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The Tempest

Posted on Fri Sep 11th, 2015 @ 7:09pm by Falasin & Niro & Mamu B'yaga

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: EFS Korenna

* EFS Korenna *

Falasin slowly awakened and had a nice, long, luxurious stretch. A few aches and pains settled in and she took inventory - small bites on her shoulder and throat, a few achy muscles that hadn’t been worked over in a while, and overly tender lips. Even as inexperienced as she was, she recognized that Niro was a feisty one who really didn’t hold back when he was lost in the heat of the moment. The thought brought a smile. She had suspected he would sweep her away and he had, almost from the moment he’d arrived at the shop.

Thoughts of the shop brought a sudden dismay. Mamu! She recalled Niro sending a message that Fal wouldn’t be into work and had purposely mentioned that she was with him. That was not going to go over well. At all. Mamu despised Niro and had been explicit in her warning to stay away from him. For an instant, she wondered if she should could just hibernate here for the rest of her life and not have to face the tiny old woman. Then came the urge to sneak out, run to the shop and apologize, swear never to do it again.

The panic seemed to stir Niro and without a word, he reached over, clamping his arm down over her. With no effort, and with his eyes still closed, he pulled her over until she was nestled close against him.

“You’re not going anywhere and have nothing to apologize for, Fal. She doesn’t own you, you know.” His eyes finally opened and he smiled. There was no way in hell she was leaving. He wasn’t close to being done with her and said as much. “I’m not ready to let you go yet. Perhaps it’s time you took a vacation.”

While his words thrilled her beyond belief, his mention of a vacation brought her up short. “A vacation? But why? I don’t know if she’ll allow that, especially since it’s you.”

Her innocence was showing and it stirred Niro. It would be so easy to mold her into his own private plaything. “You let me handle the old woman.” He brushed his lips to her cheek, then rolled her over beneath him. “And forget about her. You have the day off and I have plans for us.” He leaned down, capturing her lips with his own, then stopped suddenly. Someone was at the main hatch and he didn’t need a computer announcement to know who. He also sensed that Falon was letting the visitor in and decided to have words with the man later.

“She’s here,” he informed Falasin, who squealed aloud. “Don’t worry, I’ll deal with her. Before either could rise from the bed. Niro’s door chime rang. “Damn she’s fast.” He rose and grabbed a pair of shorts, pulling them on as he hurried out to open the door.

For anyone watching Mamu, the phrase 'Tempest in a teapot' may have come to mind; she was a storm looking for a calm to disrupt. With a staff that was longer than she was tall, she knocked Niro's knees as she blew into his quarters and burst into his bedroom. "Child! Get dressed. You will leave with me. Now."

Falasin yelped in surprise and scurried to pull the sheet farther up over her, even though nothing was showing below her shoulders. Belatedly, she reached up to cover the bite mark on her neck.

“Mamu! You’re in Niro's bedroom!” She sounded positively aghast. “That’s private!”

"Bosh!" Mamu spit the nonsense word out and, hooking Falasin's dress with her stick, tossed it at her. "Come along." She turned as Niro hobbled closer. "You rotten creature," she said.

“What? I took her out dancing last night. She’s not your slave old woman,” Niro grumbled. "She came willingly and I did not force her. She is staying with me today.” He crossed his arms and he stared down at Mamu.

Mamu lashed out with the staff again, this time targeting Niro's toes. " Willingly only because she is innocent and knows not what you are. She knows nothing of the blackness of your heart. Keep it that way, I would."

Falasin’s antennae drooped as she watched them. She owed Mamu her life but this was Niro, the man she’d dreamed about. She had no idea what to do.

“I think it’s her choice isn’t it?” Niro growled. “Hit me again and I’ll beam you out into space.” He wouldn’t, he knew because she would likely survive that, but it sounded good. More like flashing her back to her shop to get her away from Falasin.

"Talk to Starfleet, I will, about getting you off this base. A vile scum you are, causing all you touch to rot and go bad." Mamu had some definite opinions about Niro. She glanced at Falasin, expecting to see her dressing. She did a double take when she saw the girl wasn't. "You would stay? Knowing this is a foul creature? He will harm you."

“Surely if he intended bad things, he’s had hours to do so and didn’t,” Falain answered, her voice small. “He wants me. No one has ever looked at me the way he does. He means no harm, Mamu.”

Her words amused Niro, but pleased him too. Falasin had no way to know how right the old crone was but she believed exactly what he wanted her to believe. That’s good, my darling. He sent the thought to her and smiled as she blushed a deep blue.

"He plays games, Falasin, and is playing a game now, with you. When he tires of you, he will hurt you." Mamu climbed onto the bed and took the girl's hand. "I want only good for you."

“I know,” she whispered. She was having a little trouble with the fact that she was naked in Niro’s bed and Mamu was now standing on it. It was all just a little too surreal. She looked past Mamu to Niro and a wave of heat passed through her, feeling as it it would singe her toes. She closed her eyes, trying to get a grip on the moment so she wouldn’t leap out of bed and pounce on him. “Oh my,” she murmured. “I….I’ll be in tomorrow. I promise.”

"That," Mamu pointed at her, meaning the wave of desire that had washed over her, "is him playing with you."

Falasin blinked. “You felt that? Oh, dear.” She turned an even deeper blue and leaned in close to Mamu. “I won’t let anything happen,” she whispered. “If it does, you know I can reach you.”

"Come home now," Mamu demanded again, whispering to Falasin.

“Fuck this.” Niro moved to the bed, lifted Mamu as if she weighed nothing and slung her over his shoulder. “I’ve had enough.” He carried her out of his bedroom, then out into the corridor and started for the hatch that opened off the rear of this deck. “You’ll see Fal when I decide you’ll see her,” he growled.

The little woman screamed the whole way and used her staff to flail at him. "You vile...!", she berated him in various languages. "File a report with Security, I will!" She kept up her tirade, even as he dumped her into the hatch and opened it, dropping her to the Station's decking.

“Really? I’ll tell them you were harassing me on my own ship and I tossed you. Run away, troll. I have your girl waiting and there’s not one damn thing you can do about it.” He slammed the hatch shut behind her.

As he made his way back to his quarters, he ordered the computer to open a channel ship-wide. “Attention all hands, this ship is now on lockdown. No one is to be brought onboard until you hear otherwise from me.” He then ordered all the hatches locked. Mamu had the ability to rile him up like no one else in this universe and he would not allow her to stand in his way now. He was moving at a rapid pace by the time he reached his quarters and stormed in. He didn’t stop until he reached the door to the bedroom. He stopped there, looking at Falasin, his eyes blazing. “She will bother us no more.”

"You didn't hurt her, did you?" Falasin looked at him worriedly, concerned about Mamu. "And what do you mean by lockdown? If I want to leave, can I?"

Niro shed his shorts and slipped back into the bed, drawing her close. “Of course you can, but will you even want to?” His lips brushed her throat and he pulled the sheet away. “And no, I didn’t hurt her. I know she means too much to you to do that,” he murmured. “But I refuse to let her take you from me.”

A thrill danced through Falasin, both because of his words and because of his closeness. He was scary and entrancing, all at once, and was vastly different from any other male she'd ever been interested in. "I'm glad. For both," she said, smiling. "Now, let's not talk for a while." She had other ideas for their mouths.

“My sentiments exactly,” he answered. He had some ideas of his own.


Mamu B'yaga



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