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Get In, Get Out

Posted on Mon Aug 29th, 2011 @ 12:53pm by Captain Li Hawke & Commander Oralia Zeferino

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Habitat Ring

* *Habitat Ring - SB900 * *

Index glanced at the time, then rounded the corner. He had only seconds before Pinky was due and he took refuge in an alcove that gave him a good view of the doors to the quarters in question. According to their recon, they were empty, but just in case, he watched as he waited.

Pinky, who was not the master of stealth that Index was, came strolling along the corridor, casual as can be. Nearing the quarters, he slowed slightly and looked up and down the hallway. No one was around, so he hit the door chime on the quarters and dashed to ...the alcove where Index was. He dithered a moment, trying to make Index move out of the way before finally just squeezing in next to him. "Anybody answer?"

"Hello to you too, shall we dance?" Index smirked and slipped out of the alcove. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out several mints, swiped from the Nexus. He dropped one into Pinky's hand, considered, then dropped the rest. "Not a soul in sight. In between shift changes too, so we should have no trouble."

Looking at the 'mint' Index had dropped into his palm, Pinky furrowed his brow, fished the largest one from the bunch then dropped the rest on the floor, letting them scatter as they may. He missed the implied insult. "Let's go, then." He tiptoed across the corridor to the door and made short work of getting into the interior. "Go on!" He waved Index in ahead of him.

Index pressed a black cube against the door jamb to keep the doors open. It would be easier to hear if anyone approached and since the quarters were supposed to be under repairs, they could get away with acting like workmen. He stepped into the room and stopped so suddenly that Pinky bumped into him.

The quarters were far from empty. A mug sat on the coffee table, a shirt was crumpled up on the floor, some lacy feminine piece of apparel that Index couldn't put a name to was draped over the back of the sofa. And the whole place smelled of flowery perfume. He turned to look at Pinky with a raised eyebrow.

"Uh...," Pinky looked around and, hooking the lacy undergarment with one finger through a strap and holding it up, guessed, "Looks like these quarters aren't as empty as they should be, Index. I thought you had taken care of this."

Index muttered and rubbed his forehead. "They were. At least when we stashed it here. Sloppy inhabitant too. The Klingon female was much neater."

The way Index said that gave Pinky pause. He glanced at Index then over the garment he still held by one strap. Shrugging, he said, "I don't know... I could handle a sloppy female who leaves this sort of gat laying about. Sort of implies she took it off here, in the living room." He had visions of his own private strip show.... Shaking himself to do away with that image, he tossed the garment aside and looked around the apartment again. "So, where is it?"

Index pulled flat metal tool from a pocket and moved into the bedroom. The decor was similar to the living room but ramped up considerably. More clothes were strewn about on every available surface, drawers had been left hanging open, the mattress was halfway off the frame. The closet was open and everything in it was a mess. Index stopped to look over to Pinky.

"Someone's been in here and tossed this room. This isn't your usual slob resident."

"Ooohhh...," Pinky breathed and rolled his eyes around the room again. His vision of a stripping roommate was dying a quick death. "Huh.. Who woulda done that?"

"Good question." Index took one more look around and frowned. "No idea but I don't like the idea. It's not one of us which means someone else is poking in. Let's get this thing and get out before they come looking again. After tonight, it won't matter much anyhow."

"Okay, let's get going, then." Pinky agreed and made a 'hurry up' motion. "So you have the key; where's the safe?"

"Sometimes the best place to hide things is where people think they could not possibly be. " Index took the small tool, crossed to the wall panel above the head of the bed and popped it off. There, nestled in among the tubes and relays was a grey metal box, designed to look like part of the hardware. He slipped it out, tucked it under his arms and restored the panel.

"Nice," Pinky headed back into the other room. "Then we're all set for tonight? Anything we need the others to do?"

"Middle is already in place at the Nexus, Thumb and Ring will meet us there. Now let's get the hell out of here." He led the way out of the quarters and no more than ten feet down, they passed someone entering the corridor.


Index & Pinky
The Hand of Fate

As Written By Li Hawke & Oralia Zeferino


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