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Posted on Wed Sep 9th, 2015 @ 2:32pm by Major David Lorenz & Marine Captain Quentin Harrison
Edited on on Thu Sep 10th, 2015 @ 9:18pm

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Marine Command Center

The optempo had slowed back to normal operations for the Marines, which gave their commander, Major Lorenz, several hours a day in which he could goof off. Dave was in one of the many holosuites, enjoying a warm, relaxing day on the beach. It would have been nicer if Sgt Crouch had been with him in her bikini, but death by dismemberment was not good for maintaining one’s figure. So Dave sat by his lonesome drowsing in the pseudo-sun, until the intercom beeped. =/\=Major Lorenz, this is Brooks, I need you back in the office right away.=/\=

“Why are you bothering me when I am clearly relaxing, Doyle?” Lorenz didn’t even open his eyes.

“There’s been a breach, major.”

That got Lorenz’s attention, and he quickly sprang to his feet. “Computer, save program and end!” he shouted as he quickly left the suite.


Lorenz strode into the MCC, clad in his shorts and a olive-drab t-shirt. “Report!”

Captain Franklin stepped forward. “Routine checking of our archives shows that the stations defensive tactics plans, specifically the plans involving the Marines, were accessed by...oh shit!"

Lorenz moved Franklin from in front of the viewscreen. "Great! Master Sergeant Velasquez!"

The master-at-arms NCO came forward immediately. "Yessir!"

"Get a detail ready, we have to arrest Lt. Harrison!"


Quentin had acquired private quarters while he was an officer in the Nebula gold Security Group. Hi luxury apartment was more spacious than the junior officers billet he had been assigned by the Corps and had opted to keep his larger digs. The extra space gave him the added elbow room he craved, because a large Scotsman didn't fit well inside a cramped can for tuna fish.

The door-chime beeped, andQuentin simply looked up from his padd he was reading. "Enter if ye dare!"

The doors opened and Major Lorenz, MSGT Velasquez and four Marine MP's came in, all with scowls on their faces. Lorenz glared at Quentin. "Get on your goddamned feet!"

"Good to see ye, too, major!" Quentin's voice was low and menacing as he slowly rose to his feet. "What brings you and the Vienna Boys Choir to me humble quarters?"

"You are under arrest for treason. Velasquez here is going to take you into custody quietly. Then, we're all gonna march down to the brig until I can make arrangements with Mr. Leonard to house you permanently in Security!"

Quentin balled his fists and assumed a fighting stance. "I'm nae going nowhere until ye explain why exactly yer comin' after me! I havenae betrayed no one!"

One MP, a new sergeant by the name of Corabi, made the mistake of advancing a full step towards the big Scot, who instantly flattened the poor fool with a meaty palm strike to the sternum, knocking the man back into the bulkhead. A second MP pulled a stun baton from his belt and lit it up.

"Don't do that!" Lorenz tried to stop the man's swing but Harrison's boot connected solidly with the man's groin, dropping him to the deck with a sickly gasp.

Velasquez held up his hand, halting the other two MP's, probably saving their lives. "Lieutenant, I am afraid we have no choice but to take you in!"

"He's right, Q" Lorenz held up his hands. "You know its SOP for a breach like this."

"What fookin breach are ye talkin about?"

Lorenz tabbed a control on Harrison's holoviewer. An image of a data access log came on, Harrison's name and service number were highlighted. "It says here you accessed the confidential order of battle and plans for this sector's defenses."

"Now I know ye've gone looney, Davey! I dinnae have that kind o' clearance!"

"I know that, too! But I have to take you in per orders from the M-JAG until we can clear you of this....on second thought; you are confined to Starbase 900 until a hearing can resolve this matter."

"NO suspension o' duty?" Quentin's eyes lost their murderous glint.

"Unless you want me to Article 15 your ass for hurting those two MPs."

"I'll make it up to them."

Lorenz turned to Velasquez. "Get yer guys back to MCC. I'll handle this yutz!"

When the MP's were gone, Dave took a seat across from Dave. "I know you are innocent, but you can't be fucking up other Marines if they have orders to take you in! I'll cover your ass this time, but no more! Iam sure the general will laugh this off, but you can't be too sure! Now, who the hell would want to get you in dutch with me and Admiral Wegener?"

"The admiral was a cap'n when I was on the Berkeley, and most o' the crew thought I was a madman. Jackson knows a few characters who might not like me, and let's not forget the list o' friends we made with Team One and Jimmy-Boy."

"Yeah, we're not exactly popular, but I don't give a tinker's damn about that. I'm worried about keeping my friend and a damned good Marine out of the brig!" Dave called up the log again. "Who had access to your passwords?"

"The only passwords I have are level-three access, and that's only on Marine equipment."

Dave nodded. "This says you accessed level-one battle plans and downloaded them to iso-linear chip. If we can prove your whereabouts, and I and the Recon Platoon will vouch for you, we can get these charges dropped."

"It would be nice!" Quentin snorted.

Dave rose to his feet. "I'll inform Woodard that you will be indisposed for the day. I want you to go over to NGSC and see who in their rogue's gallery would want you out of action, and cross reference that list with any recent arrivals in the Delta Quadrant. I'm gonna submit a work-op to Sakkath and see if any of the facial recognition scanners has hit on known or suspected bad guys."

"Why not let me use the Marine database?"

"You were automatically locked out by the M-JAG, who will be here tomorrow for the hearing. So, move your ass and get me something quickly!"

Quentin nodded and pulled on a pair of sweats with the SFMC logo on the pantleg. David shook his head.

"Might wanna wear a duty uniform there, bub!"

Quentin vanished into his bedroom, allowing Dave to stick a bug underneath the holo-viewer. It would ease his mind to know exactly what the big man was up to, hopefully the man had forgotten his counter intelligence training. The M-JAG officer, some Marine asshole named Holmgren, was specific in his surveillance requirements.


Major David Lorenz
Bearer Of Bad News


First Lieutenant Quentin Harrison


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