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Seyla Riles the Boys

Posted on Sat Oct 24th, 2015 @ 2:42pm by Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi & Seyla & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad

Mission: Further Challenges

Eli had scooted out of the Nexus as soon as he’d finished helping Sam close the bar. He stopped outside long enough to call Chance and ask him to come down and meet him, that they were going out. It had been a while, with all that had been happening and Eli has feeling the urge to kick his heels up just a little. He sat down on a bench outside the Club and waited.

Within a short time, Chance appeared, dressed far more casually than Eli was - of course, nothing short of a tuxedo or dress uniform would have matched Eli’s tuxedo. “Hey,” Chance greeted him by coming up and kissing him deeply. “You caught me with my parents and gave me an excuse to leave them. For that, my friend, I owe you. You sure you’re up to going out, though?”

“I am.” Eli winked at Chance as he took his hand and started for the lift. “You can pay me back later, how’s that?” He pressed the button and turned back to Chance. “We’re going slumming.”

“Are we? Slumming as in Saturnalia? You know... Reva wasn’t safe there,” he said.

“I am not a gorgeous young woman, nor are you,” Eli answered as they entered the turbolift. “Also not Orion. These spots?” He tapped the faint red spots on his temple. “These scare people that might be up to no good.”

"Good thing you qualified that gorgeous statement," Chance goosed Eli and chuckled as he jumped. "Still... It'd be nice to take Reva out dancing with us. She does draw the males in. Just not Kaleidoscope or anywhere in the Pit. Maybe Six, Falasin and... there's the woman living with Re- oh, Desta, could go with us, too. I know: I'll take them to the Nexus some night when you're working. I won't want for a dance partner," Chance chattered away.

Eli laughed and shook his head. “Apparently you don’t need me for this conversation,” he teased. “I do think it’s a good idea though. We’ll do it.” He pressed Chance against the wall as they descended. “Tonight you’re all mine.”

"Right here?" Chance sounded a little worried about that possibility. The moment passed and he responded to Eli's authority, "I do like that idea." He paused then added, "The 'I'm yours' part, not the doing something in the turbolift part. Can you imagine the trouble we'd get into? I think Oz might just skin us both for stupidity."

“I’m glad I called and got you out of there before the brainwashing was complete.” Eli smiled. “I meant we’ll do it...take them all out dancing. The other? You’ll have to wait till we get home.”

"Oh, the anticipation!" Chance laughed and kissed Eli. The lift doors opened while they were so engaged and they had to break it up to hustle off the lift.

* Saturnalia *

As usual, Saturnalia was crowded with those who wanted to be seen and those who wanted to do the seeing. Seyla was even there - a rare occurrence. When she saw Eli, she waved him over then greeted him with a hug. "Eli, it's good to see you! And you, as well, Chance."

“Hi Sey, how are you?” He hugged her tight, lifting her off the floor for a second. “You look amazing as always.”

"Thank you for saying so. There's a reason you're my favorite non-client, even though you date Zeferino's brother," she smiled at Chance then instructed them, "Sit and tell me about things!"

Chance slid into the curved booth. Seyla was one he wasn't entirely comfortable with, but Eli liked her. He let Eli field her question while he flagged Shelly down and ordered drinks for them.

“Life is settling down after all the excitement back on Enara,” Eli answered. “My parents were rescued and are here now and my brother’s still in the brig for stabbing Vic. I think Ray’s letting him sit and stew for a while. He deserves it.” Eli shrugged. “Chance has spent the past few days being embarrassed by his parents, which is normal, yeah?”

"Being embarrassed by parents?" Seyla looked surprised. "That's a Human thing, I think. Human and Betazoid, if I recall correctly. Oh, I met them! While you were in Sickbay, Eli. They seem... nice." The word she was really thinking was 'plebeian'. "I'd like to meet your parents, too."

Chance flushed hotly. For one, he recalled her meeting his parents and then how he'd had to explain why the Station's busiest Madame was checking on his boyfriend. For another, through Eli, he caught the word she'd been thinking. He didn't address either point.

Eli grabbed Chance’s hand under the table and squeezed it. “I’ll have to introduce you once they are settled in and we’ve worked out all the details of their asylum request,” he answered. The drinks arrived and he had a sip. In an effort to ease the tension in Chance, he raised the hand he held and kissed it gently. “So, Sey, what’s been happening down here?”

"Let's see... Oh, there's been excited talk about Reva. She has her own Orion watching over her," she sat up a little and looked around the room. "The big fellow over in the corner. He came in here with a case of latinum bricks and bought the rights to Riley from Suresh. That was huge news around here." Laughing, she sipped her drink.

"And then, oh, this is rich and has completely displaced the Reva gossip: Six walked in on Suresh schtupping his wife, Xerena. Big scandal - apparently Suresh stood in his doorway, naked as a jaybird, shouting after Six like a lunatic." Seyla was having a grand time with this rumor and, with this fourth retelling of it, had embellished some details.

Eli lowered his glass and glanced at Chance briefly. “Wait...I can sort of see the whole Riley thing after what happened, at least by the customs down here. But….Suresh has a wife? And Six saw them in bed? I take it he was shouting at her because she was running away? What the hell?”

"That guy is Reva's ...Orion?" Chance had twisted around to get a glimpse of Robart. "Since when does Suresh have a wife? I thought he was Mr. Nutty when it came to women."

Seyla ignored his question about Robart. "Suresh has been married since he first arrived on the Station. He discovered she was trading more than secrets with the Security Chief, though, and had him castrated and her sent back to Romulus. Yes, Six caught them in bed, naked, and ran away while Suresh shouted for her to come back. It's all a bit comical."

Eli blinked back at her. “I don’t see the humor in it Sey. Six is a sweetheart and she came home to find the man she’s living with in bed with another woman, who turns out to be his wife? A wife he’s had for years and no one thought to tell her he was married? I can’t imagine what she….I mean I know how I’d feel you know where she went?”

A perverse glee radiated off Seyla. She had no real interest in Six, one way or the other. Suresh... well, anything that tripped him up without outright killing him or blowing his cover, tickled her pink. "No, I don't. The Romulan caveman probably found her and dragged her home by her hair."

Seyla was reminding Chance why he wasn't as enamoured of her as Eli was. "That's a rotten situation all around," he commented.

“I agree. Damn. I hope she’s okay.” Eli frowned as he regarded Seyla. “Why didn’t you warn her he was married?”

Laughing loudly, Seyla shook her head and looked at Eli affectionately. "Oh, puppy..., it wasn't my business. It isn't as if Six and I are friends. We've spoken only because Reva values her," her words carried a mild dislike of Six under them, the root cause of it wasn't obvious.

Eli picked up on it immediately and his eyes narrowed. “So, you just let her go, knowing that? Without even telling Reva at least? So someone could warn her?” His hand clamped down on Chance’s, even as his anger was passed through their link.

Shrugging nonchalantly, Seyla frowned at his questions, “Do you think she’d have believed Reva if she’d taken that information to her? Look, Xerena was crazy then, is crazy now, and had been relegated to Romulus by Suresh. Coming back is a death sentence for her and she knows it. Everyone else who knew of her knew that, too. So far, the only thing saving her skin is that this Suresh, and Chance, you know this because your sister is Zeferino and she knows it, isn’t the old Suresh. For Orion’s sake, he hangs out with her and Hawke when they call on him. He’s a pansy.”

Chance glanced at Eli, Did you know that? That this isn’t the old Suresh? They sure treat him that way.

Eli shook his head slightly. If Oz and Li are involved, I don’t think it’s something anyone should know either. Then he looked back at Seyla. “Thanks for all the updates, Sey, and it’s been great to see you. We’re going to head home, I just wanted to unwind a little after work.”

“It was good to see you, Eli. You as well, Chance.” Seyla said and turned her attention to a would-be suitor as the boys left.

Once they were outside the bar, Eli began hurrying to the turbolift. “We aren’t going home, by the way.”

“I kinda figured that. But we don’t know where Six is,” Chance hurried alongside Eli.

“Well, if you were Six and your life just blew up, where would you go?” Eli smiled. “To Reva, where else?”

“Did you know that I adore smart men?,” Chance smiled and they boarded a turbolift.


Cadet JG Eli Ziyad
Stirred Up

Cadet JG Chance Conradi

Pot Stirrer


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