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Omlettes Made With Broken Eggs

Posted on Thu Aug 20th, 2015 @ 12:36pm by James Holbridge

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Archadia Prime Holbridge Residence

The transport landed on the Holbridge Estate's private landing pad with a gentleness that only came with years of experience. In the cockpit of the civilian gunabout, Jim swiftly left his seat and descended the gangway to the landing pad, his left hand holding a padd and a look that would melt duranium on his face.

A tech for the ship greeted his boss. "Welcome back, sir..."

"Where is my wife?" Jim demanded curtly, cutting the man off.

"She's inside in the office, sir." the tech replied, noting the look on his boss's face.

"Thank you," Jim swiftly headed up the path to the main house.


"....I don't care, Dad; the man is not the same since he was attacked and the board voted 'no-confidence'." Tricia Holbridge was explaining to her father-in-law. "I called the vote..."

Jim thundered into the room. "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!?" he shouted at the top of his lungs.

=/\=I think he knows!=/\= the image of Gerald Holbridge said on the com-link.

"Jim, before you go off let me explain.."

"Explain what?! You called a vote on me and the board voted me out! I think that tells me all I need to know, dear!" Jim's voice was still loud.

=/\=Son, you need to calm down..=/\=

"Computer, end transmission!" Jim snarled and the face his his father vanished. Turning his attention back to Tricia he continued, "What the hell is with you? Ever since the assault on me, you have been a distant ice cube at work and in bed!"

Tricia rose to her feet, fire leaping into her eyes. "I'll tell you what the problem is; it's you! You have been moping around like a wounded dog ever since the accident. Our daughter is terrified of you and our son moved out because he couldn't stand to see you like this anymore!"

"Don't give me that shit! JD left to go to the Academy on Mars so he could be a pilot!"

"He could have done that here!" Tricia returned heatedly. "I am done with this and I am done with you! I moved your belongings to the base an hour ago and moved Kim and I's things down here. We are through. I am initiating divorce proceedings as soon as Dad can arrange for a new CEO to fill my spot."

Holbridge felt a fury he hadn't known for nearly five years creeping into his body. "The board may have voted no-confidence, but i am pretty sure Dad won't let that stand seeing as how i am majority shareholder! You're fired. My daughter will stay with me. I want you off this property in twenty-four hours. I will provide you passage on one of my company's vessels to the Alpha Quadrant." he spoke in a glacial voice. "I never want to see you again as long as I live!"

Before Tricia could retort Jim slammed his hand down onto the com-panel. "Sam, this is Jim; my wife is leaving the quadrant. I need the Insidious prepped and readied for flight."

=/\=You got it, sir=/\= was the reply.

Jim abruptly left the room, followed closely by Tricia. "You can't do this!" she protested. "You were...."

Holbridge turned suddenly. "Voted out? No, I was sandbagged by my soon-to-be ex-wife! NGSC is all mine, and not a HI:D subsidiary. I maintain full control of that entity and my majority share in HI will make damned sure that this 'no-confidence' bullshit doesn't make it past the boardroom here! As for you and me, I should have known you had no concept of loyalty after you and that idiot Harrison's affair came to light! It's a goddamned good thing he's back in the Corps or he'd be out on his ass!"

"We never stopped seeing each other," Tricia said simply. "After the assault, he came to me and we have been together for nearly two months."

Jim raised his hand to strike here with a lightning move, but lowered his hand just as quickly. "You just cooked your own goose. I am going back to the base. the Insidious will be here in half-an-hour. Good bye."


Jim was seated in his chair behind his wife's desk, busily revoking her access to HI's classified projects. As Chairman, he was legally obligated to give Tricia ninety days notice of a termination. However, he was in no mood for the letter of the law and felt it was time to get rid of someone who had no concept of loyalty, and her admission of infidelity had only strengthened his resolve.

Sam Elliott burst into the room. "Jim, there's been an accident. The Insidious's power coils exploded just after takeoff from Archadia Prime. There were no survivors. Emergency transporters sent back two bodies, but both had major plasma burns."

Holbridge looked stricken. "Dear God!" he breathed.

"I'm sorry, Jim." Sam said gently placing his hand on his friend's shoulder.

Jim nodded silently, tears flowing down his cheeks as he fought back the sobs.


Jim Holbridge
Anger Management Recruit


Sam Elliott
Bearer Of Bad News.


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