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Posted on Mon Aug 29th, 2011 @ 6:29am by Lieutenant James Holbridge & Admiral Ricky Wegener

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Promenade, Near Ne

Jim was like a fish out of water, away from his squadron and their way of life. He had been a crewdog for so long he couldn't remember any other way to live. His lifestyle had taken his family and damn near his life from him. To say he was lost was to describe the Jalara Jungle as just a jungle.

The kids and Kaye had gone back to their quarters, quarters that Jim was now sharing with his family. At first it was a bit strange being around charging three-year-old girls and a quick-witted nine year old, but as always Jim adapted and was now a full-fledged member of his family again. Kaylee, his youngest twin daughter, had given her daddy her nova cookie and juice, which Jim was now engaged in munching on. He never noticed Ricky Wegener sidle up to his table and simply sit down.

"Good day, Mr. Holbridge."

Jim started, then relaxed when he saw who it was, then stood up to come to attention, even though he wasn't in uniform.

"Sit down, Marine. It's lunch time, don't let me intrude on that." He took a sip of his water. "So, what's on your mind? You look like someone in some seriously deep meditation, which is why I decided to sit here."

"I'm doing okay, sir. I'm seriously thinking about resigning my commission from the Fighter Corps, but I don't want to leave the Fleet. I just think there is something more I can contribute than just burning holes in space."

"There's always something else you can do in Starlfeet," Rick said. "I have several open positions on the base that you could easily fill. Hell, we could even talk to the Professor about you possibly being a flight instructor for her academy."

Jim laughed heartily. "No, sir, I did my time as an ass-wiper on Mars and I am not feeling up to showing a bunch of raw newbies how to crash safely. I guess with my family here, I don't want to be in a profession that poses unnecessary hazards and psychotic pilots. However, I wouldn't mind having a shot at running your Strat Ops department if I got to keep my Marine rank."

"I'll look into that," he said, biting into his meatloaf sandwich, "and we'll see about the rank, but you'll have to remember that it won't be the Corps anymore. It's more relaxed and you can't go around barking at people to get their jobs done." When the Captain nodded, Rick continued. "So, how's the investigation going?"

Jim snorted derisively. "We all know who did it, Admiral, it's just that we can't prove it. The slimy bastard who set me up to splat and killed my WSO is good at covering his bases. As for the investigation, Paddy will find out who did it eventually. Me personally, my gut tells me it was Raynor. He was up for a captain's slot and got turned down cuz of a bad fittie last year, I just happened to come in before he was eligible again and I took his slot so he tried to bump me off. But, like I said, I can't prove it."

With his sandwich finished, and his drink gone, Ricky stood. "I'm sure it will all work out for you, Captain. I'll monitor the investigation to see how it turns out and will get back to you about the Strategic Operations opening." With that, the Admiral headed to the matter reclamation area then walked out of sight.

Jim saw that his own bowl of chicken soup had arrived. There was nothing in the world like chicken soup to ease your troubles. The broth was ricj and fragrant and Jim joyously slurped it up, relishing in what could possibly be his last meal alone. He smiled as he thought of the possibility of remarrying Kaye and not putting his life on the line as much.

A Joint Post By:

RADM Ricky Wegener
High-Ranking Father Figure


MCAPT James Holbridge
Resigning Fighter Jockey & Soon-to-be Strat Ops Man
Starbase 900


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