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First Step Back to Normal

Posted on Sun Oct 11th, 2015 @ 2:43am by Ensign Reva Madhava & Robart & Lieutenant Riley Sukotav

Mission: Further Challenges

As Reva left Piper, she was unaware that she’d picked up a follower - how could she know? She wasn’t looking for one nor was she aware that anyone knew she was back on the Station. When she boarded a lift, though, a lanky Orion joined her; she eyed him and, pulling her sweater closer about her, stepped to one side.

The Orion frowned and looked her up and down. “No need for that, Ensign Madhava,” he said. “I’m Rekkar of the OSN Kyllini. Do you remember me?”

Her eyes went wide: he was talking to her. She shook her head and stammered, “N-n-no, I don’t. You... you were on Robart’s ship?”

“Oh, hey, I’m scaring you... I’m sorry, I’m not gonna hurt you. Really. Robart sent me to watch out for you. He knew you’d beam back from Archadia, so he paid the transporter chief to let him know the minute you were back. The chief told him you were headed to Piper, so I was able to pick you up there. I’m Robart’s pilot. We were going warp ten to catch up to Fisher. Good thing you disabled that ship,” Rekkar tried to put her at ease.

To a degree it worked. Reva looked at him fully and lost some of her trapped-prey fearfulness. “The pilot... oh, when I found the bridge, you were there?” She didn’t remember him, just like she didn’t recall quite a few other things from that time. But she recalled that there was another Orion on the bridge. “So you’re my protection?”, she sounded doubtful.

“Hey!”, he cried, sounding mildly offended but also playful, “I am much stronger than I appear! Appearances can be deceiving. Besides, I carry a mean weapon.” He opened his jacket and flashed a disrupter.

“Oh. I see.”

“Yeah, but I do have to divert you. Robart would like to see you.”

“Right now? Um... but...,” Riley didn’t know she was back on the Station, so she didn’t need to rush back to her quarters - oh, but did she ever want to rush home and hide away in the safety of her bedroom. Still, she was curious about Robart. “Can’t he come to my quarters?”

“Ah... well, we don’t know where those are.”

“That would be a problem.” She nodded, smiling slightly.

Rekkar perked up and smiled, too. “Just a little. But if you want to call him and tell him where your quarters are, then we could go there.”


“Well, you could go inside and I’ll hang out in the corridor.” Rekkar shrugged. He’d had worse assignments, though he had the feeling that hanging out on a Fleet quarters deck would draw Security’s attention at some point.

“I’d rather do that, ...Rekkar, right?”

He nodded. “I’ll escort you wherever you’d like to go, Ensign Madhava.”

* Later *

Laughing uproariously, Robart held his chest and worked to stop. "Oh, Cyllene...! Who gave you the idea Orions don't love? We love. We love deeper than most other species."

"But... female Orions are toxic... Our pheromones, even without them ...we entrance men, turn them into little more than puppets," Reva brought out another reason why she worried about Riley. She’d found it easy to trust Robart - he made it easy, since he had assured her his instructions were to see that she was happy. He’d already told her about the situation with Riley: that he’d, essentially, bought Riley for her. She had yelled at him about that, but he had patiently explained that it was the best way to ensure Riley’s safety. After that, she’d quieted down and then started in on just why she might have to put Riley out of her life.

Robart's laughter stilled and his expression turned serious. He saw now the pattern of her worries: Orions don't love, Orions are dangerous to those they love.... "Who is giving you these lies as truth? Madame Seyla?", he asked, his irritation showing in his voice. "You choose to live without pheromones. You are as dangerous to Riley as... well, as any other Betazoid woman. You can read his thoughts - that's dangerous!"

"He can read mine. Better than I can read his, actually." She considered his statement, frowning. "So... I won't make him lose his mind?"

"Well... You could, depending on what you do in bed. Or if you leave him," he shrugged. "But simply because you're part Orion? No, unless you routinely use your pheromones to twist his mind. Your mother has done that to men."

"Like my dad?"

He nodded. "Like Gravex, yes."

"Did she love him?"

"She loves us all, in her own way. You, she loves because you are hers."

Reva wasn't sure that was a good thing. "But I don't want to be in business, not Seyla's business. I can't...," she looked away, tears pricking her eyes. Swallowing, she controlled her tears. "I can't do that."

"There are other businesses to be in. Import-export, for example. Or... protection services. Granted, that one, you wouldn't be directly involved in, except as a figurehead bringing in clients. You'd be a good front woman for that - considering...."

She glared at him. "I don't know - you were protecting me and yet Owain and that Ferengi spirited me right off the Station. I think you'd suck at managing protection services."

“I’m sorry, Cyllene,” he said. “I waited too long, thinking you and that feyboy were being girly in the dress shop. It didn’t occur to me that there would be a back way out, or that that little jackass would do such a thing. Do you wish to see him before we deal with him?”

Reva stared at him for a long moment. His question caused an array of questions for her: did she want to see Owain? Did she want to kill Owain? Oh yes, very much, she wanted to do that - no, she wanted to make him hurt the way he’d made her hurt. She eyed the jewels on her desk, wishing she could replicate it and put it on the bastard. Hate welled up, followed closely by anger. “Before you deal with him? What... how will you deal with him?”

Having watched Reva flush darkly, Robart wondered what her thought process was. “How would you like me to deal with him?”

“As painfully... no, the Fleet will handle him,” she shook her head. “Though he deserves a painful existence.”

Robart nodded quietly. “That he does.”

As Robart finished speaking, the door chime sounded. Reva looked up, a flash of fear in her eyes, then smiled and bounded for the door. As she opened it, she threw her arms around Riley, “Riley! I missed you!”

“Hey sweetheart.” He lifted her off the floor in a tight hug and carried her inside. “How was Archadia?” He kissed her soundly before he noticed Robart. “Hi Robart.”

Robart nodded at Riley in greeting. “Welcome home, Lt. Sukotav.”

“It was okay,” Reva answered Riley. “How was your adventure at Saturnalia and talk with Suresh?” She grinned at him, inordinately happy to have him home.

“It all turned out fine.” He set her back on her feet and then led her over to the sofa to sit down. “We talked a while, then he left to go do whatever it is he does.”

“Speaking of, I’ll be doing that same thing now. Cyllene, whenever you wish to see the ship and her engines, simply comm me and one of the crew will come to escort you to the ship,” Robart stood, straightening his suit jacket. “Good night, you two. Remember, Reva, Orions love just fine.” He winked and headed out, leaving them alone.

“We have the place to ourselves, unless Desta calls. She’s in Sickbay with Vic,” Reva told Riley.

Riley raised his eyebrows. “She’s where? Doing what? Alone with Vic? Not that Vic would do anything but Desta’s afraid of her own shadow.”

“Well... yeah. I didn’t want to leave her, but..., Six seemed to think it was a good idea. She’s just there to talk with Vic, that’s all. I don’t think he’ll frighten her, not after being introduced to her the way he was, with me, Six and Falasin fawning over him.” She had straddled Riley and her hands kept busy fussing with his uniform jacket, lightly touching his neck and jaw, brushing his hair back.

“Six was fawning over him too? Huh.” Riley smiled at the attention and catching her hand, brought it to his lips. “I’m sure that pleased him.”

“Yeah, he was sort of tickled, I think. And Suresh was there, too. I’m hoping Desta will call for a walk home.” She kissed him lightly. “Are you hungry? Did you come here straight from work?”

“I stopped on the Promenade since I thought you wouldn’t be home till tomorrow morning.” He kissed her once more then pulled back. “What was Suresh doing there?”

“Harassing Vic? I’m not sure. I wasn’t paying attention to Suresh; I was there to see Vic. He’s okay - he was stabbed by Eli’s brother, though.”

“Eli’s brother is here? That’s interesting news, though I hope Security has him now.” He settled Reva a little more on his lap. “So tell me about the weekend? How’d you do with just the girls?”

“His brother is here and Security does have him.” She tried to still her hands. “The weekend was good. We went out on the lake and swam a bit,” her unease over having Farco watching them rose to the surface and she tugged at one side of her cardigan. “But the house there is beautiful; we had steaks and potatoes done on the grill.”

Riley stilled her hand, then slowly unbuttoned the bulky sweater. “Sounds like a good time. I think it was good for you to go down, relax and enjoy yourself.” He wondered for a moment if she’d worn the sweater into the lake and smiled. “Why the sudden worry?”

“What worry? Hey... I caught that. I didn’t wear this into the lake. To the lake and on the lake, yes. There’s nothing wrong with that. Oh, do you mean about Farco watching? I didn’t like that. I don’t want to be watched.” She frowned.

“Well with Six there and Niro roaming around, I’m glad he was. I want you to be very careful for the next few days till this Niro thing is settled. Besides, Robart had someone watching you doesn’t he?”

“He does now, yeah. Rekkar scared me on the lift. I didn’t remember him from Robart’s ship. ‘Course, about the only thing I do recall from Robart’s ship is that it goes warp ten and I slept a lot.” She smiled, shrugging. “I don’t suppose I could have Niro wipe this from my head?” Her frown was back and she wasn’t looking directly at Riley.

“Over my dead body,” Riley answered immediately. “He’s not getting near your head. After what I read of him in sickbay, I don’t want him even looking at you too closely.”

“Okay, I promise I won’t go anywhere near him, Rye,” she loved the protectiveness she sensed in him. “He messed with Falasin. It seems that he might have hurt Eli, too. Rye, he’s way worse than I ever thought. I mean... I didn’t like him much. He was convenient.”

“I know,” he answered softly. “It’s alright, really. It’s been a rough time but it’s past. We’ll deal with it and move on with our lives. You don’t have to forget the past but don’t let it determine your future, you know?”

Her tears started. “I know. It’s hard right now; I only see the past.” She folded into him, crying on his shoulder.

“Raj will help you with that and you know he will.” He wrapped Reva in his arms and whispered soothing words to her. “Maybe you also need to take a step towards your future? Right now you seem to be sort of treading water. You’re not back at work or settled in permanent quarters.” He smiled a moment. “That means you haven’t moved in with me yet.”

She laughed. “Well, maybe we could let Desta settle a bit first. I’ll talk to Raj soon and go back to work when he thinks I’m ready. But you’re here, so you’ve sort of moved in with me.” That made her happy.

“That’s true. As for Desta, she seems a little better don’t you think? I’m glad you all have taken her under your wing. I can bet she’s starved for friends and company.”

“Perhaps that’s why she jumped to stay with Vic. But, actually, I think her response to that was motivated more by submissiveness than an interest in Vic.” Reva wiped away her tears. “Raj will help her with that, I’m sure.”

“All in good time.” An idea occurred to him and he reached up to wipe away a stray tear. “Since you’re home and Desta’s out for a while, let’s go out?”

“Out? Where? Why?” She was wary.

“The Nexus? Jackson’s back and he actually asked about you when I saw him earlier today.” Riley smiled. “He’s even doing the late set tonight he said.”

Desire to see Jackson and, perhaps Iggy, Chance and Eli, warred with her desire to stay home. Finally, she nodded, “Okay, the Nexus. I need to clean up and replicate a dress.” She kissed him and slowly moved off his lap.

“And I need to get into some evening wear but we can stop by my place once you’re ready. How’s that?”

“Okay,” she nodded and hurried to shower and dress. A bit later, she was in a Nexus-worthy dress and her hair was bound up in twisted bun. “Okay, ready?”, she asked him.

“Wow!” Riley was on his feet in an instant. “You look amazing. Let’s go so I can get all prettied up too,” he joked.

She laughed and said, “Thanks, Rye. Let’s go.” She took his hand and pulled him towards the door. Just as they crossed the threshold, she stopped, “Oh, hang on, just one thing.” She went back in and a moment later came out with a long, thick cardigan on over her dress. It was, at least, a newly replicated one and matched the dress, but it was bulky, like the one she’d worn most of the day.

He stopped and turned her to face him. “Take it off, honey. You don’t need it.” His voice was tender as he spoke.

“I might get cold,” she argued.

“You’ll be fine. Trust me.” He reached out to touch the sweater. “Besides, you have me.”

“It matches...,” she started, but could read him at this range and knew he wasn’t going to let her leave with the sweater on. “But...,” she whined then huffed and caved, “Fine, I’ll put it back.” She went back into her quarters and draped the sweater over a chair. Taking a deep breath, she reached a hand out to Riley. She wasn’t sure about this at all.

“Much better.” He took her hand and kissed it gently. “It will be fine, I promise. Now let’s go so I can make myself worthy of such a beautiful woman.”

“You charm me, Rye. Every time,” she stretched up and kissed him. They headed for his quarters.

Ensign Reva Madhava
Lt. Riley Sukotav


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