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The Divorce Consultation

Posted on Sun Oct 11th, 2015 @ 12:25am by Tog & Suresh

Mission: Further Challenges

* Tog’s Office *

“Oooo, yes.... Right there.... that’s good, mmmm,” Tog’s left eye fluttered closed as his Second Secretary tickled his right earlobe.

He snapped upright in his seat as his office door opened. “I said no visitors!”, he shouted as his First Secretary entered.

“I told him that, but... it’s Suresh,” she said.

“Oh..., well, let him in! What are you waiting for?” Tog charged Suresh more than any of his other clients, so his time was always Suresh’s time when Suresh came around. He patted the bare bottom of his Second Secretary and she stopped molesting his earlobes. She remained seated in his lap, though.

The First Secretary stepped aside as Suresh moved into the office. The expression on his face was thunderous as he rested his hands on the desk and leaned across it. He ignored the Ferengi bosom that was almost in his face, staring at Tog instead.

“Tell me you took care of the Romulus problem?” He was deliberately baiting Tog, withholding details for the moment. He wanted to hear what the Ferengi had to say.

“The... Romulus... problem?” Tog looked blankly back at Suresh. Suddenly, understanding dawned, “OH! That problem! Yes, I did. I sent 10,000 latinum slips and told her to sign the divorce agreement. I’m waiting for her to return that.”

“Then maybe she’ll do it in person!” Suresh stopped to get a grip on his temper. “Since she is here on the station. Did it occur to you that perhaps you should have dangled the money under her nose, then made her sign in order to get it?”

“Here? On the Station? SB900? Well, what the hell is she doing here?”, Tog shouted. “She’d have had to leave Romulus before I sent the money to be here already or hired a really fast ship! This isn’t my fault!” He squeaked as he made his last assertion.

Suresh rubbed his temple to ease the headache that was blossoming and he had to admit Tog had a point. “You’re right,” he admitted. “So what the hell is she doing here? Get this - I was standing in the turbolift with my hand on Six’s ass when the doors opened. We stepped out and Six mentioned that the woman waiting for the lift was watching us. I looked back to see Xerena on the lift just as the doors were closing. According to Six, she’s not happy.” He looked at the naked Ferengi woman and frowned. “Can you excuse us please?”

She looked at Tog and he nodded, sending her trotting out of the room. “I suppose she wouldn’t be. She didn’t know about Isha.”

“The one here, yes? The old Suresh’s obsession?” Suresh shook his head. “She seemed specifically unhappy to see me with my hands on another woman, according to what Six sensed from her. But if the story Patch told me is true, why would she want him back after all this time? Or at all?”

“She’s as nutty as the old Suresh?” Tog said, confirming that he knew this Suresh wasn’t the old one. “And what Patch told you... was that about the twig and berries you gave to Xerena as a parting gift? That was true. Goodness... the old Security Chief had hoped to find someone’s head for that, but never did.” He shook his head. “I’ve been hoping that you wouldn’t ever do that.”

Suresh shook his head. “Nutty is putting it mildly. So, she’s here. Why? She’s not going to simply move back in and resume what she thinks is her position. So where does this leave us?”

“I don’t know. We could send her back, but she’ll likely just return. You could have her accidentally directed out an airlock, but you didn’t hear me say that. You could contact her, ask her what she wants and then tell her she’s crazy, and then you’ll have self-defense as your justification for killing her,” Tog listed a few possibilities.

Suresh shook his head. “Of all the times for this to happen,” he muttered. “Just when things are going so well with Six. Xerena cannot get close to her. If she’s anything like the other one, she’d do her best to remove the obstacle and I’ll walk in one day and find her naked on my sofa.”

“You say that like it’d be...,” Tog started, but saw Suresh’s face and stopped. “Well, I can see where that would be an issue. Xerena is like the old Suresh - power-hungry and willing to do anything for it.”

“That’s what concerns me,” Suresh answered. “If she sees Six as standing in her way, what will she do then? I’ve sworn to Six I don’t know this one but what if Xerena makes it appear that I do?”

“Isn’t Six a telepath by touch? Wouldn’t she trust what she can read from you over what some crazy lady tries to tell her?”

“Empath, Tog. So she can sense emotions but not read thoughts. And if Xerena gets crazy and makes things look bad, what’s Six supposed to believe?” Suresh ran his hand through his hair as he paced before Tog’s desk.

“Maybe what her trusted boyfriend tells her?” Tog refused to believe that Six, a former Fleetie, would believe a random Romulan woman over her own lover. But, whatever, he wasn’t in that relationship (for which he was awfully glad). “What do you want to do? Have Security hunt her down? Drag her ass in here and ... what? Shine a light in her face and make her tell you what her plans are?”

“I want her gone, Tog. Packed up the hell and gone!” Suresh exclaimed. “The sooner the better!”

“Okay, fine, I’ll send her a cease and desist letter! We’ll go to Julie, the pretty little prosecutor and get her to issue a restraining order! Maybe more money would make her go away. I heard that you recently had a windfall... speaking of, do you need a safe place to keep those bricks?” His smile was smarmy.

“If I did that safe place would be far away from you,” Suresh grumbled. “So that’s a no, I’ve taken care of them, thanks. Find her, see what she wants and get rid of her.”

“Will do!” Tog beamed: this meant he could bill the crap out of Suresh. And he knew that Suresh had the funds! Score! He just barely kept himself from clenching a fist and grinning about the pending income on this matter. “And I’ll get on that on a rush basis! Right now. Erm... as soon as you leave.”

“Very well. I’m off to Saturnalia. Let me know the minute you talk to her.” And just like that, Suresh was gone.

Tog breathed a little easier once he was gone. Then he got busy finding Xerena (and billing Suresh).

A No-Fault Attorney

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