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The Rescue Team

Posted on Fri Sep 11th, 2015 @ 9:07pm by Commander Dae Nalas & Lieutenant Commander Nicolao & Jackson Banning V & Vic & Lieutenant Norval Tigan & Lieutenant Eric Edwards

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Intel / Blackbird

* Intel - Dae’s Office *

“Very well, Jackson. Get hold of Lt. Edwards. I’ll make arrangements with Major Smith to have the Blackbird fired up and ready to go. You two can meet Nico and Vic in the hangar in thirty.” Dae closed the channel, then opened another to summon Vic, then Nico. Finally, he got through to Patrick Smith and soon, the arrangements were made. Jackson and Edwards could check the ship while they waited for the other two to join them. “Phoebe, send Vic and Nico in as soon as they get here. Also get hold of Cadet Ziyad. I want to see him later, but that’s no rush.”

The immediate preparations done, Dae rose to get coffee while he waited.

Several minutes later, Vic strolled into Dae's office. "If this is about Six, I already know - she's on Archadia with Suresh." He frowned.

“I see good news travels fast,” was Dae’s comment. “Who told you?”

"Darwin," Vic replied. "He was told to take some time off, partly because of Six, partly because of Madhava."

“He’s certainly earned it. So has Six, which is why I approved her request for a few days off. That kid’s living under a hell of a lot of pressure.” Dae’s voice softened. “I know it wasn’t exactly the best news for you.” He focused on Vic closely. “And you’re worried she’ll do something you don’t want her to do while she’s away, aren’t you?”

"I worry he'll pressure her without either of them even realizing it, Dae. He's already done that - and she's so willing to please, she goes along with it. I have to wonder what'll happen when she suddenly realizes she's somewhere she never meant to be."

Dae raised an eyebrow. “Are you certain she doesn’t mean to be there?” He held up his hands. “I’m not trying to stir things up, but it’s a question I have to ask.”

"Perhaps. Maybe she'll be just fine with him." His dark look said he wasn't so fine with that idea. "She's not why you called me, though, is she?"

“No. I think you need a few days away too, and I have need of you as well. You need to pack a bag and be ready to go in thirty minutes. You, Jackson, Nico and Lt. Edwards are taking the Blackbird to Enara Prime. Eli’s parents were taken hostage when they left to come home. They escaped but by the time you all get there, there’s no telling what the situation will be.” Dae frowned. “They will be brought back here and I want it to be in and out as cleanly as possible.”

"K. In and out clean." He paused then asked, "Have you informed Oz that we're taking one of her officers on this?" Really, he wanted to ask whether Dae had mentioned that Jackson was going.

Dae laughed shortly. “I’ve cleared Edwards with Gilroy but if you mean Jackson? No. Jackson is one of my officers and I’ll send him where I see fit. It’s his place to inform her, not mine. I don’t mean to sound harsh, but if I called Oz, Jackson would have my ass and you know it.”

He nodded. "Ok, then. I'll get packed and meet them at the docking bay."

Footsteps approached and moments later Nico appeared in the doorway. “You called? Hey Vic.”

Dae motioned him into the office. Given all three were telepaths, he decided to cut to the chase and passed on the details of the unexpected mission.

Nico nodded. “I see. So I’m back on field duty I see.”

“For this, yes,” Dae answered. “Since you’re going to Enara, you are essential. It should be a simple in and out grab, no undercover work. We hope. Either way, You’ll be fine. So you two, call whoever you need to and hit the road.”

“Very well,” Nico answered. “I just need to grab some clothes and tell Dru.” He looked down to Vic where he sat by the desk. “Meet you there?”

"Yes. Thirty minutes," Vic answered, standing to leave with Nico. "See you in a week, Dae."

“Watch your backs. And Vic? I’ll keep an eye on things here. Don’t worry.” Dae waved them on. “Call me when you get there.”

"K." Vic acknowledged his order with a nod and was gone.

* Docking Bay *

“Well, at least packing was easy,” Eric commented lightheartedly as he and Norval strode into the docking bay. In truth, he’d never unpacked his bag from the first trip to Enara. A few fresh items and he was sure he’d have everything he needed for (what was hopefully going to be) an uneventful recovery mission.

“Mmm,” Norval agreed. “Still, remind me to lose something of Dae’s for a while the next time a supply ship comes in. I don’t like having you back less than a day.”

The security officer grinned. “You know Sakkath would never believe you lost something. And Dae’s a telepath. You couldn’t get that by him.”

“It’s pretty crowded up here,” the Trill said, laughing as he tapped the side of his head. “I doubt he could sift through it all.”

Eric joined him in laughing before planting a kiss on Norval’s cheek. “We’ll be back shortly, and seeing as how I’m the only one who’s met Eli’s parents or seen Enara recently, I imagine I’m fairly necessary.”

“Yeah, well, you’re necessary to me too.”

“You’re sweet,” Eric countered, brushing a hand against the Ops officer’s side. “At least Jackson’s coming along this time. With no cadets and three days of travel time just to get there, maybe he’ll bring along some libation!”

“What’s that ya say, kids?” Jackson appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, with two bags in his hands. One looked decidedly more stuffed and heavy than the other. “Good ta see ya both.” One of the deckhands arrived and offered to take the bags. Jackson handed his over and it took the young man a moment to adjust as he hadn’t expected its weight. “Careful now, that one’s got the essentials. No dropping.” He gave Eric and Norval a wink and followed the deck hand off into the ship to give them time to say their goodbyes.

"There better be enough left in the Nexus to make my Arcturian Fizzes!" Norval called after Jackson, only half joking. "You've got almost all the good bartenders. Jackson, Vic... I swear, if she recruits Jono, Li and I are going to have words."

Smiling, Edwards drew his partner in for another kiss before the Trill clapped him on the backside. "Get going, before I try to ground your ship and keep you here."

"See you in a week," Eric laughed before jogging off to catch up with Jackson.

Nico was the next to arrive, after a stop at home to get his bag and break the news to Dru. She’d been worried, of course, but had been remarkably zen about the idea, even if she thought it too soon. When he’d told her it was for Eli’s parents, she’d practically shoved him out the door and even now, thinking of it made him smile. He nodded to Norval as he reached the ship and continued on inside.

“Hello Eric...Jackson,” he greeted them. “Is Vic here yet?”

Norval had given Nico a nod before heading back to Ops, and Eric had extended his hand to him moments later. "I don't think we've had the pleasure yet, but it's good to be working with you, Nico." He shook his head in response to the question. "And no, haven't seen Vic yet."

“He’ll be along anytime now. Nice to meet you too. I appreciate what you did for the boys and Iggy. Let’s hope this trip is as successful.” Nico patted Jackson on the back and moved on past to store his bag.

"I'm here," Vic said as he entered the ship. He nodded at Jackson, "J, should be like old times."

“It sure will.” Jackson wrapped an arm around Vic’s shoulders. “I tell ya what, why don’t we let these two get some sleep and we’ll take the first shift. It’s gettin’ late and we’re used ta the night hours. Wanna ride shotgun?”

"Yeah, will do. Let me stow my bag. Eric, you're definitely first for a sleep shift - since you pretty much just got back," Vic moved past Jackson and the others.

"Well, you'll get no complaints from me," Edwards said as he tossed his bag into a bunk. He followed it a moment after, burying his head in a pillow such that it muffled the next sentence. "But if you all start mixing cocktails, I expect to be woken up."

Did it translate? He honestly didn't know. He also probably didn't care, because he was out before they even lifted off.

“I’m with him.” Nico pointed in the direction Eric had gone. “It’s been a tiring few days.” He turned to go to the rear of the ship. “I expect whiskey the second we hit auto-pilot.” He vanished into the back, leaving Jackson and Vic alone.

Jackson settled into the pilot seat and began launch preparations. A few minutes later, a voice came on the comm. Vic joined him, settling in the co-pilot's chair.

=^= Lt. Commander Banning, you are cleared for launch. =^=

“Roger that,” Jackson answered and looked over to Vic. “We’re outta here. Did I mention my in-laws are on the station?” Moments later, the Blackbird was putting 900 behind them.

"Yeah. Good thing Chance is now home to see to them. Did you send a message to Oz?" Vic glanced at Jackson.

“I will once we’re underway,” he answered. “And yeah, Chance is home, though I understand he’s a little indisposed.” Jackson grinned. “At least he’s there. Oz would kill me if I left them there unattended. But really Vic, there’s her mother, her dad, and Chance’s dad...all together. And I thought my life was complicated.”

"Indisposed?" Vic made a face. "How? It isn't as if his classes take that much time. He's already missed a bunch."

“Yeah, and Eli’s sorta indisposed along with him, if ya get my drift.” Jackson laid in the course for Enara Prime and seconds later, they hit warp. “You now, that time-of-life-that-shall-not-be-named.” Jackson smiled and shook his head. “Someone should tell the proud parents that this is about normal for those two.”

"Oohhh... that time, huh? Yeah, as if those two needed a reason to end up in bed." Vic laughed. "Though, it is awfully good that they have each other again."

“The kids are growin’ up and it almost makes me feel old,” Jackson mused. “It’ll be interestin’ to see how they are when they come outta this.”

"'Least no one needs to worry about a pregnancy. Hey, have you been to see Iggy's hatchlings?"

“Ta be honest, no,” Jackson admitted. “I mean, Iggy’s family an’ all but it took me a little ta get used ta her. I am not ready for a bunch more of her. Especially since Eli said he sorta made contact with one of ‘em.” He shook his head. “I’ll go eventually, and tell ‘er how lovely they are of course. Then go home and have nightmares.”

Laughing, Vic nodded. "Yeah, had a few of those after locating Jerry and the egg sac. Kept dreamin' that it hatched while I was holding it," he shuddered. "I'm glad Eli made contact with one."

“It does look like she has the ability ta pass along her new spidey powers.” Jackson looked down at the console and made an adjustment. “But speakin’ of women, how’re you doin’?”

Vic grumbled. "Let's not talk about that."

“I see, and sorry ta hear that. You sure, though? I am the master at waitin’ out a woman.”

Vic looked towards the back then spoke quietly. "They're engaged. And right now they're on Archadia, enjoying a few days in the sun. Remember what happened the last time you and Oz did that?"

Jackson pursed his lips and nodded. “Yeah, I do.” A smile settled on his face as the image of Oz on the beach danced through his thoughts, then he sobered again. “Wait, you think she went down there ta do that?”

"I hope not, but... It does inspire people, doesn't it? I took her to dinner, gave her a bracelet. I thought I was making inroads, but...," he sighed. "Oh well. If they marry, that's that, then."

“Yeah, it does inspire people.” Jackson frowned a moment. “Not helpin’ I know. Does he know about you?”

"Yeah. She told him I kissed her. He surprised me by calling me when she was in Piper after Riley's attack on her. You haven't dealt with him much; he's actually a decent guy, compared to the old Suresh."

“I know what he did for Oz and for that I’ll be forever in the man’s debt,” Jackson answered. “Also not helpin’. An’ if this doesn’t work out, well, I figure it’s because yer in line fer somethin’ better.” Jackson shrugged.

"Hmm... Better than Six?" Vic pondered that and lapsed into companionable silence, thinking about what might be around the corner.

“I’ll be hittin’ the auto-pilot in about an hour, then you an’ I are gonna get somethin’ ta eat and we’ll wake up the other two in a little while.” Jackson reached over to squeeze Vic’s shoulder. He knew all too well how it felt to be in his position.

Wincing, knowing that Jackson knew just how his position felt, Vic nodded. "Too bad for Edwards, gettin' home just to turn around and head back again."

“Life in the Fleet, my friend. An’ if I don’t call Oz soon, I might as well land, drop off Eli’s parents and hit the road again,” he grinned.

"Go on and do that, then," Vic laughed. He'd seen a worried Oz in action; it wasn't pretty.

“Will do.” He unbuckled his seatbelt and rose. “Better now than after Eric and Nico lead me astray. I”ll be back soon.” He moved on back towards the comm panel.

"I'll be here... Holdin' down the fort, so to speak," Vic said, though not loudly. His thoughts had already turned towards Six.

Lt. Commander Dae Nalas
Vic (Lt.)
Lt. Commander Nicolao
Lt. Eric Edwards
Lt. Norval Tigan
Jackson Banning V (Lt. Cmdr)


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