered and debated what to wear for some time. Finally, she stood before the mirror, giving herself a good once over. She’d left her hair down, knowing he liked it that way, and now wore a strapless dress in velvet that started in a rich purple at the top and slowly shifted to black by the hem, which brushed the floor and swirled to a small semi-circle around her feet in the back. The new replicator had done an excellent job and she was pleased.

She debated a necklace of some sort, then decided to leave her throat as bare as her shoulders. That thought brought a twinge of anxiety and she reached for a light shawl, decided it ruined the lines of the dress and tossed it back to the bed. Earrings were next, then those too were removed as she recalled Tobin’s love of nibbling at her earlobes. That thought also ramped up her nervousness. She needed advice and tried calling Adara but there was no answer. She was opn her own tonight.

Turning back to the mirror, she studied her reflection. She knew Tobin's dinner plans meant romance and after the long hours of the last two days, they deserved a little time to enjoy each other and get used to the idea of sharing a house and a life. Was she really ready for this? What she’d said to Adara came back to her now, however, and she knew she was right. With Marsh dead and gone, she needed to move on or she would get stuck. Reaching for the glass of wine on the dresser, she finished it, checked her lipstick, and then stepped out of the bedroom.

Tobin was waiting for her just outside the bedroom door. He wore dark pants and a silk shirt in a pale blue that matched his light blue eyes. The effect was breathtaking and she squeezed his hand tightly.

"We clean up pretty well," she joked.

Tobin seemed at a loss for words for a moment, but finally he nodded. "You look amazing, Gae." He raised her hand to his lips and kissed it gently. "The words don't do you justice." Her bare shoulders beckoned him to touch them, but he resisted. He was still taking it slow and careful and tonight wasn't the night to push too far. They'd taken a huge step in deciding to live here together and he didn't want to ruin that.

"Close your eyes," he said. She did and he led her through the house and through the door into the atrium. "Alright, you can open them now."

She did and before her, the atrium had been transformed. It was filled with plants and flowers, all native (and safe). In the center was a table set for dinner, complete with candles. Tiny lights had been spread among the flowers and the overall effect was absolutely magical.

"Ohhhh, Tobin. It's lovely." She looked up at him, her eyes shining. "I love it." She stepped away to look at the flowers, moving slowly around the atrium. Finally, she turned to face him and smoothed her dress. It was purely a nervous gesture as she watched him. He swept her away just as he always had. Then came Marsh. He’d tried to take everything away from her, force her to be his. He’d ruined her. But Tobin didn't care. He loved her enough that it didn’t matter what Marsh had done. Loved her enough to do whatever it took for her. She felt a sob rising within her and raised her hand to her mouth.

Tobin was at her side in an instant. "Gae? What is it?"

“I was just thinking how you loved me enough that none of the hell that Marsh put me through mattered to you. You...loved me anyway.”

"You have always had my heart, Gae. Nothing will change that," Tobin whispered. "We've been through so much, but finally, it's our time. I won't let him take that away from us."

Tor nodded slowly. “I was so terrified that if I told you, I’d lose you. I should have known better, should have told you long ago. I just didn’t know what to do. But the way has become clear. And that’s what tonight is about, isn't it?”

"Yes." He smiled gently. "Us, and our new life." He led her back to the table and poured two glasses of wine. "That seems the perfect thing to drink to."

"Agreed." Tor touched her glass to his, then sipped the wine. "And to no more fear." She hoped desperately she could get to that point. She took another sip of the wine, welcoming the warm, mellow glow it brought. She was beginning to relax, and with that sensation came hope.

Tobin smiled once more and then addressed the computer. "Computer, play music track Ayo two." A slow dance tune began to drift through the atrium. He took Tor's glass from her hand and set it on the table, then took her in his arms. They began to move to the music and she smiled.

"Impressive." She laughed for a moment. "We do good work, Mr. Chief Engineer."

"That we do. Let's just hope we get through the night with no glitches," he answered.

That was a good wish, Tor thought. They continued to dance, though there was a bit of space between them. "Can I tell you something?"

"Always, Gae. What is it?"

“I’m nervous. Well, a little afraid really. I don’t know what will come this night but I had a realization when I was talking to Adara back on 900. I need to get moving, get past this and get back to you. Before the fear stays.” She wasn't sure how he would take that and there was hesitation in her eyes as she looked up at him.

"I understand." Tobin squeezed the hand he held gently. "I'll do whatever you need me to do, you know that."

She nodded and moved closer, hesitantly at first, then pressing her body to his. A slight tremble ran through her but no terrifying images arose, only Tobin and memories of other times when she’d been in his arms and so close against him.

Tobin didn't speak, he scarcely breathed, not wanting to spook her. He could feel her tension easing and so his own did as well. She felt so familiar, so right. The desire that she always stirred in him arose in an instant. Tobin wasn't surprised, but he was a little at a loss. No matter what had happened, he loved her and he had faith that eventually it would all work out. Somehow.

As they danced, Tor found herself relaxing still more. Gods, he felt so good, so comforting and at the same time his nearness stirred her, the feeling both welcome and a little surprising. He’d done so much for her, had been so patient and willing to wait, no matter what. As familiar as she was with Tobin, she recognized the faster breathing, the hard planes of his muscle pressed against her. Panic threatened to rise but she did her best to push it away. The fact that he did desire her after what Marsh had done was amazing to her. She wanted to be able to enjoy that again. But how? Tobin had been very careful to avoid putting his hands on her throat. She’d told him of the injuries there, the helplessness and fear it had caused her. Taking a deep breath, she took his hands and rested them on her bare shoulders. Another tremor ran through her, but this time it was one of anticipation. His feel of his hands against her bare skin was dizzying.

Tobin instantly understood. He sucked in a breath as his hands slid over her silky skin, his touch slow and careful so as not to frighten her. It took every ounce of his self-control to keep himself from pulling her in, kissing her until she was breathless. This was no time to rush.

She whispered his name softly, but kept her eyes open. It helped her to focus on Tobin, kept her centered and aware that it really was him. The back of her mind whispered that she was safe here. If things went wrong, someone was close, they’d hear, come save her. Save her? From Tobin? That thought rattled her. She had nothing to fear from him, she knew that. What next? What came next? She rested her hands on his chest to keep him where he was, then took a leap and leaned up to kiss him. Steadfastly keeping his face in her thoughts, she relaxed a little, then deepened the kiss.

He wanted to wrap her in his arms but resisted, stayed where he was. The kiss, however, brought a low moan of desire from Tobin. He'd missed this so much. As she deepened the kiss, he began to realize just what Tor was doing. What she'd said about getting unstuck came back to him and as she finally broke the kiss, he murmured, "Gae? Are you sure?"

“I...I don’t know, but I have to try. For so many reasons, but the biggest is because I miss you. I want to get back to being ‘us’ so much and I can’t let him ruin my life and keep me from you. It would be like saying he won and is getting the last laugh, even though he’s gone for good.”

Her words made Tobin's spirits soar. "I've missed you more than I can put into words," he admitted. "There's nothing I want more than to be us again too."

A sly look crept into Tor’s eyes now and she led Tobin to his seat. She lifted his wine glass and passed it to him, then took her own glass and had another sip. Thanks to the wine in her quarters earlier, the mellow feeling had grown, giving her a little more courage and a little less fear. She then handed her glass to him and rolled his chair back from the table till she had plenty of room.

At first, Tobin wasn't sure what she was up to and was curious why his hands were full. He looked up as Tor stepped closer, noting the gleam in her eyes and suddenly, it was all very clear. His heart began to race and a slow smile spread over his face. He remained silent, watching.

Her dress didn’t really allow for much freedom for her legs, so she sat sideways across his lap. Inside she was suddenly shaky but a stronger feeling began to dominate - desire. It had been buried beneath fear and self-loathing, but it was there all the same. And with Tobin’s hands occupied, she knew logically that she could remove herself from this anytime she chose, that no one was holding her down. Leaning in, she whispered, ”I want you so much.”

Desire torched through him, burning hotter. Her touch at his throat sent tingles racing along his skin and when he spoke, his voice was hoarse. "I never stopped wanting you, Gae. No matter what happened, it was always you."

“I know.” Her eyes misted over again. “I’m so sorry. I just....every time I thought of it I saw him. And I had to fight to keep from screaming.” An image rose in her thoughts for an instant, of Marsh in her office, his hands around her throat. She pushed it away. “But he’s gone. It’s over.”

"It is," Tobin whispered. "But don't ever apologize for what he did. It was never your fault."

She took one of the glasses from his hand and drank the wine down. The warmth within her grew as did the desire. Then she stood and stepped out of her high heels and pushed her dress down. It pooled at her feet and revealed she’d been wearing nothing at all beneath it. Now free of her dress, she moved in and taking the other wine glass, she set it aside on the table. It was the moment of truth and she refused to think, to do anything but focus on Tobin. Returning to the chair, she settled astride his lap.

Her skin was silk beneath his touch and as her hands slipped beneath his shirt, lifting it over his head, Tobin was sure his mind exploded and all rational thought ceased. She filled his senses and overwhelmed him. The self-control he’d fought so hard for vanished in an instant as he pulled her tight against him.

“Help me,” she whispered.

"I love you," he murmured at her ear as the last distance between them finally vanished.

It was sometime later that Tor was curled up in Tobin’s lap, her head on his shoulder as the tears flowed. She was at a loss to explain it, at least at the moment, but Tobin had felt so very good, and she wanted him again.

He held her tight against him, not questioning her, just letting the tears come. He suspected they had been a long time waiting and the release was needed.

"I love you," he said softly. "Always."

She nodded. “I love you so much, Tobin. I did it. I actually managed to...go through with it. It was wonderful, and don’t think I’m crying because of you. It’s because..... ” She hugged him tighter. “I’m sorry. Let me say it and know that I mean it and don’t ask me why? Just....accept it and let’s move on?”

"As you wish," he answered. "No questions." He stroked her bare back gently. "And we are moving on. From now on, it's you and me."

"You and me," she repeated. “I won’t leave you ever...I can’t. You’re everything to me.”

Those were the words Tobin had been waiting to hear for far too long. He wrapped his arms around her and stood, lifting her effortlessly, and left the atrium. "Dinner can wait."

"Yes, it can." Tor buried her face against his neck, breathing in his spicy scent. The sense of coming home was complete and finally she was at peace. "Always, Tobin."

"Always," he agreed.

Lt. Commander Gaelan Tor
Lt. Tobin Ayo
Finally Home


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