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Deals with the Devil

Posted on Sat Nov 28th, 2015 @ 12:58am by Lieutenant Commander Gilroy & Lieutenant Commander Solis & Suresh & Lieutenant JG Quentin Dobry

Mission: Further Challenges

* Diplomatic Offices *

“We will consider it a personal favor if you comply. If you do not, there may be bigger issues to deal with.”

The face of the Romulan Ambassador Arvet looked back placidly at Dobry from the terminal. Dobry wanted to curse loudly but he bit back the words in favor of a polite smile. He refused to be strong-armed, however.

“You are aware, ambassador, that she drugged and assaulted a resident of this station against his will. Those are not light charges and Security is taking them very seriously. The fact that the resident in question is her ex-husband has no bearing on the case. Xerena did what she did and there is solid evidence as well as an eyewitness.” It was Dobry’s opinion that the ambassador didn’t need to know that the witness was Suresh’s current significant other who’d only seen them in bed and had no idea how they got there. “We cannot tolerate such abuses on this station.”

“That has everything to do with the case,” Arvet answered sternly. “You have no way to be sure that he wasn’t simply indulging in the pleasures of his former wife willingly and lied to cover himself with his new...whatever she is.”

“She is a former Starfleet officer in good standing, for your information. As for willingly, that would be a big no. The medical staff found the drug in his system and another witness who was present when she planned the whole escapade.” Dobry shrugged.

“I don’t care. There is no reason whatsoever she cannot be released pending trial. You have ways to assure she does not leave the station and if you prefer, that she stays away from Suresh and his pet.” Arvet frowned heavily. “See to it and I will see that nothing comes of your executive officer’s recent violation of the Neutral Zone. I’ll expect your answer in three hours. Arvet out.”

The screen went black and now, Dobry gave in to the urge to curse. Loudly. The door of his office opened and Aure’l looked in.

“Is there a problem Quentin?” she asked.

“”That’s putting it mildly. Please inform Lt. Gilroy I am on my way to speak with him. It’s something that can’t wait.” She withdrew and he took a moment to prepare for the meeting with Gilroy.

* Security *

Checking his uniform to ensure it was neat, unwrinkled and unstained, Gilroy looked in the mirror and re-tied the leather thong holding his hair back. He’d already received Aure’l’s message that Dobry was on his way and, knowing how fastidious Dobry was about appearances, he was preparing for that meeting. Moving back around behind Oz’s desk, he shuffled a few padds on the desk’s surface, read a new report on one and, when the door opened, stood. “Lieutenant Dobry, please, have a seat. What brings you here?”

Quentin sat down before the desk but it was obvious he wasn’t relaxed as he perched on the edge of the chair. “I wish this was just a casual visit. I’m going to warn you upfront you are not going to like it either. It concerns Xerena.”

The part-Klingon frowned. “Anything involving that woman or Suresh bothers me, Lieutenant. Could this wait till Commander Zeferino returns?”

“Only if she’s back in the next three hours,” Quentin replied. “I just finished a call with Ambassador Arvet - Romulan ambassador. He’s doing his best to twist my... well, our arms. He is demanding that Xerena be released pending trial.”

“Is he insane? Is he unaware of just what Xerena did? She assaulted and raped one of the Station’s residents. If she were male, would Arvet expect us to let him roam the Station while waiting for a trial?” Gilroy’s temper started to flare hotly and he fidgeted in his seat. “Did he put any restrictions on her release?”

“Oh I was clear on that point. He seems to think it will be easy to be sure she stays on the station and stays away from Suresh and as he put it. Though Six is gone, so that takes care of one of them. His little ace in the hole is his offer to keep quiet about Captain Hawke and her team’s breach of the neutral zone when they went after Suresh.”

“Hmmphf. It’s not as if Romulan hands are clean in that breach. It is unfortunate that we cannot deport the whole lot of them - Xerena, Suresh and his people,” Gilroy waved a hand in a dismissive gesture. “Or line them up for a firing squad.” He stopped, realizing he was saying some harsh things to a diplomat. He abruptly changed the subject, “How long has Kh’ali been gone? She and Commander Leroy have returned, correct?”

“Just yesterday, actually.” Quentin shifted in his seat. “I’d like to shoot Arvet to be honest, slimy bastard. As for Xerena, all he demanded was that she be released from the brig. Nothing says she can’t be sealed in her quarters.”

“Or tagged with an ankle bracelet. That’s my preference. We can track her everywhere she goes and set an alarm for if she gets within a hundred meters of Suresh or Six of Ten. It isn’t an ideal solution - that would involve an airlock - but it would keep Suresh and Six safe.” Gilroy used one of the padds to pull up Security’s protocols for ankle bracelets. “We can have her released in under an hour if we go that route.”

“And if she tries to leave the station?” Quentin asked. “What if a vessel tries to transport her out directly?”

“Ah... well... we could bar her from the docks. Some of the monitors can be set to interfere with transporters, but the others,” he shrugged. “Some technology can even bypass the interference from the monitors. If we think that’s a possibility and want to prevent it, we’d need to keep her in the Brig, in Intel or in one of the other safe spots on the Station.”

“My suggestion would be set up the one with interference but I didn’t get the idea that the ambassador wanted her home, just out of the brig. Then he won’t be breathing down our necks or starting an incident,” Quentin stated. “Do you really think she wants to go home?”

“I do not know what she wants, other than she thinks she has a son by Suresh and should be by Suresh’s side. With Six gone, Xerena might think this is an open invitation to go cozy up to Suresh. Likely, that’ll result in her encountering Patch and Farco.” Gilroy sighed and ran a hand over his face, pulling his eyebrows down. “That wouldn’t go over well. I’ll start the process to get her fitted with a bracelet, Lt. Dobry.”

“Good luck with that.” Quentin shook his head. “Will you warn Suresh? The last thing we need is for him to kill her before her trial, though between us, I wouldn’t blame him.”

“Yes, I’ll send an officer...,” he caught Dobry’s slight change in expression and, just barely keeping himself from rolling his eyes, changed what he planned, “I’ll go out and talk with Suresh to inform him that Xerena is being released because the Romulan Ambassador demands it.”

“More good news for him today, huh?” Quentin stood and rested his hands on the back of the chair. “I will inform AMbassador Arvet that she is being released, but limited to the station and braceleted in case he gets tempted to help her out. I don’t really expect that, though. I don’t think he likes her very much.”

“Does anyone?”, Gilroy asked.

“Ugh,” was Quentin’s opinion on Xerena. “I’ll get back to Arvet. Good luck in the pit.” He flashed a smile at Gilroy and hurried out.

* The Wormhole Bar *

The answer to Solis’ message to Suresh had come quickly and Solis was glad. They had a lot to talk about it seemed. He entered the Wormhole and was greeted by a welcoming shout from Jono. He waved as he passed on through, aiming for a table in the back. After all, Suresh had a reputation to uphold. The thought made Solis laugh. He could see the man already seated and he slipped into the chair across from him.

“Long time no see, Suresh.”

“Indeed. Since we came back from the Neutral Zone, I believe,” Suresh caught himself and smiled, “By ‘we’, of course I mean the lovely ladies, Li and Oralia, and my friend Darwin.”

Solis nodded. “I missed you when Six was being repaired after the stabbing but I’m happy she’s doing well. Present circumstances aside, that is.”

“I’m sure she’s doing fine. Darwin is there,” Suresh said. He was holding his anxiety at bay by relying on the idea that Darwin would ensure Six was safe, no matter what. Had he known Darwin had been out of commission, he would not be functional. “He’s probably kept a close eye on both Six and Julisa,” he assured Solis.

“Yeah, about that….” Solis frowned. “I just had a visit from Julisa’s mother and…” He decided to keep Julisa’s relationship to Admiral Hawke to himself for now. “And she’s recalled some things from that time, things that have changed since our team reached her Resistance camp. That’s where they 2360 on Bajor.”

“What do you mean ‘things have changed’?” Suresh leaned forward, frowning darkly at Solis.

“Things in Vedek Bajun’s past. Admiral Hawke was there at the time and he is recalling the events as well. At that time Julisa, my Julisa, was taken by the Cardassians to Gallitep. That year, Julisa was actually three years old and at that camp.”

“Taken by a Cardassian? Oh, the Occupation was still happening here during that time?” Suresh nodded. “Which means that Julisa is likely coming home damaged,” he commented insensitively. “I suppose you’ll just be happy she’s not dead.”

“It would last another nine years on Bajor, yes.” Solis waved the comment aside. “Damage I can fix. Too long dead I cannot, so I suppose you’re right. There’s more you should know, however.” He was not looking forward to this part.

Suresh caught how Solis’ demeanor had changed slightly; it put him on edge. “About Six? What did Vedek Bajun tell you? Is Six all right back then or did a Cardassian take her too? I’ll hunt the bastard down and kill him slowly,” he vowed.

“No, Six isn’t with the Cardassians as far as they know. But they do know Darwin was seriously injured.”

“Darwin was hurt?” Suresh was stricken by that; he sat back, clutching at his chest as if in pain. “Oh... that’s bad. That’s so bad. Who is looking out for Six?”

Solis almost laughed out loud at the question. The idea of a former Borg, who could likely lift Darwin and snap him like a twig needing protection amused him. However, given what he knew, he agreed Suresh was right to be concerned.

“That’s what I wanted to warn you about, actually.” Solis pursed his lips and then plunged in. “Niro is with them, as you know. Admiral Hawke recalled that Niro was….altering Six’s memories.”

“I’m going to kill him,” Suresh said venomously. “If he makes it back to this Station and this time, I’m going to kill him.” His attention flicked up towards the bar’s entrance for a moment and he swore. “Did you tell him, too?”

Gilroy paused just inside the bar’s doorway and looked around the establishment. He wasn’t actually looking for anyone - he’d already spied Suresh at the back table - but he was giving the Wormhole’s patrons a moment to take in his presence. He then started towards Suresh and a long-haired hippy-type. It was only as he drew closer and the long-haired one turned to look at him that he realized it was Solis. “Doctor... slumming it today, I see.”

“Hiya Gil.” Solis smiled up at the security officer. “Just commiserating with a fellow sufferer and worrying about our women. Misery loves company they say.”

“Has Kai gone missing, too, or are you just here to rub in your good fortune?” Suresh snarled at Gilroy.

“I’m here simply to inform you that your fortunes have not gotten any rosier: thanks to the Romulan Ambassador’s involvement, Xerena is being released. She will have a monitor on her and we have set the limits such that she must stay at least 100 meters from you,” Gilroy told Suresh.

“You’re a ray of golden sunshine in my life, Gilroy. Why couldn’t it have been you sucked back in time or whatever with Niro?” Suresh looked up at the man. “So... this woman who assaulted me is now out on her own as if she did nothing wrong? Where is Zeferino? I want to talk to her - this is unacceptable!”

“Oz isn’t available, Surie. You’ll have to wait till she comes back if you want to rant at her about this. Who you should rant at is the Romulan ambassador. He wasn’t watching out for you in this situation. If you want additional security from Xerena, I could arrange a room in the Brig for you,” Gilroy replied.

“At least she can’t come near you and she can’t get to Six right now,” Solis noted. “And it won’t be long till her trial will it Gil? Ray’s due for some fun.”

“Correct,” Gilroy confirmed.

Suresh, loaded with impotent anger, looked from one to the other and finally sighed. “Fine, but if she comes near me, I can’t guarantee she’ll walk away.”

Nodding, Gilroy replied, “That’s a risk. That’s all I came by to tell you, Suresh. Solis, I’m sorry to hear that Julisa is ...missing.” He knew she wasn’t really ‘missing’ so much as ‘misplaced in time’, but that was the best descriptor.

“They’ll get home, I have it on good authority.” He shot a glance at Suresh, hoping he wouldn’t mention the Niro issue yet. “Soon.”

“Soon,” Suresh echoed.

“Good, Solis. I’ll see you around,” Gilroy left that two and walked back out the way he’d come, eyes following him.

“When it rains it pours, huh?” Solis commented. “I know the story, don’t worry. If that woman has two brain cells left to run together, she’ll stay far away from you.”

“She’ll come around, I have no doubt,” Suresh said. “When she does, Patch and Farco will do their jobs. How far away, really, is ‘soon’?”

“I wish I knew.” Solis sighed aloud. “My best advice? Don’t let Xerena distract you from what’s more important.” He meant Niro obviously. “The last thing you want is to be locked up when he and Six return.”

“Of course. I’m not concerned about being locked up. Is there anything you need while Julisa is gone? Someone to distract you?”

“You mean Seyla’s stable?” Solis laughed shortly. “No thanks. I don’t do that any more than you do.”

“One of her stable, yes,” Suresh chuckled.

“But, since we’re here, how about a round or three? I’m on leave till this situation is resolved so I’m game if you are.” Solis grinned back at Suresh.

“Actually, I have a meeting to arrange. Feel free to be here, though, and I’ll return. Just be wary of any female Romulans offering drinks.”

“No shit. Good luck and see you later.” Solis shook Suresh’s hand, then rose and wandered off to the bar.

Suresh watched him go then stood and went off in his own direction.

Lieutenant (j.g.) Quentin Dobry
Ambassador Arvet
Lieutenant Gilroy
Lieutenant Solis


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