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The Truth Comes Home to Reva

Posted on Sat Oct 24th, 2015 @ 11:57pm by Ensign Reva Madhava & Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi & Robart & Lieutenant Riley Sukotav & Ensign Six of Ten & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Suresh & Desta

Mission: Further Challenges

“Hey,” entering her quarters, Reva saw that Riley was right where she’d left him: on the couch, beer in hand. “I start tomorrow... well, Cyrus is going to contact me tomorrow.”

“Excellent!” Riley left his beer on the table and stood to sweep her up in his arms. “So, how was it? Sit and tell me everything.” He returned to the sofa, pulling her into his lap.

Smiling, she shrugged and reveled in being close to him. Telling him of the conversation she’d had with the two men, she ended with, “They’re teaching one of Iggy’s children a Terran language, French. Too bad the UT doesn’t work on telepathy.” She left out telling him about her stop in a restroom, where she’d broken down and cried for a few minutes. Her fear had overwhelmed her at that point, even though she knew she had nothing to fear. “How’s our Shakespeare fan?”

“Fed and in bed asleep. It’s important that the little ones have a regular bedtime,” he joked, then his tone turned serious. “You did good. I’m proud of you.” He hugged her close once more.

Kissing him, she smiled. “Is Desta home yet?” She noticed a vase of flowers on the dining table.

“Yep, I’m here!” Desta had just emerged from her room, having heard Reva come home. “I wandered the Promenade today. Tomorrow, I’m having dinner with Xavier,” she beamed as she disappeared into the kitchen.

Reva looked at Riley, confused and amazed, “Did she just say she has a date tomorrow?”

Riley nodded. “Raj has suggested that she start doing some things on her own so she sorta jumped in and hit the Promenade.” He indicated the flowers. “While she was out, she ran into one of the security fellows that was on the Takei. He is taking her to Lao’s tomorrow night.”

Desta came back, carrying a glass of water. “Yup, Lao’s. Vic told me it’s a place I should try. This seemed like a good way to do that. Oh, I ran into Vic, too, Reva. He said we should go there one night. Could we?”

Nodding, Reva said, “Yeah, of course. Riley, will you go with us?” She knew he tended towards being a homebody.

“Certainly,” he answered. “The Nexus is definitely a place you need to see Des.” The door chime sounded and he looked up at Reva. “You want to get that?”

For a moment, her answer was ‘no’, but Reva shook it off and she clambered off his lap to go answer the door. “Hey you two! Come in,” she waved Eli and Chance into the room. “What brings you by?” Looking Eli over, she joked, “Eli, I suddenly feel underdressed.”

Eli laughed at her remark. “I worked tonight. I’m back to the early set at the club. Did you know they have made Vic a partner?” He pulled on Chance’s hand as they entered.

“Hey! That’s fantastic!” Reva smiled and rejoined Riley on the couch, sitting next to him rather than in his lap. “About time, too, isn’t it? He’s been there for ages.”

“Yeah,” Chance had noticed the redhead and smiled charmingly, “You must be Desta. I’m Chance, he’s Eli.”

Desta looked from one to the other. “I am Desta. Hi. Please, have a seat. Do you want anything to drink?”

“Nice to meet you Desta. No thanks, I’m good,” Eli answered, then glanced around. “Is Six here?”

“Six?” Reva frowned, shaking her head. “No, why would she be here?”

Chance rubbed his chin and answered, “Because she had a shock at home and ran off.”

“That’s putting it mildly,” Eli added. “We just heard and I’m a little concerned about her. You haven’t heard from her at all tonight?” His tone now was worried.

“No.” Now Reva was worried. “What sort of shock did she have?” Without thinking about it, she took Riley’s hand in hers.

“She walked in on Suresh in bed with his wife,” Chance said, looking concerned.

“What? But...,” Reva very nearly blurted out that Six is Suresh’s wife. Riley, tightening his hand on hers stopped her. “Wait... who is the wife?”

“Someone named Xerena,” Eli answered. “They’ve been married for years, according to Seyla.” He frowned at the mention of the Orion. “She knew and didn’t bother to warn Six apparently. So, Six walked in on them and then ran away. I figured this is the first place she would come.”

Quietly, Reva’s anger was boiling up. “Married, for years? That bastard,” she cursed Suresh. “It wasn’t on Seyla to inform Six - it was on Suresh!”

“Where else would Six have gone, if not here?” Desta asked. “What if she isn’t safe?”

Riley started to speak then his eyes widened. “Vic?” he suggested.

“I saw Vic at the Nexus not long ago... well, at the entrance. He wasn’t happy about something, but Six wasn’t with him,” Desta spoke up.

“What if ...what if Suresh went out and found her? Dragged her back home?” Reva stood, went to her room and came back a few moments later. She’d changed out of her uniform into jeans and a t-shirt; in one hand, she held her robot by one leg.

While Reva was changing, Chance said, “We haven’t asked the computer where she is; I don’t even know if the computer can find a civilian.”

“It could track her by species I suppose, but there may be more than one Halanan on this station and even so, it would take a while, given how many people are here.” Eli stopped as Reva reappeared. “Where are you going Reva?”

“To find Suresh,” she answered.

“Reva?” Riley was on his feet in an instant. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

“I’m sure it’s a bad idea,” she said, “But he might know where Six is.” She stopped and looked at Riley. “Will you come with me?”, her tone held a bit of desperation.

“I could but what if she shows up here?” he asked.

“Oh,” Reva hesitated. “Um. Maybe you could stay here, then? Call me if she shows up?”

“I will. Rekkar will be close by so don’t worry. Call me as soon as you know something?” He hugged her close and kissed her forehead. He didn’t delay her, however. He could read the fury whipping through her. “Go get ‘em.”

“Yes sir,” she smiled and turned to go. “If she’s there, I’ll let you know,” she told the room and left.

* Suresh’s *

“Suresh!” Reva had rung the doorbell, but she was impatient and knocked on the door. “Come on,” she grumbled.

It took a few seconds but finally the door opened. “What--? Oh, Reva. Hello. What brings you down here?” He seemed amazingly calm as he looked down at her.

Her anger took over and she shoved him back into the quarters, keeping a hand on his shirt. “Where is she, you bastard!? How could you do that to her? You say you love her but then go and have sex with... your wife, who you didn’t even tell Six about? What is wrong with you?”, she shouted at him.

Suresh blinked as he looked down at her and shook his head. “You have no idea what you’re yelling about, Reva.” He tried to keep his voice down. “You need to calm down for just a damn minute and listen to what I have to say. It was not what you think it was!”

“Really? So tell me what it was, then,” she growled, still holding his shirt and pushing him against the wall. She was tempted to read him but doubted he’d agree to that.

He wrapped his hands around her wrists so she wouldn’t slam him against the wall again. “I didn’t do it!” he growled back at her. “Do you really think I’d do that to her??”

“Yes! Yes, because you’re an ass and have been from the moment we met! She thinks you’re wonderful and all sorts of good things, but I see you - you believe it’s okay to own people, to claim them like property. You think nothing of how others feel,” she was on the edge of crying, both from anger and from frustration. “You’re just like Fisher.”

Suresh’s anger blazed at the accusation. “I am nothing like Fisher! Do you have any idea what lengths I have gone to to protect you and Riley?? Do you really know how much I love Six?” He stopped to take a breath. “I think it’s high time you knew…all of it!” He pulled her closer. “You’re touching me! Read me and see!”

The invitation surprised her but she took it. Shifting her grip, she put her hands around his neck and entered his thoughts, delved deep. Silence fell between them as she saw and felt things he’d seen and felt. His life in the other universe; the destruction of the Station there; the hunt for and killing of the old Suresh with Oralia, Li and Darwin. Surprise ran through her as she learned of his conversations with those same three, setting him up in the Pit. Then came the first glimpse of Six and a tumbling, sick feeling she recognized: falling in love; marrying Six; his fear and anger over nearly losing Six, at Riley for nearly killing Six. Before she broke contact, she saw Xerena and his worries about her; the way he’d felt as Xerena asked him to take her home; and, after Six’s discovery, his sense of violation.That hit home - it was a feeling she was well acquainted with lately. Gasping, she let go of him and sobbed. “Oh, gods....” Her anger drained away, leaving her sagging against Suresh.

He wrapped her in his arms and murmured softly, his words soothing. “We wanted you to know but were under orders,” he whispered. “Now, do you understand? All of it?” He stroked her back as he spoke and looked up, seeing Six peeking out from the bedroom. She held her finger to her lips, not wanting to break the moment for them.

Reva broke it, batting at Suresh’s hands as she backed away from him and looked behind her at Six. “You couldn’t have told me. As entwined as I was with Niro, he’d have known and then everyone in the Pit, on the Station, anywhere, would have known.” She looked sheepish, though also irritated; like most people, she didn’t like being wrong. “I’m sorry. I really did think you were... what you seemed to be. Six? You okay?”

“We’re working it out, yes,” she answered and emerged fully from the bedroom. “It was just an awful situation all the way around until Darwin got suspicious and began to dig a little deeper. It’s thanks to him and Vic that I found out the truth.” She took Reva’s hand in hers. “Niro was a concern, yes. You know how he likes to pry.”

“Yes, I do.” She shuddered. “I think he got a headful when I came back from Fisher’s ship. So... wait... Robart paid you for Riley. Oh,” she had reasoned it out even as she said that, “Because he doesn’t know and can’t know. You know that I can’t keep something like this from Riley, right?” And then she realized, she’d skimmed over Suresh’s conversation with Riley. “He knows already, doesn’t he?” She was a touch overwhelmed by the whole situation.

“Yes.” Suresh nodded. “Riley has known all along. He...was aware when I was first discovered after my return. He does not know about Six’s position however. That hasn’t gone past Security and Intel.” He motioned to the chair by the coffee table. “Would you like to sit down? You look like you need to.”

She nodded and took the seat offered. “So much for no secrets between us,” she commented dryly. “Not that I go looking for things in his head,” she assured them. “Six? You’re still Fleet?” Reva chuckled, truly pleased that her friend hadn’t given up everything to be with Suresh. “That’s fantastic!” She held out her hand for Six’s. “Oh, and you need to call Eli and Chance - they’re the ones who told me about Xerena. I think they’re now on the anti-Suresh bandwagon,” she found that funny, considering she was now not on that wagon.

Six took her hand as she sat by her on the end of the sofa. “They are catching up on the gossip late I gather?” She smiled a little. “I’ll get hold of them. There’s no harm in them knowing that a crazy woman claiming to be Suresh’s wife drugged him.”

Suresh joined Six on the sofa. “The woman’s claims aren’t real but the problems she’s caused certainly are. I was afraid I’d never have Six back again.”

“Knowing the truth, though,” Reva looked at Six, “I’m glad you’re supporting him.” She caught a hint of Six’s feelings. Glancing at their hands, she silently asked whether she could read Six. Getting the okay, she did and her brows rose slightly. “Oh. That image is awful, but realize that she’s the villain.” She didn’t mention Vic.

Six nodded. “She is and Gilroy’s given her a nice cell in the brig to stretch out in. Ray’s called already to arrange to speak to us about all this so they can proceed with the case.” She studied Reva’s face, wondering just how much she’d read. Now that Reva knew the whole story, it didn’t really matter.

“Good. You’ll know where she is, then. Does she have the old Suresh’s son here on the Station?”

“That’s just it, Reva,” Suresh answered. “Gilroy said there is no son. She apparently lied to Suresh when he killed her lover and then sent her off the station, knowing it was about the only thing that could save her miserable life.”

“Hmm. Well, can’t blame her for saving her own life,” Reva mused. She looked at Six and asked, “You’re okay, though? Being here?” Old habits die hard.

Six nodded. “I cannot be away from Suresh.” She rested her hand on his thigh. “Xerena did her best but it won’t work. We’ll be fine.”

He smiled and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, then kissed her temple. “We’re better than her vile plans. Count on that Reva.”

Where that scene might usually make Reva sneer with irritation, now she smiled, happy that her friend was really with someone who loved her more than anything else. “I should get home. Rekkar is outside and probably wondering what the hell is happening in here.”

“I’ll call the boys and let them know they can stop worrying.” Six smiled. “I’m glad you came down. You and I should get together tomorrow though. There’s some things we need to cover, now that you know all about this.”

“Let’s... I don’t know what my day will be like tomorrow,” Reva grinned suddenly, “I’m starting as an assistant to Professor Thorn, the Academy’s engineering professor.” That she was excited about that was obvious. “But maybe lunch?”

“Absolutely,” Six agreed. “Do the boys know yet?”

“Oh! I completely forgot to tell Eli when they came by. He mentioned you had had a shock and... well, I left.” Reva laughed. “Guess it’ll be a surprise whenever they come into class.”

“I’ll meet you at the Academy at lunchtime tomorrow then and we’ll get caught up.” A thought occurred to her and she snapped her fingers. “You and Riley. Next weekend. Go down to the planet, stay at the house if you want.”

“That’d be good. We need some time,” she nodded and stood. “Okay, I’ll let you two get to bed. G’night,” she leaned in to kiss Six’s cheek then turned and headed out the door.

* * *

Six watched as the doors closed behind Reva, then she turned back to Suresh. “I’m glad she knows now. It was getting tricky to keep it from her, especially with as much time as she and I spend in each other’s heads.”

“I’m sure Dae will let me have it once he finds out,” Suresh said, “But...,” he grinned at her, “It’s damned nice to not have her yelling at me for once.”

Six had to laugh at that. “Yes, it is. Don’t expect it in public though, or people will wonder. What this means is that now, she is part of the show I suppose.” Six shrugged, then her tone turned serious. “Now that we are home, and maybe won’t be disturbed again given the hour, should we….discuss all this?”

“Yes,” he nodded. “Let me first say, though, that I think I’ll enjoy verbally sparring with her more now than I did before.” He stood and went to the bar. “Something to drink as we discuss this?” He poured one for himself.

“Sure, whatever you’re having will be fine.” She watched him as he poured, enjoying seeing him doing something so relaxed and normal.

As he poured his whiskey, he spied a swirl of something near the bottom of the bottle. Suddenly suspicious, he said, “Um... nevermind, babe,” and took the drink he’d poured and the bottle to the recycler. He returned and did the same with the other bottles on the bar. He looked around the quarters at everything else, anything else that could have been tampered with. “And at least she let me invite her to read me,” he said of Reva. His sense of violation at Xerena’s hand was intense.

“We should clean out the kitchen too,” Six said, understanding what he was doing. “But later. Come. Sit.”

He did, sitting next to her and flopping into the sofa’s back cushions. “I don’t trust anything in here, Six. What if... oh my god... what if she left a listening device?”

“I’ll have Ed do a sweep in the morning, will that help?” She reached over to brush back a lock of his hair. I’ll take care of anything else that might be tainted so you won’t have to worry about any of it.” She continued to play her fingers through his hair gently. “What else can I do?”

“I’ve already scrubbed any tainted body parts... some areas so hard that they sting now. But that infernal lipstick stain is gone. How the hell do women get that off their lips?”, he rubbed her back absently.

“Kissing it off usually works.” She smiled back at him. “I mean….to put your mind at ease? Make up for doubting you? Tell me, then I have something to say to you too.”

Immediately, he was wary. What news could she have? “Just stay, Six. I get why you’d doubt me. It isn’t easy, but I get it.” He sighed. “This isn’t the life I want.”

“Which life do you mean?” Now it was her turn to be wary. “Me? Or the Pit?”

Disbelievingly, he stared at her a moment. “The Pit. Do you really think I don’t want you? Our life together?”

She smiled once more and then turned, slipping into his lap and sat facing him. “No I don’t.” She rested her hands on his shoulders and leaned closer. “But given what we’ve been through, I want to be damn sure I’m not misreading anything.”

“Hmm,” he grunted happily as she settled against him. “Now, your turn. What were you going to say?”

“Just that I want you to believe that I do love you. I chose you and that isn’t going to change. I feel awful for thinking the worst and it won’t happen again. I love you Suresh. More than even you may realize.” She leaned even closer. “I promise you that.”

Kissing her, he held her tightly. Finally, he broke the kiss and said, “I know. You came home instead of spending a night away. We’ll get through this.”

“We will. You needed me and I wanted you,” she whispered against his lips. “I could see how this was affecting you and I wanted to be here for you.”

“Let’s get to bed,” he said, “We can clear out the kitchen in the morning.”

* * *

A few paces from Suresh’s door, Reva nearly screamed when someone came from behind her and took her by the arm. Even as she realized the person was Robart, she started shaking. “Don’t ever do that again,” she admonished him.

“Forgive me, Cyllene. You are right, I should have approached from in front of you,” he said, his voice sounded oddly cultured compared to his skin. Thinking that, Reva realized she had her own prejudices about Orions.

“What is it?”, she asked him.

“Rekkar was concerned when you went into Suresh’s abode and did not come back out. He contacted me, asking me to come down here. Is everything copacetic?”

Before answering, she sighed and considered what had happened in Suresh’s and Six’s home. “Yeah... um. Things are good. I was there to see Six. You’ve heard what happened, right?”

He smiled, “Of course. It should not surprise either of us that Suresh has more than one woman in his bed. Men accustomed to power and wealth tend not to adhere to monogamy. Neither do women in that same situation. Your mother, as an example, has five marriages; your father is one of those.”

She couldn’t imagine sharing Riley - a change in her thinking from just a few weeks ago. “You’re another. So there are three others? Are they all alive?”

“Indeed. If they come here, you will meet them.”

“But... Europa’s been in prison for forever... well, since I was born, at least.”

“There have been times when she wasn’t, though those weren’t official releases,” he shrugged. “You have that option as well. You have taken Lt. Sukotav as a mate; he need not be the only one.”

She glanced at him, thinking that he sounded awfully logical about the whole thing. “I’m good with Riley and only Riley. Don’t go buying anyone else for me,” she said, smiling.

“I promise to buy only the ones you want. Riley was quite expensive, but if he makes you happy, worth it.”

If she hadn’t been able to read his emotions, she wouldn’t have known he was teasing her. “This thing with Six... it worries me. And makes me angry - that woman, Xerena! What she did is horrible, Robart.” She growled. “Ugh! She needs to just disappear and leave Six and Suresh alone!”

“Indeed,” Robart turned to look at her as they continued walking. “Do not worry, Cyllene, she will not worry them any longer.”

“Good. I start with the Academy tomorrow,” she told him. “Helping with the engineering classes.”

“Good,” he echoed her. “You need to be busy. A bored Orion woman is dangerous. To others and to herself.”

“I’ve already been there,” she replied.

“I know,” he reached out and put an arm around her shoulders, offering her comfort as he walked her home.

Lt. Riley Sukotav
Ensign Reva Madhava
Ensign Six of Ten
Cadet JG Eli Ziyad
Cadet JG Chance Conradi


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